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About reminiscing2004

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    Kisaki's Errand Boy

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  1. Anyone have examples of bands that were way better in their later discography?? I feel like all of my favorite music is from the first half of an artist's career, even outside of VK.


    There are so many bands/artists that I even feel like I need to explicitly mention that I only like their old stuff in conversation, because they've gone from really great to really not great imo. Thoughts?

    1. saishuu


      my mind went blank on this for quite a few minutes. did a quick search in my folders and I think I'd say RENTRER EN SOI. I honestly think they ended at their peak, which is ridiculously rare to witness, especially in VK.

    2. Biopanda


      I'll probably take some flak for this but X JAPAN. At least in my opinion, their post-Jealousy stuff is WAY better than their pre-Jealousy stuff with Jealousy itself being a middleground.

    3. diryangrey


      mucc for sure for me, i like their older stuff but right around 2010 they got hella more interesting imho.
      Boris as well, for a non-vk answer; Flood and Feedbacker are masterpieces but aside from those i think their songwriting's just gone up from Pink on.

      not sure how popular either of those opinions are tho.

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