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    echo reacted to Alsdead14 in TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)   
    COOOOOOOl! YAY FOR KAMIKAZE :D. But haha, no prob for the report lol. Just telling what songs they played would be just enough for me  and also thanks for the disco! I'll make sure to check it out! But I think you already sent me what I was missing.
  2. Like
    echo got a reaction from Alsdead14 in TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)   
    @Alsdead14no problem! I'm glad you enjoyed it! ^^ of course I'm going to their first one man!! I'm leaving work early just to make it in time! LOL I'm also going to the 2nd one!! And okay I'll try to make a live report... my live reports suck though. It's usually like "THEY PLAYED SONGS AND IT WAS AWESOME" haahaha I'm gonna go see them on the 16th so I should be able to get KAMIKAZE when I go!! :DD
  3. Like
    echo reacted to Bear in Last movie you saw.   
    Finally got around to watch Captain America: Civil War and it didn't disappoint at all. OK, so it's not Winter Soldier all right. This is more straight-forward popcorn-action ala The Avengers, than the thiller that is Winter Soldier. But it was a tour de force of fun from A to Å, and I wasn't bored a second. Not once did I focus on anything else than the film. Some disappointing CGI throughout the film, but a lot of the action scenes as well as humour makes up for it. There's some very un-american martial arts scenes in this film, and a few of them aren't even close to being cut to death like they usually are. Was especially impressed with Black Widow for a few scenes. Badass!
    It doesn't have as much meat on its body as Winter Soldier, and simply lacks Winter Soldiers' depth. BUt it's all fun and entertaining. Great work!

    It's good to see that Marvel have finally started to hit the spot. Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Ant-Man and Captain America: Civil War are all great and I hope they can continue keeping this level intact. I do expect them to  do so with Doctor Strange, Black Panther and Ant-Man and the Wasp. I can't wait for the next Ant-Man film. It's gonna be so good!
    On top of that they've delivered with several series already. Agent Carter, Daredevil and Jessica Jones have been great, and my expectations towards Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Defenders and The Punisher is extremely high. Kinda looking forward to Damage Control too, even though I am afraid it'll ned of like the disappointing Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. We'll see.
  4. Like
    echo reacted to FlawlessSky in Show Yourself (again)   

  5. Like
    echo reacted to Mihenno in Show Yourself (again)   
    mike cheki

  6. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in SCAPEGOAT new maxi single "ラストシーン(last scene)" release   
    SCAPEGOAT new maxi single "ラストシーン(last scene)" will be released on 2016/11/16 (2 TYPE).

    TYPE A (1,620yen) will include CD+DVD (including "ハルカ・モノクロ(haruka monokuro)" PV & making)+booklet (8 pages), and TYPE B (1,296yen) will include CD only.

    [CD track list]
    01. ハルカ・モノクロ(haruka monokuro)
    02. phantom (included in TYPE B )
  7. Like
    echo reacted to Alsdead14 in TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)   
    Omg that picture lol. Thanks for the translation! I'm very happy to now the meaning of TRA TRA TRA. Also, nice interview, I wish I could see their first one-man, I really like their music, oh well =) You'll go, right? If possible, make a report! That would be AWESOME! And now, I really want to hear KAMIKAZE, just how they describe it, omg lol, I'm dying inside. Thanks again!  
  8. Like
    echo got a reaction from Yukimoto in TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)   
    haha omg I should try doing that... I srsly spend WAYYYY too much time on translations... I usually read the whole thing once, go back and translate it roughly, read the translation and make it sound more natural in English, then compare the completed translation back to the original Japanese to double check if the meaning is accurate *insert long spans of time just staring at it trying to remember English* I might have to switch to your style to retain my sanity as well lolol
    OMG LYRICS. I don't translate them often cos they literally kill me. I do a LOT of research and consult multiple native Japanese speakers to see what they think certain lyrics mean etc etc. and I try to make it accurate without footnotes butttt fuuuuhhhh haha
  9. Like
    echo got a reaction from Yukimoto in TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)   
    @hirokiThanks!! yeah they're really going with that theme. so much talk about "offense" and "attacks" and what not haha
    and omg RIGHT??? I don't think people understand the struggles of translating T^T I would seriously just sit there staring at my screen wondering how to make it sound natural, but still stay true to the original meaning in the Japanese uggghhhh I swear I forget how to English sometimes lolol
  10. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)   
    haha omg I should try doing that... I srsly spend WAYYYY too much time on translations... I usually read the whole thing once, go back and translate it roughly, read the translation and make it sound more natural in English, then compare the completed translation back to the original Japanese to double check if the meaning is accurate *insert long spans of time just staring at it trying to remember English* I might have to switch to your style to retain my sanity as well lolol
    OMG LYRICS. I don't translate them often cos they literally kill me. I do a LOT of research and consult multiple native Japanese speakers to see what they think certain lyrics mean etc etc. and I try to make it accurate without footnotes butttt fuuuuhhhh haha
  11. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)   
    yeah i totally feel you XD these days when i translate longass interviews i actually force myself to do it from my phone so that i don't spend too much time on them LOL. what i do is simply read the entire question or answer in the original, remember the gist of it, then type it out in english. i can't say if this works for other people, but i've managed to get reasonably fluent and accurate (though not perfect ofc) translations this way while retaining my sanity. i've also given up on translating lyrics because i can't do it without feeling like i've butchered the original lyrics somehow if i don't append 10 pages of footnotes
    hahaha cute <3
  12. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)   
    @hirokiThanks!! yeah they're really going with that theme. so much talk about "offense" and "attacks" and what not haha
    and omg RIGHT??? I don't think people understand the struggles of translating T^T I would seriously just sit there staring at my screen wondering how to make it sound natural, but still stay true to the original meaning in the Japanese uggghhhh I swear I forget how to English sometimes lolol
  13. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)   
    ^ interesting interview, thanks for translating! nice to know the origin of their band name haha
    and as an aside: i also hope that more people can appreciate how much time/effort it takes to translate these stuff in general.
  14. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)   
    I hope they appreciate how much work this shit takes T_T
    (I actually had to do some research for the meaning behind their name x_x)
    EvoL'v Special Interview: TRA TRA TRA
    I'll work on the last few LINE blog entries next :DD
  15. Like
    echo reacted to The Piass in MUCC new DVD and tribute album release !   
    MUCC has announced a new DVD (of their previous tour)  along with a tribute album . No more details for the moment.  
    Here is the list of what they plan to do  :
    1. ××××××
    2. 2017年春全国ツアー開催!
    3. ××××××
    4. ××××××
    5. 「孵化」ツアーDVD発売!
    6. 結成記念LIVE「家路」開催!
    7. ××××××
    8. ××××××
    9. ムックの日
    10. 20周年記念LIVE
    11./12. 哀ア痛葬
    13. ××××××
    14. 「殺シノ調べ」
    15. ××××××
    16. ××××××
    17. ××××××
    18. トリビュートアルバム発売!
    19. ××××××
    20. ××××××
    A live celebrating their 20 years will be held next year in 2017.06.
    A new website has been opened on the occassion of their 20 years.
    A new tour will begin on 2017.02.11 at 新潟LOTS and will end up on 2017.04.15 at Zepp DiverCity Tokyo.
  16. Like
    echo reacted to itsukoii in Youtubers React to Visual Kei   
    extras, in case anybody wanted to see em
  17. Like
    echo reacted to Yukimoto in NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST best album release & European live tour   
    UGH HIro<3 and the rest of yall are just banging.... probably the best look thus far<3.... I approve<3
    Cazqui is so BEAUTIFUL in this new look<3<3<3
  18. Like
    echo reacted to doombox in Youtubers React to Visual Kei   
    It feels really weird to see "Kpop was the new VK" sentiment to me. But I've been into both Kpop and VK for a good number of years now. The "hallyu/Korean wave" was an orchestrated push to get Kpop into the Japanese (and other foreign) market(s), so when a lot of VK (and J-pop, J-fashion, J-everything) fans got wind of it, they jumped into it following suit of a ton of Japanese fans. BoA, DBSK, and BIGBANG were all making major waves in Japan at that time so fans of Japanese music were all finding out about it. BIGBANG especially brought this into focus in the mid-00s when I think most of us witnessed the change happening. I swear GD's solo debut literally took over my social media to the point of me wanting to puke. This coupled with VK losing steam at that time could certainly make it appear as "the new VK" I guess, but it was just a new trend like everything else from where I was sitting. People naturally jumped from anime themes to VK  to Kpop. Even the VK bubble of popularity here (I can only speak from my American view point) was due in big part from bands like Nightmare becoming known from anime.  And if you time this along with that age group growing up and looking for more "acceptable" interests, Kpop can feel like a more adult/contemporary style of music. Just like going from adolescent fandoms, to rebellious teenage ones (does anyone else remember the emo kid/scene kids? They seemed to all magically disappear by the age of 25.), to ones in line with what is generally acceptable by society. The Korean wave was just at the right place at the right time for that generation of kids into Japanese stuff. Maybe this was even more prominent in Europe at this time because VK had a larger fandom by the sounds of the posts here? 
  19. Like
    echo reacted to ぺるしゃ猫 in Youtubers React to Visual Kei   
    Honestly imo you have to be a certain type of crazy to accept VK especially those indiefag bands lol I have vkei bandmen friends and they also say that most people that have their arms open to vk are crazy. I mean compare vk lyrics and visuals to kpop... Vk is and never was meant to be super popular.  
  20. Like
    echo reacted to Alsdead14 in TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)   
    Altighy then. I'm following this thread so I'll know when they will announce one or any pvs/mvs
  21. Like
    echo got a reaction from doombox in Youtubers React to Visual Kei   
    I agree with @doombox. Kpop is just easier for the average person to accept. Not just cos of its similarities with American pop/R&B, but it generally has good beats. I know a lot of dancers like kpop cos it just has good dance beats, whereas if you don't already like rock, there's very little chance of you getting into vk (although I was kind of opposite... somehow I went form rap and R&B to vk to rock/metal?? lolol) I was surprised when I went to visit some bboy friends and they were bumpin 2NE1 in their cypher haha 
    And yeah, vk seems to have more popularity in European countries than the Americas. But I think metal has a stronger presence in Europe as well so that's just consistency maybe?
    @peffylol yeah. Out of ALL the Gazette songs that are available... I wonder what made them choose THE INVISIBLE WALL o_O
  22. Like
    echo reacted to peffy in Youtubers React to Visual Kei   
    They probably picked Insanity Injection (and the horrifying clown face DADAROMA pv) because they wanted to get better reactions. 
    I doubt the goal was to get them interested in VK. The goal was to get them to make funny faces and make funny comments..
    (to that end, I'm more surprised they picked THE INVISIBLE WALL, which is a fairly bog-standard unremarkable GazettE song+pv, IMO)
  23. Like
    echo reacted to Chi in Youtubers React to Visual Kei   
    there are two dudes on youtube i know who have been reacting to vk and jrock in general in some videos
    the first dude just reacts to whatever people send to him it seems, meanwhile the 2nd dude does a bit of research on google and reacts to 2~3 videos(he already reacted to a bunch of other bands). i think it's really cool that they do this.
  24. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in FoLLoW   
    HAHAH sorry i just had to share this..
    this was taken at their cheki session at ZL's instore. junsei was like 'can you hug me pls?' and masashi replied 'ok sure, i'll do it from behind!' and junsei was like 'omg nonono i can't...' XDDDDD
  25. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)   
    that song you linked me is nice! i promise i'll get round to listening to their later releases soon
    yeah i'm looking forward to seeing some PVs as well. both Re:born and Re:light didn't have PVs but there were studio-based pseudo-PVs, which were pretty fun to watch too ^^
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