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    echo reacted to hiroki in Blesscode will disband + best-of release !   
    Ok last post here probably (sorry not sorry)
    masaya's blog post today:
  2. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in Blesscode will disband + best-of release !   
    Setlist of their last live:


    i will fucking love them forever.
  3. Like
    echo got a reaction from returnal in CLear   
    Here's the setlist for CLear's shusai live the other other night!

    I wish more people loved them too T_T
    Their set was like one song longer than all the other bands because of the encore, but it felt SO SHORT T_T I can't believe how quickly it went by haha
    I was really happy that a good amount of ppl stayed! I was kind of worried cos it was REX and that live house is so depressing when there aren't enough ppl for a set haha
    Ryota lost the lyrics a few times in some of the songs… or like his voice got stuck? Not sure. Something weird happened haha but it's okay <3 He recovered really quickly anyway. And he's really fucking good at directing the crowd like telling them which furi is next and what not and doing it in a way that he doesn't lose the lyrics and the timing is good so you know what to do and when to do it like it's actually really hard to do? I've gone to lives where the vocalist is like trying to direct but it's too soon or too late and it's kind of confusing haha
    Also, I hope they release Mousou Closet on CD soon!!! I really like it!!
    And omg they did a part change for Dearest! After Mousou Closet, Ryota turned around and Kai gave him his guitar and I was like wait what? And Kai sang!! HE'S FUCKING ADORABLE! And can actually sing quite well? But he's so shy! Like he looked kinda embarrassed sometimes and was giggling to himself lolol
    And Ryota was playing guitar!! He even did the guitar solo!! <3333333333333
    On the oritatami part Kai was yelling "ORI-TA-TA-MI" spaced out like how Ryota would do it and they both exchanged a look and laughed haha omg I fucking love them <333333333 And one of the parts where we sway back and forth Kai was swaying like how he does in the furi videos… go watch them so you know what I'm talking about. He does it in a very Kai way. Haha <3
    But yeah, apparently it was their first part change so they were pretty proud of that <3
    I FUCKING LOVE SURROUND. I have no idea why I love this song so much. But I fucking love it. I love the sound. I love the lyrics. I just love it. This is the only song that I actually kind of know the lyrics and Ryota def fucked up the lyrics a few times? Lololol but like it's kind of amazing cos if you don't know the lyrics, there's no way you'd have known? Like he prob knows when he fucks up the lyrics, but like you can't see it on his face at all. He sings it with 100% confidence. <3
    After Surround they walked off stage and I was kind of surprised cos it felt so short, but I mean. It's a taiban so yeah. Of course it's kinda short, but still. So we all yelled their names and then it went kinda quiet before Wataru and Tsukimi walked off and Tsukimi was like "WHY ARE YOU SO QUIET ALL OF A SUDDEN????" so everyone laughed and like the Tsukimi gya yelled for him hahaha <3333
    There was a pretty sad encore call… like only the saizen?? I did a little but kinda felt embarrassed a while yelling from the third row by myself haha. The girl next to me looked at me like "I want to yell with you but I'm so embarrassed????" haha <3
    Before the encore started a screen rolled down and they payed a video of Ryota and Kai basically thanking ppl for coming to the shusai and whatnot and it ended with the group photo of their new look. Maybe I'm biased af (I'm definitely biased af) but I really fucking like it??? Like Kai looks so good!!! I mean, his new look doesn't really fit his personality, but fuck. He looks so good? Haha <33333 Tsukimi looks kinda meh to me. He's really obsessed with that ridiculous hair but that's fine. It matches his personality lolol <3
    They played Yume Utsutsu for the encore! I GOT TO USE THE PEN LIGHT STICK THING THAT I BOUGHT! I WAS SO EMBARRASSED BUT IT WAS SO FUN Plus Yume Utsutsu was composed by Ryota! And he wrote the lyrics!! So <333333333333333333 I definitely need to go buy the acoustic version haha
    Oh and during one of the songs Ryota accidentally punched Kai in the face cos they were both standing on the vocalist box haha and he kinda looked up at Kai while he was singing like "omg I'm so sorry!! Lolz?" hahaha Kai just laughed haha They're so close! They were like near each other all night like on the vocalist box or Ryota would go over to shimote and like put his arm around Kai etc <3 I LOVE THAT THEY LOVE EACH OTHER
    It was over WAY TOO SOON! T_T
    After their set was stasuei! I took two pics with Ryota and one with Kai <3 I asked Ryota if there was a pose he liked and he was like "hm.. Oharyo pose!" lolol <3
    I hope more people come to their lives and fall in love with them! I really really love this band!!!

  4. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in CLear   
    ^ omg i want to like your post 1000000000000000000000000 times! T_______________T
    KAIKAIKAIKAIKAI <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 i still cannot believe he DM'd me @__________@
    can they pls do a oneman soon or something???
  5. Like
    echo reacted to Mihenno in new band "LAVANS" has formed   
    omg fuck me up
  6. Like
    echo reacted to chemicalpictures in new band "LAVANS" has formed   
    that's some really interesting preview!
  7. Like
    echo reacted to Kathy in new band "LAVANS" has formed   
    They sound really good, I'll keep an eye on them 
  8. Like
    echo reacted to Jiyo in new band "LAVANS" has formed   
    Glad for XIX-nineteen- to finally go out from the shadow.
    They deserve more attention.
  9. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in CLear   
    Here's the setlist for CLear's shusai live the other other night!

    I wish more people loved them too T_T
    Their set was like one song longer than all the other bands because of the encore, but it felt SO SHORT T_T I can't believe how quickly it went by haha
    I was really happy that a good amount of ppl stayed! I was kind of worried cos it was REX and that live house is so depressing when there aren't enough ppl for a set haha
    Ryota lost the lyrics a few times in some of the songs… or like his voice got stuck? Not sure. Something weird happened haha but it's okay <3 He recovered really quickly anyway. And he's really fucking good at directing the crowd like telling them which furi is next and what not and doing it in a way that he doesn't lose the lyrics and the timing is good so you know what to do and when to do it like it's actually really hard to do? I've gone to lives where the vocalist is like trying to direct but it's too soon or too late and it's kind of confusing haha
    Also, I hope they release Mousou Closet on CD soon!!! I really like it!!
    And omg they did a part change for Dearest! After Mousou Closet, Ryota turned around and Kai gave him his guitar and I was like wait what? And Kai sang!! HE'S FUCKING ADORABLE! And can actually sing quite well? But he's so shy! Like he looked kinda embarrassed sometimes and was giggling to himself lolol
    And Ryota was playing guitar!! He even did the guitar solo!! <3333333333333
    On the oritatami part Kai was yelling "ORI-TA-TA-MI" spaced out like how Ryota would do it and they both exchanged a look and laughed haha omg I fucking love them <333333333 And one of the parts where we sway back and forth Kai was swaying like how he does in the furi videos… go watch them so you know what I'm talking about. He does it in a very Kai way. Haha <3
    But yeah, apparently it was their first part change so they were pretty proud of that <3
    I FUCKING LOVE SURROUND. I have no idea why I love this song so much. But I fucking love it. I love the sound. I love the lyrics. I just love it. This is the only song that I actually kind of know the lyrics and Ryota def fucked up the lyrics a few times? Lololol but like it's kind of amazing cos if you don't know the lyrics, there's no way you'd have known? Like he prob knows when he fucks up the lyrics, but like you can't see it on his face at all. He sings it with 100% confidence. <3
    After Surround they walked off stage and I was kind of surprised cos it felt so short, but I mean. It's a taiban so yeah. Of course it's kinda short, but still. So we all yelled their names and then it went kinda quiet before Wataru and Tsukimi walked off and Tsukimi was like "WHY ARE YOU SO QUIET ALL OF A SUDDEN????" so everyone laughed and like the Tsukimi gya yelled for him hahaha <3333
    There was a pretty sad encore call… like only the saizen?? I did a little but kinda felt embarrassed a while yelling from the third row by myself haha. The girl next to me looked at me like "I want to yell with you but I'm so embarrassed????" haha <3
    Before the encore started a screen rolled down and they payed a video of Ryota and Kai basically thanking ppl for coming to the shusai and whatnot and it ended with the group photo of their new look. Maybe I'm biased af (I'm definitely biased af) but I really fucking like it??? Like Kai looks so good!!! I mean, his new look doesn't really fit his personality, but fuck. He looks so good? Haha <33333 Tsukimi looks kinda meh to me. He's really obsessed with that ridiculous hair but that's fine. It matches his personality lolol <3
    They played Yume Utsutsu for the encore! I GOT TO USE THE PEN LIGHT STICK THING THAT I BOUGHT! I WAS SO EMBARRASSED BUT IT WAS SO FUN Plus Yume Utsutsu was composed by Ryota! And he wrote the lyrics!! So <333333333333333333 I definitely need to go buy the acoustic version haha
    Oh and during one of the songs Ryota accidentally punched Kai in the face cos they were both standing on the vocalist box haha and he kinda looked up at Kai while he was singing like "omg I'm so sorry!! Lolz?" hahaha Kai just laughed haha They're so close! They were like near each other all night like on the vocalist box or Ryota would go over to shimote and like put his arm around Kai etc <3 I LOVE THAT THEY LOVE EACH OTHER
    It was over WAY TOO SOON! T_T
    After their set was stasuei! I took two pics with Ryota and one with Kai <3 I asked Ryota if there was a pose he liked and he was like "hm.. Oharyo pose!" lolol <3
    I hope more people come to their lives and fall in love with them! I really really love this band!!!

  10. Like
    echo got a reaction from Mihenno in new band "LAVANS" has formed   
    I just saw them tonight!! They're really good!! Tonight was XIX-nineteen-'s first shusai and before the encore, a screen came down and played that video in the first post. When it got to the part that announced that nineteen would be disbanding and I momentarily freaked out until it said that LAVANS would be forming haha I hope more people like this band!!
  11. Like
    echo got a reaction from returnal in new band "LAVANS" has formed   
    I just saw them tonight!! They're really good!! Tonight was XIX-nineteen-'s first shusai and before the encore, a screen came down and played that video in the first post. When it got to the part that announced that nineteen would be disbanding and I momentarily freaked out until it said that LAVANS would be forming haha I hope more people like this band!!
  12. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in new band "LAVANS" has formed   
    i've been following XIX-nineteen- for a while and they're really good!!! hopefully they can get more fans as LAVANS  will def continue supporting them <333
    edit: btw their CD "LOVELESS" will be released nationwide on 6/14.
  13. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in new band "LAVANS" has formed   
    I just saw them tonight!! They're really good!! Tonight was XIX-nineteen-'s first shusai and before the encore, a screen came down and played that video in the first post. When it got to the part that announced that nineteen would be disbanding and I momentarily freaked out until it said that LAVANS would be forming haha I hope more people like this band!!
  14. Like
    echo reacted to Takato in new band "LAVANS" has formed   
    New Band LAVANS has formed. They will release their first Single, "LOVELESS", on June 6.
    Vo. NANA
    Ba. こうすけ
    Gt. 玲
    Gt. ナツ
    Dr. isamu
    You can also listen a preview here: 

  15. Like
    echo reacted to Yukimoto in Reign to release 2 new Releases   
    As part of a 3 release campaign including "Gray," Reign will release 2 more releases on {2017.06.07] and [2017.09.20]!!!!!! They have a new look which was previously shown on their last thread, but here it is again!


  16. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in Blesscode will disband + best-of release !   
    just a heads up!
    V Star Promotion will be giving out a bonus item that's personally signed by BLESSCODE members with your name if you purchase at least 5000 yen of BLESSCODE CDs/goods from the webshop:
    offer ends tomorrow so have a look!
  17. Like
  18. Like
    echo got a reaction from returnal in CLear   
    CLear played at SheepSleep's Takashi's birthday shusai tonight! I totally missed their set, but went anyway.
    Here's their setlist:

    Their next live is Ryota and Kai's birthday shusai on 4/24 @ Shibuya REX!
    Pictures from tonight!
  19. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)   
    TRA had another instore tonight at Like an Edison! Their theme was their regular clothes and no makeup! I wasn't able to go tonight, but my friend said it was fun! Apparently they did some kind of drawing game and the fans voted on who drew the worst (Hiroki lost each time it seems lol) and the last contest was drawing each other. They each drew the person to their left. Hiroki drew Omi, Omi drew Ryo and Ryo drew Hiroki. The loser would have to change their twitter default to their drawing haha. For some reason it was decided that Ryo would have to change his picture (everyone just wanted to see that one I guess? lol) Anyway, sounds like the the instore was a lot of fun!!! I hope more people go to their future instores!

  20. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in CLear   
    WATAROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
  21. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in CLear   
    CLear played at SheepSleep's Takashi's birthday shusai tonight! I totally missed their set, but went anyway.
    Here's their setlist:

    Their next live is Ryota and Kai's birthday shusai on 4/24 @ Shibuya REX!
    Pictures from tonight!
  22. Like
    echo reacted to appl- in LONDBOY guitar RIO arrested   
    I hope he will be back soon.
  23. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in LONDBOY guitar RIO arrested   
    wouldn't the simpler explanation be that it's a clear-cut case of harassment, and Rio went to the police to attempt to get the girl to stop circulating the contents and/or have them removed? (the phrasing in the blog was "[The girl with whom I was involved] started exposing photos from the time we were together. The police launched investigations when I consulted them on this matter, which led to this incident.")
    so it wasn't the case that Rio felt compelled to go to the police to "turn himself in" for something that he knew would be eventually exposed in a bid to get a more lenient sentence (at least, nothing in the information we currently have is indicative of this scenario). if the information about the fake ID is correct, he wouldn't have been aware that he had flouted the law in the first place since he thought the girl was of legal age.
  24. Like
    echo reacted to Alkaloid in LEZARD new single "真夏の純情とRevolution (manatsu no junjou to Revolution)" release   
    LEZARD new single will be released at 2017/7/26, although further details have not been announced.

  25. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in LONDBOY guitar RIO arrested   
    That's true, but I doubt the messages/photos were anything that drastic. I mean the girl had already spread stuff on the internet. And since the police were involved, I would assume they took a look at the messages/photos in question and didn't consider them to be harmful to the girl or Rio probably wouldn't have been released. Or maybe I'm missing your point? Do you mean that you think he should divulge the messages/photos to the general public? If so, I think I just disagree with that. If you're simply wondering why he got the police involved in the first place, I stick by what I said in my previous post. Rio's an entertainer and things can get crazy when fans get a hold of private information, regardless of what that information is. Plus, he's a VK guy and most VK guys don't like to show themselves w/o makeup/their hair done etc. and they generally don't like to divulge too much personal info so it could've been as simple as that. I mean if you look at their profiles on their home pages, basically they only tell you their name, birthday, blood type and what brands they like lol. So I mean, they obviously want to keep as much personal information to themselves as they can?
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