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Everything posted by ぺるしゃ猫

  1. ぺるしゃ猫

    NAH MAN visual kei is still A++++ I've been into VK since 2006, and I barely listened to new bands since 2010-2015 (because I mostly just listened to Moran/Fatima/bands I knew from before) And this year I started listening to a ton of new bands, and they are awesome. It's different when you can actually go to lives in Japan and see bands often because that's what keeps you in the scene. Unfortunately most people living outside of Japan can't experience that and lose interest. Yeah, maybe some bands are not musically so great but who cares if their lives are fun right? That's a big chunk of visual kei, you know, the visual part and the live performance part? Like others have mentioned before, VK is only interesting if you want to find new bands and make an effort. And I'm not the type of person that says "This is good and this is bad" because I love trash kei. I pretty much went off topic but those are my thoughts. It's easy for people to say "visual kei sucks nowadays" when they aren't deep in the *current* scene
  2. ぺるしゃ猫

    And everything else I listed is... No? LOL
  3. ぺるしゃ猫

    No I'm not in Japan for that But I love DEZERT and their lives are really really fun so if I could go, I would go to that one live for sure.
  4. ぺるしゃ猫

    Mostly bills and saving But sometimes I splurge on my hair or cosmetic procedures or clothes/shoes/makeup or my nails and a bit on food/alcohol
  5. ぺるしゃ猫

    I'd go to this for sure
  6. ぺるしゃ猫

    X Japan didn't start VK (minus hide) idc what anyone says no one actually sounds like X while everyone sounds like bands that were around during the time like DEAD END or D'ERLANGER lol I actually bring this up frequently
  7. ぺるしゃ猫

    A lot of this stuff is true (as someone familiar to bangya culture due to having many foreign and Japanese bangya friends) but it's different for each band, really. I feel like they are just getting one perspective though; they should have interviewed multiple bangya for a better picture. Visual kei is wild though, what do you expect from this type of music?
  8. ぺるしゃ猫

    I did! I didn't even know you liked them until now!! LOL LMAOOOOO I was actually trying to hide from him because I knew I was DRUNK AF and didn't want to make a fool out of myself.. But it happened lolol He beat their asses with a fan? I'd laugh and cry LOL You're the best comedian LOL Ohh I need to buy some of their music, I didn't get a chance to in November but next time I see them live (hopefully) I can buy something because I haven't seen anyone selling their stuff anywhere!
  9. ぺるしゃ猫

    I honestly hate myself because I got into them after being to Japan twice when they had a show and didn't go. Hope they'll still be together next year when I go back. They are one of my top bands and I love them so much, I listen to them erry day. Musou is the jam of life and so is BOUTIQUE BEELZEBUB
  10. ぺるしゃ猫

    YES omg it was a hilarious experience because I was wasted AF and I was the first one in the crowd who he used the rope on so I wasn't expecting it. haha Oh yeah Shellmy is good too. I think xaa-xaa are talented but I haven't had chance to listen to them thoroughly, but I will some time soon
  11. ぺるしゃ猫

    This topic makes me hate my life and I wanna go to every show Hitomi is LIFE
  12. ぺるしゃ猫

    My band would be called 2visual2gei I'd be the tambourine player
  13. ぺるしゃ猫

    d.i.a (my #1 fav) MA*RS DaTuRa Skinny Lip Yumetenbo gal as fuq 5ever
  14. ぺるしゃ猫

    Biggest wtf for me was when Soan bitched about Moran not becoming famuz and then he breaks them up and he just does projects now. Like what was the point even? Any Moran fans up in hurr pls correct me if I got the wrong info And sidenote Manew getting arrested still makes me laugh loool the amount of $ i spent at Velu ya'll...
  15. zig my zag ziggyzaggy

  16. ぺるしゃ猫

    And this is why I only like Tokyo and Nagoya bands atm minus ziggyzaggy but maybe it's because my zag got zigged
  17. ぺるしゃ猫

    I... I bought a ticket to see GazettE live does that count? If not then I bought a DISGUST cheki back in November at their buppan after one of their shows, and it was of their vocalist man I don't even know where it went to be honest LOL
  18. ぺるしゃ猫

    I'm totally going to listen to and compare these songs!
  19. ぺるしゃ猫

    Thank you and hello to you too!
  20. ぺるしゃ猫

    Thank you! @anakuro Hello papa bear @Delkmiroph Thank you!! @KomorebiThanks I know I will hehe
  21. ぺるしゃ猫

    Madeth Gray'll I really don't like it lol
  22. ぺるしゃ猫

    You guys should compare Viored's III Addiction's Child to Dir en grey's umbrella LOL I have heard some bands have similar sounding choruses eg. JUDE by RENTRER EN SOI and Empty Room by Sadie
  23. ぺるしゃ猫

  24. ぺるしゃ猫

    My name is Persia~ I'm 22 years old and I'm from Toronto! I like Moran (RIP) and THE GALLO and DEZERT and a bunch of do-minor bands that just disbanded and some old people like DEAD END and D'ERLANGER
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