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Everything posted by Hakari

  1. Hakari

    Inquisition ain't even that good
  2. Hakari

    GB and GBA back in the day were awesome, so i may have to go with them. But consoles for sure as of late
  3. Hakari

    BlackPink - Whistle
  4. Picking back up by Japanese lessons. Holy crap I have forgotten so much

    1. Biopanda


      I gotta do this soon as well, but I've been slacking and putting it off x_x

  5. Hakari

    Kyo sounds like he is going to kill himself
  6. Really? I hope this isn't even competition. Maximum The Hormone is one of the bast bands to come out of Japan in the last decade.
  7. Hakari

    I might actually pay attention to the news section now.
  8. Hakari

    New YG group BLACKPINK killing it.
  9. Hakari

    I have way to much free time today
  10. Hakari

    Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay.
  11. Getting a little stoked on this. New look looks dope
  12. Hakari

    If this is true...VERY good news
  13. Hakari

    So perfect
  14. Still waiting on that Juka comeback. Believe folks...believe
  15. Hakari

    I am american. Therefore I must like football.
  16. Hakari

    That just killed me
  17. Hizaki has always fared better on his own, so potential new project from this I'm hoping
  18. Hakari

    I have a feeling I am gonna like this. Not sure why, but maybe...just maybe
  19. Hakari

    MUCC are cool. I guess.
  20. Everyones working on their life goals and Im just here waiting for the new Deviloof mini.

    1. itsukoii


      you're not alone

  21. Hakari

    All this racism crap is driving me nuts. People can't say anything nowadays.
  22. Hakari

    I love Mystery/Horror/Crime novels so right now im digging away at The Bone Mans Daughter by Ted Dekker. Really good so far. Ted Dekker is fantastic
  23. Lovely! I used to have family who lived in Honolulu and I visited frequently. Absolutely beautiful.
  24. Hakari

    The Gazette - Malum
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