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Everything posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Update: I have cleaned up and added to the rules section to make it clearer to understand.
  2. So I came across this really crappy fanfic I made a year ago. It's funny, but poorly written. I imagined the Kuroyuri members as stars on this really fucked up version of Dora the Explorer and made this xD. It's more of a TV script if anything. https://www.wattpad.com/235649502-karasuna-mei-morbid-explorer-episode-1-aokigahara
  3. So it's Daisuke's birthday (I totally forgot... ripepperoni), however due to timezones and the fact he has fans overseas, that lasts 2 days technically. So happy birthday, Daisuke!
  4. Discuss lyrics here. Anything that catches your eye, translations, etc.
  5. Himeaimichu

    I think he's sorry for both girls, and the baby. I mean, if I were in that situation, I'd be going "I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY!!!". Knowing though he specifically says "that girl", though, I think he mostly means the girl he cheated on
  6. Himeaimichu

    Well, it's generally believed that the Apple is the forbidden fruit (but when the bible was translated into English, Apple referred to any fruit, but that's just an irrelevant fact) but also, fruits in general have symbolism of fertility. To "bear fruit" means to be pregnant. However, he is eating the fruit. Which could lead to a more, um, controversial topic, if you know what I mean. So we could go as far to say as he got her pregnant, and she got rid of the baby, which really turns the story on its head. The crime he spoke of could also be adultry, since that's considered a crime in many parts of the world. The fact he's in a bed with a mannequin also denotes some symbolism. Mannequins are known for being lifeless, having no purpose. Kinda similar to how prostitutes are seen. Perhaps he could have slept with a prostitute? Not only that, but traditionally, in Japan, if a prostitute does get pregnant, they usually get rid of the baby.
  7. Himeaimichu

    Thanks! The lyrics seem kind of, from the heart. Like as if it was based off on a past experience he had. Did Daisuke ever talk about why he wrote the song in interviews or something?
  8. Himeaimichu

    I found an English Translation for Yuugure no Shazai, but the only one I could find was of the DOG in the PWO cover, so, IDK how accurate to the original it is, but:
  9. So here are some rules. Please abide by them. 1. Please be nice to eachother. Don't insult eachother, or be mean to eachother. I don't ask you act in any specific manner, just be sweet to eachother. 2. Be respectful to the bands. Don't say mean stuff about the bands, don't post nudes of the bandmen. You can give a negative opinion, but don't say it in a condescending way. i.e "I personally don't like Sleep my Dear and I feel they're generic." rather than "I fucking hate Sleep my Dear. Anyone who doesn't agree is just a fucking fag." 3. Any posts made should have [CLUB] in the title. i.e "[CLUB] La'mule" 4. Don't be a snob. You are free to express your opinion, but don't put someone down because you don't agree with them. Not everyone likes Baiser. 5. If you have any questions, ask @AimiGen7 or @sakurakurakura
  10. Post any photos or Fanart here!
  11. That is a good idea. Thanks!
  12. Ok, I just discovered this about the club topics:

    They appear in the normal "topics" section of the main page

    So it's probably best to denote that it's club related so no one gets confused

  13. Himeaimichu

    I've created a club for the band, if anyone wants to join ^^
  14. Any news about the band goes here
  15. Here are some basic ground rules. We don't ask of much, since we trust you to have basic courtesy. 1. Please be nice to eachother! I don't ask that you act in a specific way, but no insulting others, or any toxic behavior. Please be respectful to the other club-members, and especially the owners. 2. Be respectful to the band. Don't post member's home addresses, or nude photos or shit like that. Especially don't post pictures of the band members that you wouldn't want posted if you were in their place. 3. If you have any questions, ask @AimiGen7 or @sakurakurakura You can ask here in the thread, or by private message, or on the spot in a post. It doesn't matter. We are willing to answer any question you have! 4. No Elitism. You can express a negative opinion, but don't insult anyone for having a different opinion. However, if there is anything you don't like about the band, feel free to say it! We don't judge 5. Any posts made in the club must have [CLUB] in the title. If you forget, don't worry, the mods will handle it. Rules will be updated when needed.
  16. Can any of the staff help explain how the club-related topics work? 

    1. suji


      (lol typo) *depending on what the owner has set for the club.

    2. CAT5


      The staff is still figuring out how clubs work too, so we'll probably make an announcement or something about them soon.

    3. Himeaimichu


      @CAT5 From what I've seen, they kinda function as mini-forums. 

    4. Show next comments  135 more
  17. Nousatsu from Deadly Sanctuary gives off Vasalla vibes. But there is also some Lamiel vibes too

  18. Himeaimichu

    Kuro has full Tattoo sleeves now and omg they look so good.
  19. Himeaimichu

    I like to play Fumikiri Shoujo while driving in the summer. It's so upbeat despite being quite dark (ahh but non-Japanese speakers won't know)
  20. Himeaimichu

    Welcome to the forum. I remember Batsu back when I first got into Vkei but I never signed up for it xD. Of course, I believe it was already dead then.
  21. Himeaimichu

    NOT CLICC BAIT *Thumbnail has red arrow pointing to literally nothing with a picture of the uploader with an "omg" face*
  22. Himeaimichu

  23. Himeaimichu

  24. Just tried Dimlim for the first time, and I got to say, even though I'm not really into Br00tal bands, Dimlim is REALLY good. I haven't seen such instrumental in a newer band. The staccato notes are clean and cut of clearly. Though the growls could be better, the clean vocals are on point and wowed me. I will definitely be on the look for more stuff from these guys

  25. Himeaimichu

    To me, Xaa Xaa's Doushaburi no Kanojo sounds reminiscent of Kuroyume's "Under...", which in turn, gives off vibes similar to Spellbound by Siouxsie and the Banshees (Mostly due to the powerful and aggressive use of Acoustic Guitar~) I'm not entirely sure Siouxsie influenced this specific Kuroyume song, but Siouxsie did have a very big influence on VisualKei, especially on the makeup. In fact, a lot of Kiyoharu's early makeup styles are similar to that of Siouxsie's. Plus, a lot of 90's Vkei has it's roots in Gothic Rock in general. Though I have no doubt the Xaa Xaa song is definitely Kuroyume inspired. The composition just sounds very... 90's-y. It's something that's hard to explain into words. It's something you really just have to listen to. Under... itself is a very important 90's Vkei song. The electric guitar lines, both chorused and distorted, would become elements in almost every other 90's Vkei song, and it's distinct sound still resonates in Vkei to this day.
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