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Status Updates posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Wait, is that a Shamisen I am hearing in Madeth Gray'll's "Kuroshichou no Hanataba"? There is one part where it oddly sounds like a Shamisen is playing

  2. OMG the MH flyer though xD

  3. There are Vkei bands named D, S and M.

    The only thing missing is a B...

  4. I swear I've heard the Koto melody in the beginning of Rui by Kiryu somewhere. I think in a Michio Miyagi piece?

  5. I can see Raison D'etre by Dir En Grey being put on Pornhub with the title "Skinny girl is tortured by Trap while music plays"

  6. GossiP's new EP has got me listening to The Stray Cats again,

    BTW if you don't know who Stray Cats are, you're missing out on a lot. They were a rockabilly group that were popular in out of all decades the 80's. Also they were really popular in Japan, and even hold an influence on Vkei. 


  7. I cry when angels deserve to die,

    Except that wheel within a wheel within a wheel with eyes all over it. Go to hell, stuff of nightmares. 

  8. Mei's screams have gotten more Kyo-like. I hope that's just a one time thing. I liked his earlier Jonathan Davis-esque screams.

    I guess though they wouldn't fit with the sound of Kuroyuri's new single, which seems to have more Vulgar era Dir En Grey influence.

    Then again though, this is the lowest he growled since Fuyu Shogun

  9. I'm convinced Mei has forgotten his promise to upload that Kuroyuri live

  10. I wish there were better pictures of Dir En Grey's look for 1999 Osaka-jou hall/Myaku. There are very few pictures and in all, Kyo's hair isn't the same as in concert/music video

  11. I wish there was a proper live DVD of one of the concerts on Dir En Grey's 2000-2001 Macabre tour
    The live documentary is so low quality and barely any songs are full length

  12. IDK if I'm having false memories or something, but I swear there used to be a video on youtube of Dir En Grey preforming Schwein No Isu in Osaka in 1999 (Not during the Osaka Jo hall concert though). Kyo wasn't wearing the red outfit from Osaka Jo hall though, he was wearing a doctor suit. Does anyone remember what I'm talking about? Or am I just recalling false memories?

  13. I think I see where Mei (Kuroyuri to Kage) got his "Whine vocals" from xD


  14. I wish a happy 420 to my Guitar teacher, who is a medical marijuana advocate, but has no access to it and has cancer, and has to have all these chemo and radiation treatments.

    I hope he won't be too physically impaired and that all the lengthy treatments go well... He's the best guitar teacher out there, and is the epitome of open minded, patience, and an all around lover of Rock N' Roll

  15. Reframing by Raddock is one of the full on Visual Dj0nt songs out there xD

  16. Kuroyuri to Kage's new single is the heaviest stuff they put out since. I may actually do a review of the single. But first, I may do a review of Memento Mori's first album since that one is really special to me

  17. Ok, who approved of this PV? And is there a version without all the acting?

    Also, LITERALLY one of the gayest things to come from the 90's xD


  18. Ironically, in this pic, Yukika looks like middle school me, but with blonde hair and corpse paint. Haircut and clothes are accurate tho. 

    *Cringes at both Yukika and my old self*


  19. I attempted to eat a pear, 

    and even my sinuses were feeling like hell. 

    Safe to say, I'll be knocked out from 2 Benadryl tablets 

  20. RIP Hide. A true inspiration you are, helping start the Vkei movement with Saver Tiger, challenging Japan's conservative society, and inspiring many to begin playing guitar and singing. 

    May you be playing guitar wherever you ended up. You were a true gift

  21. My mother screwed me over and told me just now.. ohhh I'm fucking angry and feel betrayed

  22. And I just got another idea related to my last one: Make a custom PV for Dir en Grey's remake of Karma, by using footage from the two PVs for the old version (including footage from the other Kaede ~If Trans~ Pvs that were used in the original) old live footage from Mousou Kakugaigeki, and that one scene from Reiketsu Nariseba. 

  23. Just started watching Seth et Holth and not 3 minutes in and Hide is licking Tusk's eye...

    What the actual fuck? I was expecting a psychadelic film, not an eroguro film

  24. Legend has it, Desiigner's parents are still waiting on his first words. 

    Legend also has it, Lil Yachty secretly was once barney, and now has an eternal head cold and is addicted to anaesthetics. 

  25. Anyone remember Sex Android's attempt at an Enka song? 

    I always wondered, what that song was about. Ironically, Yu-dai isn't horribly failing at Enka vocals, that's just his natural voice xD. 



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