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Posts posted by Axius

  1. The day this dude screams in any of his songs is the day ill be 1000 years old. 99.9% of his songs could be much better with screaming involved. Glad for this disband to be honest i feel as tho the vocalist can move to better things then meidara although ill give credit to them. I'll miss this bands style it was Awesome as hell.

  2. On 3/8/2019 at 12:22 AM, Tokage said:

    legit misread the title as 'shit boy' when i saw it in the sidebar

    Me too holy sht XD


    Also koichi is slowly breaking my heart from every single day he is in this project

  3. Loved the show in new york. It was so good. My fav was surprisingly cockroach. The energy in this particular live pretty good. There was a lot of people who traveled quite a distance to see them at this venue in which i was surprised about. Shout out to anyone who was there. :rawk:


    As a side note this live actually made me get into The ninth album just a bit more. There were some songs in the album i was like meh to but hearing them live for the first time it changed my mind.

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