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Posts posted by haido

  1. Wow, finally DIAURA has their own thread too!


    I've been listening since... I accidentally watched their PV of Shitsuyoku no seiiki around 2013 - the first version of it. And while travelling in Japan found out that they had  a remake of the song/pv as well.


    The band really has their own unique world and yo-ka's voice is amazing. Their lives are also very catchy and intensive! Enigma & Gekkou were not my favorite singles though, but My Resistance was awesome! As yo-ka said in one of their interviews: "The best DIAURA so far". My other favorite albums/songs from them are Silent Majority, DICTATOR and Sirius.

  2. Ah, finally got time to follow DDRM again! Actually the latest "Zouka to Kalashnikov" is everything I've been waiting from them! They finally got out of the circus theme -- for a while at least.  I really need to admit that I was almost giving up for them... But now I'm happy, the ballad suits them and has as strong impact as "Oboreru sakana" in my opinion~

  3. I've been seeing quite many bands in few country (Finland, Germany, Japan) but I'm going to mention only few of the most memorable gigs~


    2008.03.10 -- DIO distraugt overlord 1st EU Tour @ Nosturi  (Finland, Helsinki)

    It was cold evening and some light snow falling on us who were waiting the gig to start. There weren't too many people there (less than 40 I guess) even as the show began but the atmosphere of the live was amazing. The band was so energetic and audience was excited.


    2014.08.29 -- D, Tsuki no sakazuki Tour Final @ AKASAKA BLITZ (Japan, Tokyo)

    Damn, I went happily to the venue and a bit excited about "big" announcement the band was going to make back then. As the moment came, whole audience was silent and still while ASAGI stood on the stage (only him to be seen, the other bandoman weren't under the lights) and started to tell about the band going to hiatus for x-time. It was hard to see him trying to tell something this hard for him. Terrible cries rose from the audiece and some of the fans even fainted.


    2015.12.16 -- DIAURA, Route of Infection Tour @ Ebisu LIQUIDROOM (Japan, Tokyo)

    At first as the show was starting the whole venue went black, but suddenly there was a silver screen on the wall and DIAURA's newest PV "black sheep under the shallow sleep" was shown for us. As the PV ended the band came on to the stage and played the song by themselves to us. The atmosphere of the live was intense and excited. One of the most beautiful moments was as suddenly the lights dimmed and one single round light above yo-ka's head shone to the audience as he started to sing the first part of "SIRIUS" without the other members playing their instruments.


    And of course the feeling/sight as you see the whole audience making furi. Everytime. In every gig.

  4. Oh, interesting question!


    Generally I would recommend... Hm, something nice/famous from different eras (and of course something that goes with my music taste - that is mostly vk).


    My recommendations would be: BUCK-TICK (they used to be quite the first ones in visual kei, but aren't that much anymore and they have been doing/trying so many different music styles), Malice Mizer (who wouldn't recommend them?), GACKT (because he's legend itself and his music is  quite easy to listen), DIAURA (well, they're doing quite well and have quite clear & interesting concept) and maybe D (because ASAGI's singing technique and  their appearance with beautiful clothes/songs).

  5. I really need to admit that I didn't like NokuBura at first when I heard them... Because of the western influences. But after I saw them once live in one stylish wave two years ago the band really got me.  Now I'm really planning to go to see them on their EU tour - even they're skipping my country.

  6. Too bad, I don't know most of the artists or their songs from your list ^^'


    1. Queen of the Damned (movie soundtrack) - Forsaken

    2. GACKT - Future

    3. DIAURA - RUIN

    4. MEJIBRAY - メサイア (mesaia)

    5. D - Dark wings

    6. DIAURA - Menace

    7. MORRIGAN - Devil Parede

    8. MORRIGAN - Everlasting

    9. MEJIBRAY - DECADANCE -Counting Goats if I can't be yours-

    10. Kingdom hearts (soundtrack) - Dearly Beloved


    Wow,  DECADANCE is one of my over the top favorites. I just love how the music kicks in from the beginning and the energy lasts until the end.

  7. In my opinion "no-pictures" is a good thing. All the J-rock gigs/event's I've been in different countries (EU, Japan) has been having the same policy. Many times in EU I've been sadly seen the audience still taking pictures/video during the show despite the "no-photo" announcements before the gig and signs in the venue and it really makes me sad. After all, if you take the picture now you might never look back it again...


    Nowadays it just feels that people are living through their smartphones and everyone is just concentrating to take pictures instead of the live itself. And for the artist... I guess "no-photos" is their asking and they're asking audience/fans to respect this. Band is selling photos that really look good and  are clear. It's part of their merchandise too - that'show they earn their money. If I was the performer on the stage I wouldn't want my pictures taken during the show by audience 'cause of the bad angles, sweating (sometimes that much that the make-up melts away) and the show itself that is going on.


    And if you're in the VK gig you should be busy headbanging or making furi's XD

  8. DDRM was for me love at first sight/song as I listened Oboreru sakana . After that they had few good songs (SEX!, MONEY, Ame no waltz and Lucid Dream) but as Akaricchi said they're now resembling Pentagon with their circus themes (and I'm not even listening Pentagon almost at all).


    I saw them live on last winter and they really we're good, I loved the atmosphere and their energy on the stage.... But I really hope they aren't going to be too similiar to Pentagon and would make that heavier stuff again.

  9. I'm not "expecting" them to disband... But let's say I'm not surprised if MEJIBRAY would.


    After all it seems that they've been less and less active lately, and that their music has been repeating itself for some time. And that one of their singles/tour were named THE END... or not to be.

  10. I need to answer this! I'm happy that this many people are discussing on this topic.


    I've also been wondering this suddenchange for a while. Few years ago I used to have many friends listening VK but something happened & k-pop came. Most of my VK listening friends suddenly changed completely to listen only k-pop. It really seems weird for me because I knew that usually those persons weren't listening that much pop-ish music at all.


    Why can't people just listen both genres at the same time? That I'd understand... But suddenly changing one genre of music/abandoning it and start to listencompletely different one? Hm. For me, I really don't get k-pop. Meh.

  11. I'm haido from Finland. I've been visiting this forum for a while and finally decided to join here.  So shortly a bit about me! ^^


    I've been listening vk for ~10 years and my favorites are DIAURA, D, MEJIBRAY and DADAROMA. I started as a hc - Malice Mizer & Moi dx Mois fan. Vk music and fashion are great points of interest for me. Joining to this forum I wish to get to know more people interested in visual-kei -- since it seems that way too many people have stopped listening it. 

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