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Status Updates posted by crossparallel

  1. Does anyone have recommendations for albums with a similar mood / sonic palette to Aoki Yutaka's Lost in Forest? It's the only music I can think of that doesn't annoy me at the moment, and I will need music to keep me company at home.

    1. Kiyoharu is God

      Kiyoharu is God

      Maybe world's end girlfriend?



    2. CAT5


      ^ Seconded.


      You might also want to look into the works of Arai Tasuku. Similar stuff:


      @crossparallel - I'm assuming since you know of Aoki Yutaka, you also know about downy, yeah? If not, definitely check them out. Highly recommended and all of their albums are on spotify

    3. crossparallel


      @Kiyoharu is God @CAT5 Thank you so much! I think these will do perfectly.

      I do know downy! Though I haven't gone through all their albums yet. They are incredible, but feel a bit overwhelming for me now.

  2. Hey, just a heads up - noticed yesterday that Japanese translation on Google Translate suddenly makes much more sense than usual. Looking this up, turns out they switched to a new translation approach based on neural networks for French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Turkish, and other languages will follow. [Seems to work only on translate.google.com and their app for now, the “translate page” option in Chrome is still the usual mess]. Still far from perfect, but go give it a try!

    1. Komorebi


      Which will lead to more professional translators unemployed. Thank you, Google, for making people believe machines can tell apart the subtleties of languages.

      *Is still going to check it out*

    2. crossparallel


      Well I am planning on enrolling in Japanese studies, this will also get to me in a few years. But in many situations people don't care about subtleties, and anyway technology will run its course, it was only a matter of time until it got to intellectual labor. Not there yet, but I'm optimistic about advances in AI. No point pretending, I'm really cheering for Google. 

  3. Anyone so nice to tell me what "ハウって" would mean?

    Context is

    LIPHLICH lyrics.

    1. crossparallel


      @DarkWaterThank you! <3 Extremely helpful.

  4. the amount of new music I'm excited for now is mind boggling.

  5. A friend created a discord for BUCK-TICK fans, here's your invitation:

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