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    itsukoii reacted to Suuu in Deviloof   
    I will see what I can do!
    on a side note I did record and process the entirety on HERO = MURDER 
    but I think Twitter has a limit so it was cut short
  2. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Suuu in Deviloof   
    Unfourtunatly it didn't end up happening.
  3. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Suuu in Deviloof   
    Trying to get tereko at a visual kei live could risk getting a person kicked out.
    but if you search Instagram or Twitter you can sometimes find live Deviloof recordings from their more metal based concerts.
    However in the future I will try to do more recordings like the recording I did of HERO = MURDER filmed at the countdown live 
  4. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from platy in random thoughts thread   
    so i picked up belly dancing and went to my first class with my friends tonight. and, oddly enough, i love it??? i'm the most nonathletic person on this earth, i hate sports, exercise, everything, but wow. belly dancing is so easy and so much fun. i'm only in the beginner class so that may be why but you know what!!! at least i'm getting off of my ass and enjoying it
  5. Like
    itsukoii reacted to shiroihana in random thoughts thread   
    Very nice, nothing is better than trying something out and it turns out you end up really enjoying it. Very much props to you and keep it up.
    I made a pizza today and I made it from whole ground wheat berries. The crust was a bit tough but it was very flavorful, a much healthier alternative to the typical pizza crusts made purely of purely processed white flour. I used the six cheese ragu sauce and a generous amount of part skim mozzarella and it was very delicious. Next time I'll probably add a nice helping of cooked veggies on top for more flavor and health benefits yey. 
  6. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from shiroihana in random thoughts thread   
    so i picked up belly dancing and went to my first class with my friends tonight. and, oddly enough, i love it??? i'm the most nonathletic person on this earth, i hate sports, exercise, everything, but wow. belly dancing is so easy and so much fun. i'm only in the beginner class so that may be why but you know what!!! at least i'm getting off of my ass and enjoying it
  7. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from suji in random thoughts thread   
    so i picked up belly dancing and went to my first class with my friends tonight. and, oddly enough, i love it??? i'm the most nonathletic person on this earth, i hate sports, exercise, everything, but wow. belly dancing is so easy and so much fun. i'm only in the beginner class so that may be why but you know what!!! at least i'm getting off of my ass and enjoying it
  8. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from YuyoDrift in What did you dream about last night?   
    so i was at school. and i guess all of the classes of my grade were being taught the same lesson/unit. and u know how schools sometimes hire guest speakers to give presentations based on the thing that students are learning,
    well. my school thought it'd be a good idea to get ruki of the gazette to 'present' to the school, even though i really don't think he had any relevance to what the students were learning because all he did was come into the gym and start singing lmfao
    he started singing undying (which i was really happy about) and then he stopped singing that when he got like a verse in, took a break for ten minutes (and for some reason a bunch of students started crowding around him to build like, a shield??? like they were protecting him as his bodyguards??? idk but honestly i'm pretty sure that's why ruki stopped singing, to gain that shield of 15 year old bodyguards).
    he started singing again soon after, but it was a song i didn't even know so i stopped paying attention. and then i woke up.
    but the funniest part of this dream was the fact that ruki was like 350 pounds and looked like a total cheap pimp....... and he wore a white fedora. i'm still laughing at how stupid that whole ordeal was. wow
  9. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from suji in What did you dream about last night?   
    so i was at school. and i guess all of the classes of my grade were being taught the same lesson/unit. and u know how schools sometimes hire guest speakers to give presentations based on the thing that students are learning,
    well. my school thought it'd be a good idea to get ruki of the gazette to 'present' to the school, even though i really don't think he had any relevance to what the students were learning because all he did was come into the gym and start singing lmfao
    he started singing undying (which i was really happy about) and then he stopped singing that when he got like a verse in, took a break for ten minutes (and for some reason a bunch of students started crowding around him to build like, a shield??? like they were protecting him as his bodyguards??? idk but honestly i'm pretty sure that's why ruki stopped singing, to gain that shield of 15 year old bodyguards).
    he started singing again soon after, but it was a song i didn't even know so i stopped paying attention. and then i woke up.
    but the funniest part of this dream was the fact that ruki was like 350 pounds and looked like a total cheap pimp....... and he wore a white fedora. i'm still laughing at how stupid that whole ordeal was. wow
  10. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Euronymous in Deviloof   
    if Ray has as much potential as Suuu says he does, then i completely support him in becoming an official member.
    and on another note, as much as i love Ryuya oh so much, i don't think he contributed much to the band while he was in it? so having a person like Ray take over his spot might be really good for Deviloof
  11. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Aferni in Show Yourself (again)   
  12. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Suuu in Deviloof   
    I personally am a huge supporter of Ray.
    I have known him for a year now as he has been support guitarist for another band I work with and in that time he has consistently proven himself to be extremely hard working and vastly talented.
    His vocal work is also quite good, and is improving, so that is a extra bonus.
    In my opinion Deviloof will be very lucky to get him if he does eventually join full time.
    I know Ryuya was and still is very popular in the fanbase, but everyone please welcome Ray as well <3
  13. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Suuu in Deviloof   
    I still haven't heard many details about the album as of yet.
    Bus I do know some work has started on it, I have already checked and twerked some English lyrics.

    From my perspective, Deviloof is still growing as a band, I expect them to try a few new things in the album but I think they will still maintain the same intensity they are known for throughout it all.

    But I am sure it will be another great release.
  14. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Hakari in Deviloof   
    I love the brutal artwork! All good points. 14 tracks would be killer hoping we get at least 8-10 new songs. I really hope they keep doing what they do, heavy vk is my thing and love it and having a band that actually can stack other heavy bands in the us and Europe is awesome. I am pumped to hear any possible new vocal abilities. Excited to see how they progress for the next little bit. 
  15. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Mamo in Deviloof   
    no way in hell would deviloof go soft on their album, i can tell you that. they've taken pride in being the heaviest vk band, so i really can't see them steering away from their roots.
    as @sume7mentioned, yeah, i don't think they'll change their music direction in any way on the new album, unless they're playing with different elements of metal and vocal styles.
    so far, i've loved everything that deviloof have put out. and their full album will not leave me disappointed, i can already tell.
  16. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Hakari in Deviloof   
    no way in hell would deviloof go soft on their album, i can tell you that. they've taken pride in being the heaviest vk band, so i really can't see them steering away from their roots.
    as @sume7mentioned, yeah, i don't think they'll change their music direction in any way on the new album, unless they're playing with different elements of metal and vocal styles.
    so far, i've loved everything that deviloof have put out. and their full album will not leave me disappointed, i can already tell.
  17. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Bear in random thoughts thread   
    Here's what I do not like to do on mondays, and even less on the first day school is back to regular after most of the kids have been on/had a vacation: having to clean up an insane amount of piss from the floor, a chair and up the table legs. And I mean, it was A LOT. From the amount of piss out on the floor and shit I am sure he's not had a piss for a week. Jesus.Fucking.Christ.
    What hapened though was that my little friend, an autistic boy, was back at school after a week off. And that's hard, because changes ain't too easy to handle in situations like this. His father struggled to get him up and into the classroom to begin with, but after a while it went really good and we did lots of work and shit. Way more than usual. Then came the break and time for some food. He wanted to eat along in his room which he usually does, and is allowed to do. I checked in on him 2-3 times during the first 20 minutes. Then I finnished my food and went back to look at him and there he stands: pants and underwear around his ankle's and a river of urin all over the place.
    I'm leaning back to the table behind me, looking in the window and struggling not to break into laughter by covering my mouth with my hand. Because it's a hilarious scene no matter how fucking wrong it is.
    He then pulls his pants back up and looks at me through the door-window, laughs, then starts to threaten to step into it. Of course, he doesn't do this and is actually far from doing it. He just wants me to give him a reaction, wich I do not. The teacher gets something to clean with and we both step into the room, ready to clean it up with him. What does he do? He fucking steps in it and I am not joking. He steps into the piss. Holy shit. Have to get his socks off and then the cleaning starts. Who knew piss could be this fucking awful? Mainly because of the amount, and the fact that it was everywhere.
    Monday's, man. It ain't easy. Cleaning rivers of pee ain't funny. But life is fairly good, and this kid is actually amazing. Funny little boy with lots of love towards others, even though he's got a weird way of showing it at times. But that comes with autism I guess.
  18. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Euronymous in Deviloof   
    no way in hell would deviloof go soft on their album, i can tell you that. they've taken pride in being the heaviest vk band, so i really can't see them steering away from their roots.
    as @sume7mentioned, yeah, i don't think they'll change their music direction in any way on the new album, unless they're playing with different elements of metal and vocal styles.
    so far, i've loved everything that deviloof have put out. and their full album will not leave me disappointed, i can already tell.
  19. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Hakari in Deviloof   
    I know Ryuya left the band supposedly for musical differences in regards to moving forward. What direction do you think their new album will take them? Are we gonna get a similar sound to their mini or maybe some new elements of...?
    Also curious to see how many new tracks are on this. Hoping for a new single to.
  20. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Mamo in Deviloof   
    All of this man.  *Points up* But honestly I doubt they will do anything new with their sound except may more types of harsh vocals such as pig squeals, and deep gutturals. But other than that, I wouldn't expect anything different. Although personally I would prefer this because they are no doubt the heaviest and most brutal vk band by far. And I do mean of all time, I know because heavy vk is the majority of what I listen to and have listened to for years. So I don't mind their current direction at all and I would love to see more of the same.
    And yes I want a new single and more details on that album as well.
  21. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from suzura in New Year's Resolutions   
    i want to regain interest in some of the hobbies i've completely dropped (drawing, guitar, learning japanese) and stop being such a lazy shit who doesn't get anything done, yet is constantly feeling sorry for herself, but doesn't do anything to change it
  22. Thanks
    itsukoii got a reaction from nightwish666999666 in Deviloof   
    I figured it was time to finally make a topic for these guys. The one and only most extreme and violent visual kei band!
    Members are, from left to right:
    Seiya, the guitarist (Twitter, Instagram)
    Daiki, the bassist (Twitter, Instagram)
    Keisuke, the vocalist (no social media)
    Hiroto, the drummer (Twitter, Instagram)
    (unfortunately guitarist Ryuya departed from Deviloof on October 22nd, 2016)
    Since debuting in 2015, Deviloof have released one single, Ruin, a live-limited single, Ishtar, and a mini-album, Purge. A full album is planned for 2017, although no details have been announced yet.
  23. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from CAT5 in New Year's Resolutions   
    i want to regain interest in some of the hobbies i've completely dropped (drawing, guitar, learning japanese) and stop being such a lazy shit who doesn't get anything done, yet is constantly feeling sorry for herself, but doesn't do anything to change it
  24. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from suji in New Year's Resolutions   
    i want to regain interest in some of the hobbies i've completely dropped (drawing, guitar, learning japanese) and stop being such a lazy shit who doesn't get anything done, yet is constantly feeling sorry for herself, but doesn't do anything to change it
  25. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Suuu in Deviloof new mini album "PURGE" release   
    Ray is a busy boy!
    he plays support in another band as well, and also does vocals in his own band.
    he is very talented and hard working, I personally would like to see him become a official member.
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