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Everything posted by rvrgf

  1. Neat. I haven't really kept up with MEJIBRAY for a while, maybe a year or so. For people who have followed them more closely I can see how a singles collection is kinda pointless but for me it's actually quite a good way to get back into them.
  2. Really excited for more music from them, they've been really great so far.
  3. rvrgf

    I like it! Notably, there's quite a bit of room for improvement, in my opinion at any rate, but even despite that they sound pretty solid. Definitely a band to keep on my radar.
  4. I always like LEZARD musically but I couldn't really get too much into their music because lime's voice just didn't click with me, hopefully a new vocalist lets me get more into them. I'm also curious to see how lime's departure will impact their sound, if it has any impact at all. Looking forward to it.
  5. rvrgf

    I'm curious as to what it'll actually sound like. There's a really noticeable stylistic discrepancy between Nameless and the entirety of "Can you feel this kisses?" so it's kind of difficult to guess what new stuff from them will actually sound like. I'm assuming it'll probably sound more like the style from "Can you feel this kisses?" though, which is fine with me as I really, really liked that whole mini album.
  6. rvrgf

    Personally I didn't actually like ARI all that much, I actually think it's been their weakest release as SHIVA. Not that it was bad, I just liked their other releases more. Still, they've grown to be one of my favourite bands ever at this point so news of new stuff is very exciting, I'm really looking forward to it.
  7. rvrgf

    Personally I liked the preview, but it's not the sort of thing I'd actively listen to.
  8. rvrgf

    That's really disappointing. I kind of stopped paying as much attention to them from when they went on hiatus up until now, but I used to really, really like them, so even if it doesn't directly affect me much it's still pretty sad to see them disband.
  9. rvrgf

    Their ridiculous obsessions with hyphens kind of bothers me but I really like their music, I'm excited for it.
  10. Can't wait. Also I really, really like that look.
  11. rvrgf

    Well that's disappointing, though I can't say I hadn't sorta been expecting it since they lost 2 members.
  12. It's really good to see those 3 in the one band again, I'm really excited to hear more from them.
  13. rvrgf

    I liked both songs, but I would say MASK was the more interesting one.
  14. rvrgf

    Yeah, I can't really see them getting that many people to show up. Which is kind of disappointing, I did like them, although they were far from being a favourite of mine or anything.
  15. rvrgf

    Wow, that's... quite a voice. I do like it, however, but mostly I just like their look. Their name also reminds me of IX -Nine-, though it might just be coincidence.
  16. rvrgf

    Neat. I wasn't too huge a fan of their earlier releases but their most recent was really good, I'm excited to hear more from them.
  17. rvrgf

    I hope this doesn't affect the band too much, they're really good.
  18. rvrgf

    The song itself wasn't really what I expected it to be, but I quite liked it. I'll have to keep them on my radar now.
  19. rvrgf

    Interesting. I was always interested in hearing more from this band, but I guess it slipped my mind because I never got around to looking more into them. I'll probably get this album when it comes out.
  20. rvrgf

    I like it, 'growls' and all.
  21. rvrgf

    The demo sounds like it has a lot of elements but none of them really mesh well, be it by composition or mixing issues. To my ear, at any rate. Personally I like it but I doubt most others will feel the same.
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