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Everything posted by rvrgf

  1. rvrgf

    Damn, wasn't Seiya one of their main composers? I can't imagine they can just carry on like normal with him gone. I hope they can find some new members soon.
  2. Sounds great! What's not so great, though, is the whole 'live-limited' thing. Boo. Also I don't know if that eye picture is supposed to be the cover for the single or what (I would assume it is), but it's literally the exact same eye picture used for the cover of BLESS THIS MESS' mini-album [blind Circus.], so I guess it's just a stock image or something
  3. Both singles are listed on CDJapan now! Links: Kage Shiki It's kind of annoying because I already preordered them elsewhere and it's a little more expensive than it would've been getting them from CDJapan, but at least they're on there now.
  4. I was actually recently wondering what they've been up to, they've been quiet for a while so I thought they'd either be working on their first full album, or were going to announce a hiatus/disbandment. I guess this is KINDA the former, if the tracklists are different, though getting both will be a bit more costly than I'd prefer. Still, everything these guys have put out has been amazing, so I'm not going to complain about new music, I'm really looking forward to it.
  5. rvrgf

    I've listened to it a few more times and it's definitely grown on me. It still mostly sounds like background music but it's fairly catchy and pretty cute and I'm liking it a whole lot more than I would have expected based on my initial impressions. The super adorable music video helps too. I'd still prefer to have the gothic stuff back (and I don't just mean the darker stuff; even when he's strayed into pop territory in the past he's kept a lot of the gothic elements in play), but as long as Schwarz Stein is still active then I guess it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for Kaya to keep doing this purely pop sort of thing. Honestly, if he toned the cutesy thing down a little (and the pink thing down a lot), this would probably be one of my favourite phases of his.
  6. rvrgf

    It's okay, I could see myself having it passively playing as light background noise while doing other things, but it's also the exact opposite of what I want from Kaya so I can't say I'm too content with it. I like it more than FABULOUS at any rate.
  7. rvrgf

    The song sounds catchy and that voice is adorable, I love it.
  8. The location for the music video seems to be the same location as in LONDBOY's 'Open your heart' PV, neat. Vocals will have to grow on me a little but this is really, really pleasant.
  9. rvrgf

    Pleasantly surprised by how good that was. I haven't really been able to get too excited about this album because I was somewhat wary of whether or not they'd be able to continue with the same standard of songwriting they had when Issei was the one writing most of their music, but this song is awesome and pretty much all my doubts have been put to rest, I couldn't be more excited about the album now.
  10. Awesome! Really exciting news. These guys are easily one of my favourite bands right now, visual or otherwise, and while I'm sure the new stuff will be great, the thing I'm most looking forward to is getting my hands on 'Miren Yuki' and the 'Senkou Hanabi' rerecording.
  11. rvrgf

    Can't say I was expecting this from the ex-members of DEVIZE and Ribelio. Even for Nozomi it's pretty unexpected, Luccica and Ramiel were both fairly straight-forward oshare bands whereas this is more along the lines of Aicle. I'm into it though, Alfion's voice works surprisingly well with this sort of music and while that preview wasn't the greatest thing I've ever heard it was still pretty good, and given that Aicle. was one of the first bands to get me into visual kei I'll gladly welcome as many knock-offs the scene can hold.
  12. Pretty good, I like it. It feels a little lacking in some ways but it's still a decent enough first effort to keep me interested in them. At the very least it gives me a slightly stronger first impression than I get from a lot of other new bands.
  13. Not that I think it's bad, but I was sort of hoping they'd do something more along the lines of 'above the clouds'. Different is nice and all, and I know I said I'm glad they aren't just constantly releasing copies of their first few songs, but I mean, I wouldn't mind just a LITTLE more Hunger/The Dead Sea styled songs, seeing as that was what got me interested in them in the first place. I was thinking more about the campaign, are they planning on using these songs as demos for an album or something? I haven't seen much official word beyond the announcement of the campaign at the start of it, and I don't even know if anything more has even be said about it. But it would be kinda interesting if they ended up releasing them all as a proper album, provided they polish the hell out of it by the time the album is released; whilst I don't mind the less-than-stellar quality of the tracks so far, they really could use some work, and I reckon they'd sound amazing with some proper studio polish to them. As for the song itself, it's pretty good, though I don't love it. It's not a favourite of mine, but it's not their weakest song either.
  14. rvrgf

    This is what I'm inclined to believe. I know some people like to string people up as perverts with malicious intent in these sorts of situations but I just can't get behind that. If he genuinely didn't know then it's just a really shitty situation for everyone involved, himself included.
  15. Looking forward to them releasing 2 singles and then disbanding, as seems to be the trend with Kai's last few bands. Joking aside, I really do love Kai's vocals, so I'm actually quite excited for this. Still, I hope this band manages to stick together longer than Kai's last few projects have.
  16. I've loved everything they've released so far but this one might actually be my new favourite. I love how they aren't just repackaging Hunger/The Dead Sea over and over, too, and they actually have a bit of variation in their music. After the first song in the campaign I was kinda concerned that's the route they'd take, which wouldn't have been too big an issue since I liked it but it's nice to have variety. Also, the wonky English is growing on me, I actually found it more charming than anything else with this one. Seriously loving this band so far.
  17. Personally I was never too fond of MALISEND's vocalist so I'm super excited that it's Ryo on vocals, he's not an outstanding vocalist or anything but I find his voice captivating nonetheless. The previews sounded amazing and the members all look spectacular, this is one of the best things that's happened so far this year in my opinion.
  18. That PV was great. I'm not sure exactly what the word would be, but it was... chaotic, maybe? Probably not chaotic, but it sorta reminded me GLAM GRAMM@R with the wacky arrangement and the like. I like it!
  19. I'm not against Engrish, just as a general rule, but with each new song they release they keep managing to push my tolerance limits just a little more. These English lyrics are so absurd. I don't mind necessarily because everything else is great, but some lines really are godawful. They deserve points for trying, though, I'll give them that. Speaking on the music itself, I love everything they're doing. Some of the choruses feel a bit samey but it's not too bad, I don't mind it. I'm looking forward to hearing the rest of this campaign of theirs, hopefully they keep releasing great stuff and don't burn out their ideas halfway through or something.
  20. rvrgf

    That was great! It might actually be the best song they've made, depending on how the rest of it sounds. I'm so looking forward to it.
  21. Hopefully they can find new members soon. Even when a band says they'll continue after losing a few members, it's not uncommon for the strain of things to cause them to break after not long after. I've liked Airish since back when they first formed so I'd hate to see them disband.
  22. The song and video were both really cute! The brighter, cuter, more colourful side of visual kei was a large part of what what got me interested in Japanese music as a whole, so it's great to see bands like that still pop up every now and again. I'm looking forward to more from these guys, I really hope they last.
  23. rvrgf

    I know I didn't do a great job getting it across but I did actually like it. I don't think it's a bad song, certainly not their worst, and the more I've listened to it the more it's grown on me.
  24. rvrgf

    Riotcolor shouldn't have been allowed to sing even one word in that. I know it's not particularly the place to mention it but I've long had an irrational hatred of Riotcolor. Something about his face makes me want to hit him and his voice is even worse. On the other hand though I think he's the main songwriter for DIE/MAY so it's not like I could ever really hope he was kicked out of the band or anything, which just agitated me even more. More on topic: I was really hoping TSUOMASU would be a better vocalist than he actually seems to be. Neither his clean nor unclean vocals were impressive in any way, and though it affected both his cleans and uncleans, his clean vocals in particular sounded really weird at times, almost robotic even, and I'm unsure if it was a result of processing on his voice, or just how he sings. A bit of both if I had to guess. The song also seems to suffer from the same issue that pretty much all other DIE/MAY songs past 2014 suffer from, in that it sounds messy and forgettable. Something I found interesting was how TSUOMASU doesn't appear to play guitar any more, and the description doesn't list him as a guitarist, only a vocalist. I'm guessing they wanted to give the look of having a dedicated vocalist or something but it's not like having a main vocalist that also plays guitar is an overly unusual thing, so I'm not sure what their goal was with that. I really wish they had gotten someone else on board to do vocals instead of picking it up themselves. All in all it wasn't the worst thing I've ever heard but I'm not exactly super eager to hear more from them in future. But there's also probably some bias there because the main reason I even cared about them was because of Seike, like I'm sure was the most with most of their fans. I'll still keep an eye on them because I do like their older music still and maybe they'll release something great in future but for the most part I'd probably consider myself over them now.
  25. That was way better than I was expecting it to be, though honestly my expectations were probably lower than they should've been simply out of bias against Melvel's vocalist. His voice was one of the very few that were truly intolerable for me. But he seems to have changed his singing style enough that rather than sounding incredibly grating to me, it actually sounds really cool. There's something about his voice with that style of music that's just sort of special; it almost seems like it doesn't fit but in a way that makes it fit near-perfectly. I can't wait to hear the whole mini album, because the preview sounds like it has the potential to be one of my favourite things of 2017.
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