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Everything posted by rvrgf

  1. rvrgf

    But why though. They only recently got new members, I thought they were doing okay for themselves. Really disappointing. On a side note this is like the fifth band I like that's announced disbandment so far this year, it's not even the end of February yet, I hate being a visual kei fan sometimes.
  2. This is pretty terrible to hear. Not just as a fan of the band either, having the band break up the way they did has gotta suck for the members. I hope they can find a new vocalist and start something else pretty soon, I liked their super electronic style.
  3. rvrgf

    The music is pretty typical to be honest. Still, I'm into it. I feel I was right on the mark with the 'weird symphonic elements' thing though, the strings at the end of the preview felt 'off' somehow to me, but even though I kinda slagged that sort of thing off in my last comment, I actually liked it in this instance. They don't seem to be quite as immediately great as I was hoping they'd be but I hear some level of potential in the preview so I'm going to keep track of them for a while more.
  4. rvrgf

    I was sorta amused seeing this pop up so soon after announcing Shiori's return. I feel awful about it though, I'd imagine this whole thing feels horrible for the other members. I know at least Liki has talked a bit about it on Twitter. It's pretty sad. I'm curious about the "secretly planned musical activities with other management companies" thing though, I wonder what it was specifically that he actually got up to.
  5. rvrgf

    They look cool enough and I do really like their look, but at the same time it's also pretty boring. Like has been said, they look like a cross between MALISEND and a generic Starwave band's look. The best guess I can draw from that is that their music will have at least a decent amount of heavy elements mixed with a bunch of weird, mostly unnecessary, and oft misplaced symphonic elements, and to be honest that's not really something I can stomach from too many more bands. Some bands do it brilliantly, but some don't which typically leads to musical disaster, and if that's the style this band ends up having, I'm worried they'll be more of the latter than the former. Still, I'll be a positive thinker here and keep my worries at bay until they actually show off their sound a bit, who knows maybe they'll be amazing and completely blow me away or something.
  6. rvrgf

    Whilst I love everything this band has put out, I had already kind of decided from the preview for it that 'CORE -Worship-' would be my favourite of their consecutive release thing, but after hearing the whole song I'm pretty sure 'CORE' is just my favourite song of theirs in general. The PV itself was cool too, I love their outfits. Great band.
  7. rvrgf

    I can't say this was unexpected, it's only a few days from the prior release date and the only new thing they've shown regarding the single since WELCOME TO THE DARKNESS was released was the cover art for it (I think). If anything I'm just surprised they didn't announce they were pushing back the release date sooner. Still, even with that expectation, the news is super disappointing; they're one of my favourite new bands, if not one of my favourite bands period, so really I just want to consume as much of their music as possible, which makes all of these delays much more difficult than they probably should. I just really need more Vexent in my life, and I need it now, not next month, I just don't have that kind of patience at this point. But I guess it's fine if it helps them prepare more or something, I don't know. Honestly these guys are killing me but I adore them too much to care.
  8. rvrgf

    A while ago I commented that the biggest factor preventing me from getting into LEZARD was that something about lime's voice just didn't click with me, and that I had hoped that a new vocalist would let me enjoy their new music more than their old. The issue here is that the new vocalist sounds notably similar to the old one. Of course, he seems to have been the best possible vocalist they could have gotten and for their fans I'm glad, but it's hard to say I'm not slightly disappointed. With that being said, his voice is still different enough where I could probably actually get into their music at least a little bit now, so there's that.
  9. rvrgf

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETM17yC5Yms This seems to show TSUOMASU holding a microphone towards the end, so I'm guessing he's taking up vocalist duties. I was kind of hoping they would get someone else entirely, but at the very least it isn't Riotcolor picking up the vocalist position so it's fine with me.
  10. rvrgf

    The only thing that diaper is absorbing is my will to live. The music video was cute, kind of lame but still cute. I really don't understand how they went from a cheesy music video about bullying, to wearing adult diapers and riding around on a kid's bike with a onesie (is it even a onesie?) on and a dummy in his mouth, in the span of less than a week. Do they think it's cutesy? Is this some sort of fetish kei? Are they just insane? Tbh I still think they're cute so they could do whatever and I'd still stick around but this shit has gotten real wacky real quick.
  11. Really disappointing, I really liked most of what little they released. The main problem I had with them though is that they would release too much of what I would consider filler stuff, if it can be called that. On their 'JOKER' and 'iNSOMNiA' releases, only the first song seemed like they really cared too greatly about it, leaving 1 and 2 songs, respectively, that felt like they existed just to pad the releases' length out. Since from what I know they've only released like, 7 songs so far, that means 3 of the 7, nearly half of their discography thus far, is filler stuff. I don't know if that's truly the case or if it was a result of inexperience writing music because it seems like this is their first proper band, with the only previous credentials I've seen from them being that a few of them were roadies for other bands. I do still like the 'filler' stuff, but it really could be better. My biggest hope in the disbandment is that they get some more experience as musicians and songwriters and at least some of the members come back in other bands later down the line because they really do have potential in my eyes, but iNSOMNiA just isn't the band in which they fully realised that potential. On another note, really looking forward to the album.
  12. rvrgf

    It's hard for me to describe it but, that song/PV was really cheesy and lame, but in a way that I absolutely loved. It kind of reminded of some older oshare bands I used to like so that probably helps. Definitely a band I'll be keeping track of.
  13. rvrgf

    The look isn't the most original I've ever seen but it's not like I think it's bad or anything. Their music could probably do with a bit of polishing but I still like it as it is, especially the vocals. I hope for good things from them.
  14. rvrgf

    Great news, I really really Sick², a new album is really something I'm looking forward to.
  15. rvrgf

    I really like this band but in complete honesty, Dual×Face was a little bit of a letdown for me. It wasn't bad but it really didn't click with me. I'm looking forward to this single though, I'm hoping I'll like it more than their last, because I really do like them.
  16. rvrgf

    The title song sounds so good. I've been hoping for more from them, this is really exciting.
  17. rvrgf

    I love when bands use violins in their music which makes Aiolin is a band I'm super excited about, so this is excellent news!
  18. rvrgf

    Well this is devastating. These guys were one of my favourite bands of recent years.
  19. Cool. I've never been much of a fan of THE SOUND BEE HD's music but I do like Daisuke's voice, so hopefully this solo project will turn out to be something I can be a fan of.
  20. rvrgf

    This is such a good band, I've been looking forward to more stuff by them, excellent news.
  21. rvrgf

    I wasn't really too big a fan of their first single but that sounded great
  22. I'm very interested in this band, I feel like they could become really really good. I'm looking forward to it.
  23. rvrgf

    Really looking forward to it, this band is great.
  24. rvrgf

    That sounded really good. Too bad it's live limited, though, leaving me with no way of actually getting it. At least I know about them now and can keep an eye on them in future.
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