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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    se precisar de um guia turistico e so chamar
  2. platy

    That project is finally finished. It was hell putting it together in Unreal Engine 4 and it's not my best work at all, but I'm happy that I managed to complete it and the outcome isn't as bad as it could've been. I'll be working on it as a personal project now in my spare time.
  3. platy

    DISAPPOINTED!! People saying this season is as bad/worse than S7, I challenge you to go watch it again. S9 does lack drama and stand out personalities, but the outfits and comedy are 100x above S7. I'll be that bitch who says 'we'll never have another one as good as S6' but it's true. That season was perfect on all accounts : drama, looks, personalities, fun, etc. and S9 is the closest we have come to that since. Now I'm voting for Shea and Sasha. It'll be so emotional if they have to sync against each other. Trinity is winning me over too, I still like Nina's looks but she needs to get over her insecurities. All the looks were so good this challenge, except for you know who. Also one thing I hate that happens every episode is fucking Alexis going in to be shady or whatever and always stating a hundred disclaimers beforehand "I'm NOT being shady, or coming for you, because I'm not, I'm just giving criticism because I appreciate if you did the same for me, I'm JUST saying, and you may not agree BUT, I don't wanna start a fight....It's just that your look sucks/ I did more work than any of you/ Why didn't you tell me my look sucks'' I thought Eureka was bad...
  4. I need this!!! Ughhhhh I also need to save for my trip.... MH crew....my life depends on you!!!
  5. platy

    Resurrectvk more like ressurectmejibruh
  6. platy

    Omg I just love Shea, jfc I like Nina, but outside of RPDR. They edited her weird
  7. platy

    Alexis does my head in. Can she fuck off already?? Butthurt crybaby. Wish Ru had sent both of them home
  8. platy

    I only have two releases on my list of 2017 honorable mentions. Guess it's been slow for some of us.
  9. platy

    Seriously, this mejibray hiatus has made the VK sphere the most exciting it's been in years. That or I just like to watch the world burn
  10. platy

    I've been free from uni for a week and all I have energy for is sleeping. Any time I'm awake I'm thinking I gotta get a job and I get nausea from anxiety which burns up my energy. Damn, can't catch a break.
  11. platy

    lol I trust that too much. I see no hook ups and I instantly nope them. Not like they ever talk to me anyway :c Tinder is shit.
  12. platy

    Cackling I got all the good songs I need out of this band Meto confirmed as a new member in BABOO
  13. platy

    No. Some people want to be used. But if they're aware, not into it and then complain after then they're stupid. Do you think there would have been less wars in the world if most nations were a matriarchy?
  14. platy

    I'm confused, dazed even, trying to figure out how people can think that the singer from Melvel is any good. Even in his new band, he sounds just as awful.
  15. platy

    It was time for Aja to leave. Even though I don't like her, sympathised with her in untucked. Also, you guys should see this
  16. Is it okay to play P5 without playing the previous games? 

    1. Duwang


      If by P5 you mean Persona 5 then yes.  Each game has its own story. 

      I do recommend playing the other games though because they're all great (except P1)

  17. platy

    Pffffffffff wow Deep
  18. platy

    If you're talking about what I think you are, that person is caught up in two huge essays of 8000+ words and they're very sorry and still plan to write a review as soon as they're done
  19. platy

    Did you work it out? OT: handed in my last assignment late after spending all night awake, which means my grade is capped at 40. The software decided to crash and glitch several times which made me feel sick with anxiety. Now I'm drained,just need some sleep and I'll be good.
  20. platy

    Waiting for my video to finish rendering and once I submit it, that's me done. I'm free from a degree that has depleted me of any type of life for three years. Cannot wait to be done and get back to looking after myself. I've counted the days since September last year. (also this is the longest a video has taken to render... Please don't crash...)
  21. 耳ゾゾ by sukekiyo is fucking perfect. Can we get more of this :DUUR:

  22. platy

    Same, I always forget Alexis. Michelle's the most embarrassing judge, her criticism is very petty/personal/unnecessary sometimes. Remember the time she told a queen to 'jooj' it up a little? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? Better to stay quiet if you've got nothing to say.
  23. That chipmunk sure can lipsync for his life!
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