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Everything posted by platy

  1. You can (try to) get them on yahoo auctions jp, or find some obscure webshop but I'm pretty sure it's sold out everywhere now. @VkBrutaliaNwhere did you manage to find a copy again?
  2. platy

    What kind of alternative dimension is this
  3. platy

    A few thoughts after watching Abyss/Lucy: The Abyss tracklist is incredible, I also thought I wouldn't enjoy Lucy as much because of the choice of songs but the performance was super fun and they have great stage presence. It hit me again how much they have grown as musicians, Ruki's voice is very polished now in comparison but not in a negative way I think. Favorite performances from Abyss: Burial applicant and then every single one from Deux down to Dogma. The new Taion sounds very good live. I may be 100% back to stanning gazette.
  4. platy

    It's alright, maybe it'll sound better in an album.
  5. platy

    Awww!! 😭 Oh my god this is the cutest picture, did anyone here in the forum go?
  6. This look gives me HOPE that they're going back to their old sound. Chizuru looks great.
  7. Concept on point, I can't get enough of kizu.
  8. platy

    I'm done with the Vixen's temper tantrums.
  9. Purple stone have their own artist thread for any further discussion about the band
  10. Because of the formula they always use for their songs I think shorter run times work the best. Great song as per usual. Curious about the B-sides.
  11. platy

    Another release so soon? ✨ This look is a huge improvement too.
  12. Their CD covers are always on point.
  13. platy

    At the end of the tweet Mahiro says he'll continue doing everything he has done up to now, so I don't think you need to cry just yet.
  14. platy

    Doesn't seem like he'll leave, I think it's more of a celebration of how far they have got. But then again with news of his eye condition getting worse, there will be an ending to the band at some point. I don't think they would carry on without Mahiro. Translation by @yuugure
  15. platy

    I have a sad feeling that they've lost their essence, but I'm still gonna look forward to this!!
  16. platy

    One of the few bands that could pull off well the crazy vk synth trope is Canzel. Also, I probably said this before but femme fatale is so underrated.
  17. Individually they look good. I mean, I accepted that yoshiatsu will never look as good as he did in lucid dream. I just nod and smile at the fact he's going deeper and deeper into his clown fetish.
  18. It's the same thing again, there's something almost cool in Meitei, but then these crammed in modern EDM trends that just make the song annoying. The aesthetic of the video is basically vaporwave and I really wish takeru would do something like that in terms of sound, it would really suit him. Right now, he's just one in a million following top 40 trends. edit: Some of the music in the dripping box teaser is actually alright.
  19. platy

    New look. I actually really like it.
  20. They scared me for a moment, thought they were wearing suits.
  21. platy

    When the Great Legend Dir En Grey comes together once every ten years to release something, all the people from the vk sphere come together as one to roast the members and their mid life crisis (and the crooked way they produce their songs).
  22. That's actually what I thought lol Their look seems very vk and looks like Chizuru even has long hair again!? Since the peak of their music was when Chizuru had long hair I feel a bit hopeful
  23. Disband, idol debut, World tour...?
  24. I can relate to you on some levels, sorry for the long post. Recently, I realised the only one I really hang out with is my partner. That's okay because he's also one of my best friends, but I just needed different company. The area where I'm living is hard to meet new folks since it's known for being old-peoplesvile. I reached out to old friendships that were neglected, I also joined a life drawing group (I haven't made any lasting connections but at least I'm not isolated) and I actually made a good friend through tinder, although we're in different countries. I think having meaningful relationships with others is important, but having more shallow interactions is good too. For example, your co-workers. But the thing you need to be aware of are emotional vampires. These are people who like to pretend they're your friends but all they do is talk about themselves and their problems and you feel obligated to listen/help, but when it comes to you talking about your issues they suddenly turn their ears off. Friendships come when two people put their effort in. Does the person initiate conversation with you? Can you both talk freely about a variety of things? Do you both take an interest on what the other has to say? If it's one sided, cut them off. Like @123Sandman321said, it may seem harsh but it's better to be alone than with bad company. This month I cut off 2 morons who were always going on about how they valued me as a friend, but really they were just taking advantage of my nature and using me as their counsellor. It's exhausting and you don't need that. If even by having these people around you're heading towards a dark path, get rid of them and you'll be better off. Today it's normal to have mates everywhere in the world except where you live lol unfortunately these are the times we live in. There are ways to feel closer though, like Skype and rab.it where you can watch things together and "hang out". Since a couple of my close friends are in another country we have dates where we call each other and rant about life or just arrange to watch or play something, I highly recommend this rather than just messaging all the time. I know you said it's hard for you to travel, but if you can, consider it. It'll take you away from your routine and hopefully brighten your mindset. While youre away you might even meet new folks. I can totally relate to this. Here's how I see it: Do THEY talk a lot? Then you have every right to talk their ear off too. I was thinking about this, how so-and-so talks so much and I must be really boring because I never have anything to say. But when I really look at it, all she was talking about was just bills, work, her health, etc. so I started talking about the same things and my worries were gone lol TL;DR: Put yourself out there to meet others, cut off selfish people who don't add anything to your life, find ways to connect more with people already in your life, don't be paranoid about bothering others because they're clearly not worried about bothering you.
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