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About diryangrey

  • Rank
    Kiwamu's Bitch
  • Birthday 11/05/1995

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  • Location
    Dallas, TX
  • Interests
    communism, coffee, guitar pedals

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  1. i've always wondered what vk bands do w/ their old costumes when it's time for a new release.
    Like, d'you think The GazettE just rolls up to the nearest closetchild like hey..... how much can we get for these?....
    or do they just have warehouses full of all their old #looks just in case they ever need them again?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      It seems like they keep them. Sui and Misery from Lin / Megaromania / Metis Gretel held a revival show and let their fans vote on which look they should wear from their past bands, and the options were from like 2014~2007 or so.

    3. Himeaimichu


      It depends really on how the band designs their costumes. For example, Phantasmagoria normally designs the clothes from scratch, so they probably just have a closet full of old costumes.

      However, when you get to bands that are either more casual, or make their costumes from already existing clothes articles: I.E Military Uniforms, Tuxedos, School Uniforms, etc., they probably save them for a future look, so they can mix and match, or perhaps if it's just a Tuxedo, they probably save it for formal occasions xD. 

    4. Komorebi


      I think it depends, but most probably save them.

      Jun from Gotcharocka shops downtown for his outfits so I'm pretty sure he wears stuff like that everyday. And I know D uses them and wears them again at their anniversary lives.

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