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Everything posted by IGM_Oficial

  1. J-music life got baleeted lol

  2. jfc this is terrible
  3. IGM_Oficial

    It's on the digital platforms since last year, though
  4. IGM_Oficial

    I wonder what the "new system" is...
  5. IGM_Oficial

    Oh, my God.
  6. IGM_Oficial

    Well, there's @TODORA's channel. I like MacRyanMac's too, but his thumbnails are so... ugh A little bit off-topic, but someone mentioned bandmen that are youtubers too, so I think it's worth putting Paiotsu's secondary channel (where they focus mainly on shit not related to band activities) and the one from Zin, the drummer from Screw (R. I. P.).
  7. "Nonnonba" is pretty interesting ❤️

    1. colorful人生


      u forgot the 💛

  8. IGM_Oficial

    The rest is the rest
  9. IGM_Oficial

    Why are they so greedy? Anyway, they're fresh, but still cool, so, yeah. Gotta love the "Akira" reference, too.
  10. This is visual kei, bitches
  11. Is it worth to create an account on Tonberry torrents?

    1. nick


      Are you from 2008?

    2. colorful人生


      Who here isn't from 2008? Still transferring UVERworld songs to my flip phone & reading manga on onemanga.com...

    3. IGM_Oficial


      @Biopanda but do their torrents still seed? The site seems to be more dead than X-Japan's new album

    4. Show next comments  96 more
  12. IGM_Oficial

  13. IGM_Oficial

    Ooohhh, it was just the server DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT ANYMORE
  14. IGM_Oficial

  15. IGM_Oficial

    Weren't they releasing an album this year?
  16. IGM_Oficial

    Mario earphones.
  17. IGM_Oficial

    This is my first "real" post here. Some days ago, I had nothing to do, so I wanted to kill time transcribing this. For obvious reasons, I didn't put the spaces on the kanji-kana text and all Engrish is included. This is also the first time I use the "spoiler" function, yaaay. If you want to translate this, just go on. Text: Kanji-kana: Romaji: Credits: the band, for making the text available on the lyric video, and me, for transcribing it.
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