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Status Updates posted by IGM_Oficial

  1. My father bought a new remote controller for our TV. This may sound dumb, but you don't know how relieving it is.

  2. I'm so proud of myself



  3. This "Anthem" ad sucks real hard

  4. I actually like that "Change background image" little option. It's pretty cool.

  5. The arcade near my house got that new Cruis'n machine. I'd love trying it, too bad it's expensive af.

  6. Paledusk's "No!" is my new addiction. Man, that music video has some serious shit...

  7. - How do you want your topping?

    - I want it EXTRA M U C C

  8. The Heisei era ends today... bye-bye, Heisei ;-;

  9. Steve Terreberry joins Dragonforce as the triangle player and it djents. What a time to be alive.

  10. the GazettE is playing here in Brazil right now ;-;

  11. My chest is tight and my back tingles. SEND HELP

  12. So, some dumbass took down a pole in my street and I had no energy through hours. No internet, no social media, no visual kei... how did I manage to survive this hell

  13. Today's mysterious question: how do you even wapppppp a dragon?

  14. Today's mysterious question: who is Manabu Yoshigai, 17, unemployed?

  15. For me, the browser inspector has only one function: find images I can't access directly.

  16. Happy new year!

  17. Does anyone know if the limited edition of "Viva of the year" really has a secret track?

  18. Recently, I bought a case for my long-dead laptop's hard disk. Fortunately, everything is working fine... but I want my laptop back ;-;

  19. Merry last Christmas, everyone!

  20. I can only say one thing: thank you.


    That's it.

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