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Posts posted by anadentone

  1. Twitter interactions:

    BORN's Ryoga (3 reply, 1RT, 1 favorite)

    ex.BORN's KIFUMI (1 reply)

    DADAROMA's Yoshiatsu (1 reply, 1RT, 1 favorite)

    DADAROMA's Yusuke (1 favorite)

    MBHI's Tenten (6 favorites)

    ex.MBHI's Kouryu (1 reply, 2 favorites)

    ex.MBHI's Ryo (1 favorite)

    ex.NAINE's hiLo (1 favorite)

    ex.Moran's Hitomi (1 favorite)

    NCBL's Cazqui (1 reply, 2 favorites)

    Kaya (1 reply, 1 favorite)

    Wagakki Band's Beni (1 reply)

    Wagakki Band's Akira (1 reply, 1RT)

    Wagakki Band's Daisuke (1 favorite)

    LM.C's Aiji (1 reply, 1RT)

    SuG's Takeru (1 reply)

    Sho's D.I.D. (1 reply)

    Akane's D.I.D. (2 reply)

    Sho's PLASTICZOOMS (1 reply)

    I believe there is more, but I was probably too lazy to print it. Yes, I saved prints from it, cos of that I remember it lol

    *iz jelly* :D

  2. anyone know if the guys in kameleo has on?


    Kana (Codomo Dragon) https://www.instagram.com/kana.codomodragon/


    I was gonna put Chamu but thats to his VIne account (ooh can someone make a thread for Artist vine accounts? :D )



    some more :(might be fan pages, not really sure)


    Mia (Mejibray) https://www.instagram.com/mejibraymia/

    Tomoya (ROYZ) https://www.instagram.com/tomoya_royz_/

    Koudai (ROYZ) https://www.instagram.com/koudai_royz_/

    Kuina (ROYZ) https://www.instagram.com/kuinakun/

    Tsukuzu (Mejibray) https://www.instagram.com/tsuzuku_cristate/

    Ruki (The Gazette) https://www.instagram.com/official_ruki/

  3. Anyone have their old music back before 3 members died? I wish they got more recognition since they've been around longer than 99% of bands today.

  4. Or even like your tweet?


    i often wonder if a few lucky fans ever got a reply or a like on either twitter,instagram,facebook, myspace, etc :o


    for me:


    Nimo (micro heads 4n-whatever their name is) liked my bday tweet to him


    Vambi (LOG) sent me a message in English (or spam a yt link)


    what about the rest of you :D

  5. Full albums not mini/maxi/singles albums. This is for any genre of any languages. I was thinking of treating myself and buying a cd (physical or download) and wanted to get a newer cd than my old metal cds of the 90s and Ariana grande's My everything ( I couldn't help it! I love that damn cd) and Adele's 21 (that voice @_@ ) So what are some new albums worthy of your monies? :D

  6. Wait, from what i know Haku is Yu≠ki's brother and not Rui/Rei. They're even from the same town  

    They're a 3 bandman family, Saga is the older, then Yu≠ki and Haku is the younger.

    they really are or just look a likes? :o

    I still wonder if Mahiro (Kiryu) and Haru (Dog in the pwo) are related. They look too much alike :o

  7. Rui (vistlip) , Haku (ユナイト), Rei (DaizyStripper) are bro'

    And also Masato (ベル), Naoto or Ena (ex xTRiPx and now ダウト), Yoshit (ex xTRiPx) are bro too.

    *googles pics* dude :o I'm kinda wondering too.

    Masa from Dear loving looks like Ice from BFN O.o

    Nimo (Micro 4heads/ACE) and Taka (Defspiral) look so much alike O.o

     or was it taka looks like zero O.o

  8. I heard that MITSURU ex. SuG is married too.

    Sou from Remming/ex. lolita 23q was host, but I don't know if he still is.

    There was a rumor about Kazuki ex. Royz that he's host now.

    And shyena from V-last. makes movies about food and uploads them on youtube xD

    I wonder about Shouta now that ya brought up SuG

    I know  Akiya (or his twin O.O) from Kagrra is D=out's manager

    I didn't understand Kazuki leaving royz. Ok he had to take care of his parent(s) but if hes doing host jobs, then he can't take care of them :S

  9. Emiru got married?? I didn't know :-)

    By the way I read somewhere that Klaha, after his solo phase, started to give voice to advertisements, but I don't know if this is true.

    If something else comes up in mind, I will put here :-)

    oh wrong person XD I heard it s Keita . heard he has kids too. I believe the marrying part since most bands break up and within a year or so , you found out they got married. I'm curious about Yu-kin from Malice Mizer. he just disappeared D:

    It's sad that many bands we love will disappear into the public and we might pass by them one day (even in North America or Europe) and won't even know :o

    Imagine someone in Toronto passing by a young Asian boy and realizing that might be Gackt's son :o

  10. So many bands disbanding now and so many have disbanded years ago but have never came back in other bands. So time to name band members from known bands (doesnt have to be big bands just bands we kinda heard of) who have went to other bands (known or just starting out) or non Band related jobs. (can include some rumors since most of us don't live in Japan)


    I wonder about former members . Sou from Remming, Sala from BFN, Klaha from Malice Mizer (hell everyone cept Mana & Gackt), Sakura from L'arc~en~ciel. 


    ALmost everyone in Pumpkin Head got married ( Rui i heard is free ladies)

    Rui from Screw- quit, did jewelry or something then did a crappy solo album

    The lead singer from Aicle got married

    and I can't think of anyone else D:

  11. Funny this thread came up. A while back i found this very old picture of Aldious, pasting the link to spare you a giant image.




    Has to be from 2009. Their CD-R debut featured an embarrassingly obvious drum machine (Aruto came in 2010) and they had a different bassist (veeeery different). Looking at Toki and Rami I can't help but wonder if they had some work done. Their faces are much rounder in this picture than they are now. But also, this picture is 7 years old and they were pretty young. It could just be maturity brought about changes to their faces. Hard to tell some times if it's just changes with age or a doctor's work.


    There's no question though, that both Rami and Re:no had the eye rounding surgery, and probably Toki, too. They look like anime characters in some pictures.

    It's kinda hard when they were younger to say whether its baby fat or plastic surgery :S 

    Oh that reminds me, I think Tetsu from L'arc~en~ciel had work done. He doesnt look the same 15 years ago that he does today (and considering his age, I know tetsu-sama didnt have the baby fat issue)

  12. His eye isn't that straight though. At least he is constantly using either different lenses for each eye, either applies different make up on each eye. And this repeats in every new look. The last one isn't an exception.

    So, I guess everybody knows that Mejibray Mia's nose isn't natural.

    And every hollywood smile is hard dentist's work. Nothing new here.

    I thought his cock eyed isnt as noticeable now that it was when they first started. O.o In the video he looks straight at the camera and the eye moves nose ward yet in videos he's able to look at the camera with it staying put better :D he's still a cutie pie


    someone who I dont think work done is Kujo san from Kiryu. Looks like his chin is still under the mask. I thought maybe he got work done on it and kept the mask for the look of it

  13. I wouldn't be surprised if Wataru from Liphlich had stuff done.

    he scares me O.o He reminds me of buffalo bill from silence of the lamb O.o I just wanna give him a sandwich. 

    I think Tsukuzu from Mejibray had his tongue modify since MB started

  14. Not just plastic surgery but lost some weight, to teeth fixed, fixed boobies, calves, or even scars.


    When you see someone in their rookie days and compare them to now, you wonder if its the makeup, the light or if they had work


    I suspect Shou/Show from Alicenine/A9 had some work done.


    I think Hayato from Codomo Dragon got his cock eyed fix. From this old clip it looks like his left eye points inward to his nose but later on (noticeably with glasses) his eye is straight . Even with the glasses off.



    Anyone else ya suspect had work done

  15. The gazette- Dim was the "Are fucking high? WTF happened here?"

    Alice Nine- Maybe it was just a fad or what but after 2012 their music got a wee bit eh

    SuG- They became too super modelly. Like every video looked like an ad for some brand and less about that dimple cheek Takeru smiling like in Scheat (How do you pronounce that anyway? Sheet? Shit? Shayt? Shite?)

    Moran- T_T after Zill died ...it just wasn't the same

    DIV- they went SuG way some how

    Golden Bomber- I just got tired of memeshikute and seeing them every day damn on tv T_T

  16. some songs are worth singing your heart out. Some have lyrics you just wanna mount on the wall and gaze at it. Lyrics that are just so sad or so romantic that you just cry when it comes up.


    I would post all the lyrics to Reila because the whole song is just beautiful


    Ophelia- L'arc~en~ciel "My dearest Ophelia, whats the reason for your silence? You're lips as cold as ice. My dearest Ophelia- won't you speak to me no more


    Ain't Afraid to die- Dir En Grey " while I was alone by the window, just staring by the window, I'ts you I reminisnce . You appeared through the glass and I gave you the last kiss. Hey smile . Don't cry anymore. From now on, I'll always be watching you."


    Without You- Yoshiki "And I only look back. I feel alone. How should I love you? How could I feel you?"


    Crucifiy My Love- XJapan " Like a river flowing to the sea. You'll be miles away and I will know. I know I can deal with the pain. No reason to cry"


    Gypsy- Lycaon- the whole song



    Plastic Tree- Donna Donna whole damn song. Seriously the guys voice T_T


    For some reason Ic an't think of any romantic songs D: i gotta dig thru my playlist D;


    So whats yours?

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