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Everything posted by anadentone

  1. kinda felt this was coming . They always seemed to be touring. Maybe this is why Kazi left, he need a long ass break.
  2. anadentone

    I'm going on a 7 hour flight and to keep my mind focus (cuz panic attacks hitting at 10,000 feet aint no hoot) I need something to watch thats upbeat/ brightly colored. It doesn't have to be Asian just something from YouTube (with subs if its not in English or Spanish) Any ideas, please lemme know
  3. I wonder if tanuki type sites have a DIY section?

  4. anadentone

    I didn''t know Meto was the lead singer lol
  5. When your twitter feed is ppl talking about kalafina disbanding & you have no idea who they are.

    1. Himeaimichu


      I actually panicked at first and read "Kalafina" as "Kalavinka" when I saw people talking about it lol.

    2. Dillinger


      Beautiful music.

    3. platy


      *brings out slide on the importance and the history of Kalafina*

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  6. anadentone

    punny bunny
  7. I dunno why but I'm laughing at Chamu's fringey mask. It looks like a dollar tree coin purse I do wish they'd say something about Kana chan. Is he leaving? Hiatus? Being cloned by Barbara Streisand?
  8. anadentone

    i aint a lesbian but mally <3
  9. happy birthday to the cutest Heavener and member of Gotcharocka :D

    1. Jun_


      ......now, that's the cutest message I've received today HAHAHA How I wish I could play like THAT Jun~ Thank you very much!!! ;~;

  10. anadentone

    woot! I cant wait
  11. anadentone

    i wonder if it'll be a different type of music,like something harder or softer than Jupiter. He does sound great live compared to cds. Maybe he uses auto tune ?
  12. anadentone

    He can solo? I mean without Versailles would anyone even know who he is? (besides the bastard child of Shindy and Kajimo)
  13. anadentone

    Anyone remember this Japanese hip hop trio? Bro. Hi, Diggy Mo, and Shinnosuke? I wonder what they're doing now or if anyone knows anything about them personally
  14. i wonder if the other members will be ex members of other bands like Chobi or Meto
  15. anadentone

    who knows they might pull a baboo on us
  16. im curious too. His twitter is still inactive
  17. anadentone

    your wet dream? I keep reading this bands name as "lupus" >.<
  18. poor yu. I wish him luck on his health.
  19. anadentone

    ikr. I was like "Take a bath you greasy madafaka" :S
  20. anadentone

    what is Shindy from Anli Pollicino doing in Jupiter? Oh that Zin nvm :S
  21. anadentone

    Mayu looks like Yuuki from that bastard group of lycaon. Is it me or do they come out with one single/video a year? They use to come out with 3 or more
  22. anadentone

    We all have those few songs that we never seem to get tired of., maybe it's the beat, the broken English, the "omg this song is about sex" or even "this song makes me feel so happy". Soooo. List em for me: gotcharocka- ash & virginity Lycaon- Psychedelic jelly Purple stone- poison chocolate An Cafe- Ikenai Mousou, Natsu Koi Natsu Game, blue amazing Sug- Pastel horror yum yum show,pimp my cars Daizystripper- mousou nikki deviloof-ruin <---hell the whole fucking discography D.I.D- WOD II, resolution,<---again the whole fucking discography you?
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