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Everything posted by Saishu

  1. Saishu

    Nah man, just needs that extra string to get that darkest dark age tone.
  2. I feel the same way about Hageshisa.
  3. That’s pretty much what the Marrow singles are; a single song and then nothing because who the fuck cares about the live bullshit that was tacked on to those? At least Sleazoid and Ryoujoku have the benefit of being different from the album versions.
  4. Just remember the days when all we got for a while was the single and then like two or three shitty live tracks.
  5. But let’s be honest, Utafumi is not the worst live track they’ve put on a single...
  6. 99% convinced that everything Shinya does in the studio is triggered samples. Performance aside, he has one of the worst sounding drum kits I’ve heard since the DSS era. Aww damn, so he’s not saying “YOU’RE A PROSTITUTE” after all.
  7. No, Die and Toshiya are both prettier than Shinya now.
  8. The part in Ash where it gets “quiet” for the first part of the solo is totally ruined because Shinya’s compressed-as-fuck snare doesn’t change with the dynamics of the song.
  9. Maybe it’s Apple music’s streaming quality or whatever but god the production is so shitty why do they keep doing this to my ears?!
  10. I have no idea how to go about doing that. I don’t think it’s something I can rip and upload. Beaides, I leaked Uroboros I’m not doing anything to further annoy Papa Kaoru.
  11. And that would be his fault since he keeps doing the same shit on the drums.
  12. Well I’m listening to the full single on Apple Music. Had to sign up for a three month trial to do it, but I’m going to cancel it before they start charging me. Who said the solo gotten taken out of Ash? It’s still there. EDIT: Ash is pretty straightforward, just with some fat trimmed and a new section. Arrangement wise it hasn’t changed much. If anyone is going to have an issue with it, it’ll probably be with Kyo’s vocal delivery. I personally can’t stand Shinya’s clicky kick drum tone.
  13. I don’t know either, because it’s not on US iTunes yet. Uhhh... okay well the whole single is up on Apple Music but not for sale in the store? I have no idea what’s different about the full version of Ningen wo Kaburu, sounds the same to me.
  14. Yeah, i usually get a poster. On some rare occasions I got stuff like a multicolor ink pen from preordering NoGod’s “V”, postcards, or weird shit like what I think was incense or maybe some sort of firecrackers from Onmyouza.
  15. Longer wait for me because I use airmail.
  16. It’ll probably be on there this Friday, but given how they handled Utafumi it’ll just be the radio edit version. No additional tracks.
  17. Well... it’s not officially out until the 25th. CDJapan shipped mine today though.
  18. People keep posting that but what does it mean? EDIT: oh, a European label. Good for Europe I guess.
  19. I think with the Vestige remakes, the idea was to stay close to the originals since they’re on a collection of songs that people are familiar with. When it comes to remakes as b-sides, well, anything goes.
  20. Again, it’s edited, so who knows what’s missing.
  21. Don’t know how I feel about Ash being shorter by over a minute.
  22. It’s not his skill necessarily, just that he lacks variety. The drumming in this contains fills and patterns that Shinya has been rockin for several years now. It just adds to the “been there, done that” vibe so many of us are getting with this song.
  23. So it’s Utafumi all over again. I’m guessing that the jolting transition into the first chorus is due to something missing. More to the first verse maybe?
  24. I remember Rinkaku getting chopped to hell for the radio edit, so we’ll see.
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