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    avaritonista reacted to inartistic in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    Here's the evidence that I could find of these bands being *real*:
    KISAKI played recorded versions of songs of Levia~LAYBIAL~SHËY≠DË at his 20th anniversary live. It's not really “proof” of anything, but this was a history live, so there should have been someone who was a fan of the bands that were ripped off (VICE∞RISK, 業, Levia[non-KISAKI]), and who would have noticed if KISAKI was playing those songs...
    As someone else mentioned, on 2007-11-19 in his HOLIDAY blog, he mentioned meeting ex-Levia member 美憂, who is married and has a child.
    On 2012-01-04, he posted in his Ameba (now deleted) that he met Levia members again. Most of them married with children now. He also posted a pciture of 美憂's child this time (also on Twitter ↑), as well as a picture of that guy's shop. (Google/Tineye didn't return any results when I searched the images).
    Earliest web mention of these bands that I can find is on 2ch in 2003. So at least we know his *canon* band history included these bands way before BEYOND THE KINGDOM.
    Again, not proof of anything, but the canon lineup of SHËY≠DË features 紫緒, who was in HISKAREA. I automatically doubt that KISAKI would make up a fake band with a known musician in the lineup, if it weren't real...
    松本 博, the owner of Wakayama livehouse OLD TIME at which Levia supposedly performed a lot of oneman lives, actually commented in BEYOND THE KINGDOM about seeing KISAKI's junior-high band Levia as regulars who were popular. So that seems to confirm a lot for me, unless they faked that comment (I already checked―the 松本 博 is real.)
    This one is sort of reaching, but bear with me. Check out the cover of the Levia “滅びの序章” demotape again (which was copied from the Levia[non-KISAKI] “滅びの序章”, remember?).
    Now check out this image by hyura again. The image on the left. I know it's near the LAYBIAL sign, but it's only 3 members (LAYBIAL had 4), and LAYBIAL didn't play a live on 1994-09-21... but Levia had 3 members and did play their first live on 1993-09-21. So could that picture be of KISAKI's Levia?
    And if so... looking at that supposed Levia[non-KISAKI] scan, couldn't you see KISAKI on the left and the other two guys on the right (compare the eye-makeup, the hair, the chokers, the suit jackets)...?
    I can't claim anything from this, but you have to admit that it sort of looks like Levia and Levia[non-KISAKI] are one in the same, at least from comparing those two pictures.
    That would be the ultimate mind fuck if that were the case, because the Levia[non-KISAKI] demotape has 5 tracks which, as far as I know, aren't stolen from anything...
    Personally, I think Levia~LAYBIAL~SHËY≠DË were *real*, since they've been mentioned for so long (at least since 2003), way before there was a book about KISAKI or he had some “legacy” of being a 15-year-old genius who was playing oneman shows. Also, I can't imagine KISAKI and FOOL'S MATE would be so bold as to fake a comment from the owner of a livehouse who knew Levia. And finally, I don't think KISAKI was lying when he posted about meeting ex-Levia members... but if he was, then he's been purposefully sprinking those things throughout his blog for 7 years which just seems to be way beyond his level of thinking IMO.
    So like I said, I think the bands are *real*, but I'm not sure if the demotapes ever were... I see a couple of possible scenarios:
    1. The *canon* demotapes were *real* but were also fake/stolen (even at the time of their release).
    2. It's been so long that KISAKI has no clue what his early bands released, so he just made it up for BEYOND THE KINGDOM. In that case, there are *real* demotapes, but probably completely different from the *canon* ones.
    3. There are *canon* demotapes are also *real*, but KISAKI's been seeding the net and auctions with fake copies, while he maniacally holds on to the only real copies that are left. In that case, the titles are still stolen from other releases... (This would fit in nicely with the crazy theory that Levia is the same as Levia[non-KISAKI]!)
    So I guess my posts didn't really give any clear conlusion, but I hope you've gained some more evidence to make your own (or at least see that the situation is even weirder than some simple lying).
  2. Like
    avaritonista reacted to inartistic in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    To give some ~expert confirmation~ on a few things:
    - myth_ceo is KISAKI. He sold UCP limited items, his own personal items, and even sold samples which he got from other bands (eg. in his blog he mentions SID giving him a sample of their new single, and then the next day myth_ceo was selling it). I'm also 100% sure that this was KISAKI himself and not a staff member.
    - KISAKI closed myth_ceo and now has another account on Y!J, something like iyouxi or something (not on PC and can't remember the name). I know it's him for the same reasons listed above (funnily, some people actually complained on that account about him selling samples).
    - He also has an mbok account which is something like deho_san (again, can't remember), though he doesn't use it often.
    - His time in STELLA MARIA is 100% confirmed. In addition to tapes, we have flyers and videos confirming.
    - His time in garden is 100% confirmed. In addition to the real tape being sold on Y!J a ton of times, there is video of garden somewhere.
    - I'm actually 90% sure the "Once..." tape is real as well, although probably not released as "KISAKI PROJECT" as his official website calls it. The reason I'm sure it's real is that it features the STELLA MARIA vocalist, and it was mentioned on UNDER CODE's website back in 2003 at least.
    So really what is in question (well, was in question) are the bands Levia, LAYBIAL, and SHEY=DE. As I mentioned before, I bought some tapes from KISAKI, but basically they are fake. However, I want to give some more complete info on them, if you'll just wait for another post. (And sorry for not posting before, but I was still unsure about certain things. Champ's post about the SHEY=DE tracks is what made the difference for me.)
    I will go ahead and say this, though: although we now know that these demotapes are fake, there is still more to this plot...! Please wait for my next post.
  3. LOLOL
    avaritonista reacted to Keiyuu in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    Also worth mentioning is that this seller had at least two more copies of the bootleg Matina DVD hyura bought + at least two KELOID tapes.
    And this Levia tape (滅びの序章) mentioned in the thread before.
    I suppose 滅びの序章 belongs to a real band called Levia, the one that was listed a lot of times in CLUB GIO's 1993 list (where Kisaki's Levia never played).
    And as we know, their member names confirm that they had nothing to do with Kisaki: http://monochrome-heaven.com/uploads/monthly_03_2014/post-515-0-68667200-1395329942.png
    I'm very sure that the tape sold by this seller (who is Kisaki or someone who's involved in his shit) had a photocopied cover without these names on it. From what I saw on Naaaaani's photo, there aren't any names on the KELOID tape either.
    When Kisaki made up all his bullshit (probably around the time when he released his book in 2007) he just used this Levia band as a base for his "first band".
    Even the title of his fictional band's tape was derived from Levia's. http://kisaki-official.syncl.jp/?p=shop&id=530024&af=
    滅びの序章 → 滅序章
    Oh and this:
    Yeah sure, KISAKI PROJECT in 1994... Why not create another potential tape to sell for 5000 yen, right?
    I won't be surprised if this someday pops up on an auction from a user who's selling unreleased Matina and UCP stuff - more than one copy, of course. ;D
    The only thing so far that may indeed be real is that 奴隷華 tape by SHEY≠DE, which is listed in hyura's magazine from 1999 as their only tape. I somehow doubt that he already faked his band history back then, but who knows...
  4. Interesting
    avaritonista reacted to hyura in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    The thought that someone would play music on Nude of J level, then record something as lame as 奴隷華 with his next band is unrealistic enough in itself.
    Who is supposed to believe that?
  5. Like
    avaritonista reacted to Champ213 in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    Well, for what it's worth: the person that gave me the rip of 瑠璃の雫 also gave me 2 other demo tapes allegedly by SHEY=DE: 奴隷華 and Dark Side. Again, just rips, not physical tapes, so not really hard evidence. But the fake 瑠璃の雫 rip led me straight to the very real INSANITY tape which then showed some eerie parallels to the information on Kisaki's site. Maybe we can find something for the other ones as well.
    The "Dark Side" tape has already been partially identified. Gaz pointed me towards a band called 業, and upon searching a bit I actually found 2 YT vids by that band
    and . Those are the first 2 tracks on the tape. (Interestingly enough, the YT description says that 業 was the first band of ピエトロ and リエット, presumably the vocalist and guitarist of Da'vidノ使徒:aL - the band 業 is indeed mentioned as a previous band of リエット here. ) The alleged tape also has a 3rd track called 苦悩二果テニ which I'm unable to identify or match to any other band. 
    However, this one doesn't really proof anything so far, since there doesn't seem to be any "official" tracklist for this particular Kisaki tape. In this case anyone could have made up a tracklist and mislabeled the files. Which would have been my normal guess, but in the light of all these discoveres.... who knows?
    Here are all 3 tracks from the the fake "Dark Side": https://www.mediafire.com/?0sjs1oq4w4vlwq4
    Maybe someone recognizes the still unidentified 3rd track?
    Now, the other tape, 奴隷華. The tracklist I got matches the one from the scan above. Neither I or my contact recognized the songs from any other band. In theory, this rip could still be legit, but I'm not holding my breath. Again, I'm posting it here, maybe someone else can identify it: https://www.mediafire.com/?qg69423c4i5g72k
    So yeah, that's all I can offer for now. Good hunting.
  6. LOLOL
  7. LOLOL
    avaritonista reacted to Champ213 in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    I'm not even sure if it's about money.... yeah, you can sell the tapes at a decent price, but not really THAT much that it would warrant the effort and risks involved, since you can only sell a very small amount of them without it getting too suspiscious. So... I dunno...
    Anyway, in the interest of the "investigation", here's the files of the INSANITY demo tape:
    I talked to my japanese contact who identified it for me again, and he confirmed the information I found on the auction site. He also told me that the tape is called "瑠璃の雫", just like the alleged SHEY=DE tape. He owns a physical copy of the INSANITY tape, so there's really no doubt about it, the INSANITY tape exists, the cover art and tracklist are legit, although the cover art and parts of the names miraculously also turn up on Kisaki's site as a SHEY=DE release. There's also no doubt that the files linked above are from said INSANITY tape, although - again miraculously - they were circulated as that SHEY=DE release - what a coincidence! (Btw, I changed the tags to the proper ones, since I don't want to further spread mistagged files.)
    Now, for the rare chance that anyone ever got their hands on a physical release of the SHEY=DE tape, please compare them with the files I linked, so we can have full clarity. XD But I have a vague idea about the result already....
  8. LOLOL
    avaritonista reacted to Champ213 in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    You know, usually when people sell their music to other people, they sell them rights to the music, ie. the composition/lyrics so that other people can record/perform them - I never heard of people selling actual fully recorded songs that they already released themselves to other people so that they can claim them as their own work without even re-recording them themselves. At least in case of Levia this seems to be the case, and there's some indication it's also the case for Shey=de.
    What are the chances that three different bands (VICE RISK, Nude of J, INSANITY) sold their already released demos to three consecutive bands of Kisaki, so that he could claim them as releases of his bands? And would it make it really any better if he did indeed pay money to use those recordings? It would still leave the fact that 3 of his 4 earliest works showcased on his own site don't actually seem to have been written, performed and recorded by any band that he was ever part of. At this point I wouldn't bet any money on the remaining vintage release - Levia's 滅序章 - being from one of KIsaki's bands either.
    If it was just one dubious release I would say, okay, coincidence, misunderstanding, mistake, whatever. But three releases? That can't be a coincidence.
    Why would he do that? I dunno. But we are talking about the person that took a photo of paper cranes from Google and claimed it was cranes sent to him by fans while he was in hospital.
    To be clear, I'm not a Kisaki-hater. I like many of his bands and his labels' bands. But I'm calling bullshit on this one.
  9. Like
    avaritonista reacted to Lestat in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    You know there's always the possibility the other bands sold their music to him.
  10. I feel ya..
    avaritonista reacted to Champ213 in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    But he was already pretty clear about it. It's not a cover, it's the same recordings he said.
    Normally I would suspect that some random seller on Yahoo wanted to make some money and just faked the tape. But Kisaki's official site confirms the cover and tracklist and it's pretty weird in itself that the tracklist is 2/3 of the Nude-of-J tape. Which is another thing, the Nude-of-J tape has 3 tracks, so it's not just that the tape somehow ended up in the wrong case, someone must have gone through the trouble to copy over those 2 songs specifically.
    Aaaaand there's more. I recently got the mp3s for another purported early Kisaki band, SHEY≠DE, via trade. It was later brought to my attention that they were probably fake. Fake files can happen in trades, although my source was usually a very realible one. One of the tapes I got is also on Kisaki's homepage, this one:
    So, I showed my files to another japanese guy I know who's very knowledgable about old vk stuff, he said the tape I got was actually by a band called INSANITY.
    And here's where it gets interesting.
    Upon googling a bit I found this old auction where somebody was selling that old INSANITY tape: http://aucview.aucfan.com/yahoo/w80588066/
    The tracklist is slightly different, but look at the cover! It's the same as on Kisakis page, except that one is red!
    For comparison:

    瑠璃の雫 by SHEY≠DE
    1. insanity
    2. XXXXX
    3. 夢遊病者

    Unnamed tape by INSANITY
    1. 恋模様
    2. Desert Labyrinth
    3. 瑠璃の雫
    The first song on the SHEY≠DE tape has been altered with the name of the actual band (!), and the second one has been replaced with xxxxx (!!). The third song of the INSANITY tape was used as title for the SHEY≠DE tape (!!!). Now that's creative! But hey, at least he came up with a COMPLETLY NEW fake name for the 3rd song this time. And he re-colored the cover in Photoshop. That's gotta be worth something, right?
    The INSANITY tape was sold for 1000 Yen btw. The seller could have asked for a lot more for a SHEY≠DE tape, so there's no reason whatsoever for him to fake a SHEY≠DE tape into an INSANITY tape.
    At first I thought I was spoofed by a tricky trader. But there seems to be more to it. So after the dubious LAYBIAL and Levia tapes.... make it three.
  11. LOLOL
    avaritonista reacted to Gaz in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    i'm starting to think that every COCKSUKEY's band before Stella maria were just garage bands of some teen guys which haven't actually released anything. and now he realized how to make moar moneyz by just making up band's history and putting up releases that never existed. so then comes the funniest part: making those "releases" himself recording some no1curr about stuff on tapes and selling them for crazy prices. DUDE COME ON AT LEAST CHANGE THE SONGS TITLES TO MAKE IT LESS OBVIOUS!
  12. wow
    avaritonista reacted to Naaaaani in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    And it was me, who bought it. Btw, I think the second tape belongs to another band called Levia, not Kisaki's one.
  13. LOLOL
    avaritonista reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    And he used a picture of origami cranes to say these were gifts fans sent him while in the hospital.
  14. LOLOL
    avaritonista reacted to hyura in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    I can make a scan if you like! orz
    He is in fact recognizable, but the first picture shows only him. I think the 'details are secret' is weird, too, but doubt he actually faked having been in that band at this point. That was only 5 years later! And the date is the same as in the new live-history, too. I'd rather think he'd invent some releases, not the entire band. : /
    The other photo.. may actually SHEY≠DE, I think. The guys look very similar to the picture of SHEY≠DE on the same page. The layout of the magazine is a bit vague, so it's not clearly mislabeled or anything, but it makes it look like it belongs to the LAYBIAL section.
    About the blog photo, though...
    He clearly stated it was UCP guys! I just mentioned it since there was no photo proof of levia-related stuff or anything.
    He didn't just upload photos from google to his blog, he, for example, took a photo of hospital food from google and wrote 'This is my food at the hospital' under it. Or he took a photo of a broken car window from google and wrote 'Someone broke into my car' under it. And there were around 20 cases found before he shut down his blog I believe.
    I doubt many common musicians do that.
  15. LOLOL
    avaritonista reacted to hyura in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    Wow, I only saw this thread now. : o
    So I'm a bit late to the party.
    Kisaki bashing used so be a popular sport so as his fan I feel like a traitor to say this but:
    Well. Kisaki was also the guy who took random pictures from google and uploaded them to his blog to look like he had a life.
    So yeah it doesn't seem that unlikely for him to invent those releases or even bands afterwards to make his history more colorful.
    The 'Beyond the kingdom' book has the same release- and live-history infos that were already posted and no pictures of either bands.
    It doesn't say much about Laybial in the history part at all either, only that they were a 'positive punk' band and toured other cities as well. KISAKI left them very fast.
    It has, however, some stuff about Levia: appearently they were extremely popular in wakayama, even referred to as 'super band', that's why they played so many oneman lives (pretty unusual for a young band like that!), they often appeared in the local press and played as OA for major bands. The sound was aggressive.
    I also looked through my old mags and found some 'Kisaki photo gallery' in a minikomi from '99!
    No photo/mention of levia, but two pictures of Laybial. One of them is commented with '1994.5.30 Umeda Guild, Even between the photos I have this one is pretty old. Because this band is currently with Matina there's propably lots of people who are like 'what?' now. The details are secret.' ... So the live history of that band seems to be legit I guess. ;D
    The other photo is dated 1994.9.21... which is technically when he was already in his next band. : o So no idea.
    I doubt those tapes would disappear just like that. : o 200 and 300 presses is not that few and Kisaki was a famous guy from early on, at least from La'Sadies he made it pretty big in the indies scene, so at least a couple would have made their way to second hand shops and the like. Just like with many other tapes from old nobody bands whose members got famous later on.
    What does it say on that Levia tape? ;O; I'm curious.
    edit: there is a blog entry here where kisaki says he visited Levias guitarist in Wakayama who is now married with the woman who was their staff at that time. : o But the photo is some UCP people. XD (at least not stolen from google!)
  16. LOLOL
    avaritonista reacted to Brandon in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    I tried to find the live house archives, wherein Levia and Laybial supposedly played.
    I felt myself at the gate of victory, but... http://www5.big.or.jp/~gio/memories/index.html
    All sites are under construction... Kisaki's hand reach everywhere.   
  17. LOLOL
  18. Like
    avaritonista reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    I hope he redistributes those early tapes for some anniversary. I love crappy teen-kei demos.
  19. Interesting
    avaritonista reacted to Lestat in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    Kisaki's been notorious ever since he picked up that bass. He might as well have sold those lost tracks to other bands.
  20. LOLOL
  21. LOLOL
    avaritonista reacted to Keiyuu in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    Sorry, but how are some obscure teen bands who were probably as "big" as Kisaki's band "heroes" for them...?
    As for the fact that it was common to copy certain phrases and titles: Yeah that's true, when you look at a number of vk bands you may see some similar titles here and there. But THIS is just too conspicuous.. I mean.. They just took a whole tracklist and simply copy-pasted it. Maybe added 1-2 songs. I don't know but it's just extremely weird that something like this was done on purpose, concerning at least 3 different bands. I haven't seen anything like this in any other vk band.
    This would also mean that they all had to be from the same region. How else could have such tiny bands heard about each other and even know their song titles (and the order in which they recorded them on their demo tape...)? According to Kisaki's official site (which I just found), Levia were from Wakayama (Kisaki's birth town). Nude of J (formed 1 year before Levia) were from Gunma prefecture, which is nearly half across Japan from the Wakayama area.
    Or maybe the 15-17 year old Kisaki traveled around Japan and went to numerous lives of bands who were together for a month and thought "FUCK YEAH! KELOID, PRAY, VIRGINING PLESURES! Guys I have no idea what it means but your song titles rock my socks! Hell, I'll make a band when I'm home and use all of them (including spelling mistakes)"
    No seriously... it seems a little bit too far-fetched. :/
    Wow, which tape is it? Can you tell us about the songs on it?
  22. Like
    avaritonista reacted to Brandon in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    He was 16~17 years old.
    These teen guys always try to copy their heroes.
  23. Like
    avaritonista reacted to inartistic in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    Hahahah, it's a great theory! But...

    Well, besides that there's no point in making up 1 year of band history... Sherlock says simplest explanation is probably right: KISAKI makes up 1 year of band history, or KISAKI copies some song titles? As elias mentions, there's another Levia―well, there's also another LAYBIAL, GARDEN, De=prive, Vice†risk, Of-J (several オブジェ)...

    You have these young boys running around in shit-fucking-tiny bands playing terrible copycat music in the no-internet Stone Age wasteland of 1993... My point is: they probably just copied each others' band names/titles/cool phrases, and were so small that no one cared.

    As for those DTs not being online, IMO KISAKI is the only one who owns those tapes anymore because he's the only person on the planet who cared enough to save them. Any girl who was into 1993's LAYBIAL got married and threw that shit out before VK even reached the internet, you know? And KISAKI probably doesn't share them because they're embarrassing/he doesn't have the rights.

    Also: I own a Levia tape and have seen others, so that definitely ends the theory.


    That being said, no clue if the songs themselves were copies of those other bands! Would only know if I had rips of all the tapes to compare. So you can still form conspiracy theories about that !


    It was worth buying from there, 'cause the MP3s were from original masters. Unfortunately their credit card system is offline now, BUT you can find almost all of those MP3s on the Matina DEMO TAPE COLLECTIONS CD-R which UNDER CODE released (I think there's a rip up somewhere on MH?)
  24. LOLOL
    avaritonista reacted to elias in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    KI$AKI is a reptilian from the  hollow earth and supreme master of the Illuminati
    srsly now.. there's also another band from the 90's named Levia
    never saw a single trace of the actual existence of KISAKI's Levia other than those originally comming from own KI$AKI's sources
  25. LOLOL
    avaritonista reacted to Tokage in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    But yeah, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if Kisaki just made these bands up by himself.
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