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Everything posted by vanivani

  1. These guys seem pretty cool~ Like the music sample. If I have the money, I may need to buy this.
  2. vanivani

  3. ^ I hope not. Their minialbum was amazing!
  4. vanivani

    Finally got my hands on their live-distributed/store-limited single. It's a really good song! Still think their latest single is my fave, but loving this band!!
  5. Hopefully he is fine!! Can't imagine experiencing something like that.
  6. They're good, but I don't like 'em enough to buy them. They have definitely improved it sounds like.
  7. The new single is available at closet child cd
  8. Want more music by these guys already! Bet they're fun live!!
  9. The minialbum sounds amazing!! They're good at making heavier music and Yuuki's voice <3 love this band!!
  10. vanivani

    Ya, never enjoyed this band, but it's bummer to see them go when they appear to have a big fan base.
  11. vanivani

    I've always heard of DEZERT, but never bothered listening to their music. I regret this so much!!! >_< The music videos I've seen are amazing! Their music is awesome! Just....f##@@^^&g awesome!! I bought their new album on a whim and am so excited for it arrive! Been resisting listening to the full songs from it already uploaded on youtube lol
  12. vanivani

    Was expecting this... Their website has been really quiet for a while. And they tend to release new material pretty quickly.
  13. vanivani

    ^ That's a great cover for the new release :D
  14. He's a great person to buy from! Replied quickly to all of my messages and showed me pics of the CD I ordered. He let me know when it shipped it out and when it may arrive by. It arrived quickly, placed in bubble wrap package, and was in great condition! Thanks!! EDIT: Forgot to also mention that a nice little goodie was added to the order! Which was a very nice thing to do!
  15. Their look and name seem interesting. Hoping for a better sample of their music.
  16. Ya, that's a good point. I was worried, because there hadn't been any news.
  17. vanivani

    Jealous you got your copy of DEZERT's new album already! I'm waiting on my copy to ship!! :D
  18. vanivani

    These bands are completely different musically, so it just depends on what someone likes. I would personally choose Rentrer en Soi. I loved them when they were around!
  19. It sounds like a neat idea. I buy pretty much only new music, but unfortunately I rarely use a shopping service. Everything I want to buy, I find on a store that sells overseas. I've never really had that problem. And when I do use a shopping service, it's usually at most two CDs or one CD. I never buy anything more than that, because I've never needed to lol But it does sound like a great idea! Maybe in the future I will be able to use it! I'd feel bad only ordering one or two CDs when it sounds like the more you order, the more money you guys can make. I'm all for promoting small businesses!
  20. Nooo! >_< Why live-distributed?!?!?! This is bullshit lol
  21. Ya, it'd be nice to see more female visual kei bands out there... bring in some much needed diversity lol.
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