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Everything posted by suji

  1. suji

  2. suji

    Marco's Chibi Maruko-chan look this year ♥♥♥♥: THEY FUCKING MATCH NOW ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ IT'S SO CUUUUUUTE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  3. suji

    whyyyy did this vocalist have to leave smhhh
  4. Listen, we all have different opinions about this band, but to point out their weight has absolutely nothing to do with their music or visuals. The fact that 1) you don't normally see this on other band threads, 2) this is an all female band, it's just making others uncomfortable, and yall are looking like total dicks. Get back on topic guys~
  5. suji

    THE VELVET as Kuroshitsuji characters Peenagon as Disney characters & Edward Scissorhands Arlequin
  6. suji

    AKIRA (ex-MIRAGE, now in RENAME) & KISAKI Jerry (ex-REALies, now in ABOO)
  7. suji

    ~ at least this isn't about them banging each other or anything ~
  8. suji

  9. suji

    Mr.X (dude in the paper bag) has been revealed as カイ (kai)
  10. This is hilarious... Natalie's disbandment went viral when Japanese music news site Natalie also posted about it, making it look like the site was dismantling xD fucking savage... 😂😂😂
  11. suji

    Vk memes are cringey as hell, but wow, what a way to be a dick about it, amirite??? Sad.
  12. suji

    Yeah, I heard about this via tanuki just yesterday. These fans will just make up anything lol, but I'm loving it so
  13. yaaasss noah, pose the house down!!! 👏👏👏 i also want the bassist to fuck me auggghhh </3 😭
  14. suji

    basically bumping the topic, or another way of saying "i want this too"
  15. This makes me think of Marco, because not only are they in the same label, but because they also released 2 best albums which contained their entire discography (at the time of release). Thankfully they didn't disband, but with Shinotsuku Ame however, I'm more concerned since theirs is significantly smaller, plus it doesn't help that they've been rather quiet too...
  16. late af (& i can't believe no one's done this) but i guess they're really going to......vanish /mod status revoked
  17. HeaRt will perform on December 3 at 柏ThumbUp. They've already released their mini-album, "re:Play" (2160 yen, available at Brand X) on August 2 and have opened a Soundcloud page. (OHP, Twitter) "re:Play" tracklist: 1.パレード (parade) 2.ツクヨミ (tsukuyomi) 3.調布 (choufu) (new recording) 4.ゼリープール (zeripuru) (new recording)
  18. ジャックケイパー (Jack Caper) mini-album 脳内潜伏狂想曲集 (Nōnai senpuku kyōsōkyoku-shū) (2 types, 2700 yen)
  19. ジャックケイパー (jack caper) new mini-album, "脳内潜伏狂想曲集" (Nōnai senpuku kyōsōkyoku-shū) will be released on December 5 in 2 types! [TYPE 1: 脳内お花畑盤 (Nōnai ohanabatake-ban) (CD&DVD, 2700 yen)] CD: (5 songs) DVD: 1. (music clip) 2. 禁断の裏側 -オフショット- (kindan no uragawa -offshot-) [TYPE 2: 脳内お金畑盤 (Nōnai okane hata-ban) (CD, 2700 yen)] CD: (7 songs)
  20. Lmao, I'm not surprised. As it was pointed out before, Mel composed most of their songs!
  21. suji

    Otomekokka? (they're currently on break till Dec)
  22. 篠突く雨 (shinotsuku ame) BEST ALBUM "篠突く雨" (3000 yen) [tracklist] 1.輝夜-kaguya- 2.月光の檻 (gekkou no ori) 3.葵 (aoi) 4.追憶の雨 (tsuioku no ame) 5.来世の花 (raise no hana) 6.狂華染乱 (kyoukasenran) 7.森羅万象 (Shinrabanshō) 8.残香 (zankou) 9.花魁道中 (oiran douchuu)
  23. suji

    w h a t
  24. 篠突く雨 (shinotsuku ame) best-album, "篠突く雨" (shinotsuku ame) (3000 yen) will be released on December 6. From what it looks like, it features all the songs they've released so far, including from their live-distributed singles. [tracklist] 1.輝夜-kaguya- 2.月光の檻 (gekkou no ori) 3.葵 (aoi) 4.追憶の雨 (tsuioku no ame) 5.来世の花 (raise no hana) 6.狂華染乱 (kyoukasenran) 7.森羅万象 (Shinrabanshō) 8.残香 (zankou) 9.花魁道中 (oiran douchuu)
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