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Everything posted by emmny

  1. emmny

    also does this band have a following on here? i found them in the depths of my last.fm library and they're Fuckin poppin
  2. emmny

    still fucking oBSESSED with ur style ur so talent niji all the art work gives me such legit avelcain vibes, the one painting of that ryuutaro character and the red flowers at his feet reminded me of higanbana. maybe i just have that song stuck in my head LOL its awesome eitherway keep posting ^.^
  3. emmny

    some shit on a gossip blog about how ur over 21 gya will shade u for ur age..it really doesn't have much relation to foreign gya tho lol and some other assorted stuff about how if ur over x age u shouldn't be a bangya...silly shit
  4. art-kei bands bringing new sounds to the scene has 0 relevance to a deathcore band who has no relevance to the visual kei scene outside of a bit of makeup they smeared onto their faces in the name of making more money because they're average at best outside of "vk". ur all allowed to like deviloof, thats not my issue but saying they add something to visual kei seems a little thin--they play with no other vk bands and donned the vk label for purposes unrelated to their music. of course this begs the question "what is visual kei" and thats a discussion for another thread, but thats my personal beef with deviloof in case u were curious.
  5. emmny

    this page feels empty without tokage's shitposting. come back.
  6. emmny

    i never message/tweet at band guys despite them being all i follow lol but y'all have been successful maybe i'll polish my japanese one day and finally message MiA to quit visual kei forever
  7. i saw the pictures of their look and it was fkin beautiful
  8. how come they work like crazy but manage to stay incredibly consistent WOW
  9. i dont even care about the song im just here for tzk looking pretty again
  10. emmny

    im so fucking excited for the new album no one gets it like i've listened to the gennei syndrome spot so many times i can sing the whole chorus and the bassline. tfw u went from hating the band to borderline obsession over the course of a year. i hope they chill out on the diru stuff and incorporate more of the madeth/kote + MM influences, partially because its more interesting than ripping off diru for the nth time cuz that musical palette they use isn't referenced enough in modern vk. also PLZ moar twin guitar leads, thats so deliciously old school. the day grieva broaden the influences they borrow from is the day they'll deadass kill vk, they're just so good.
  11. oh yeah true it would be odd to do a last one man considering they couldn't fill venues to begin with (which is why i was shocked at the fact that they played nanba hatch lol) but now it all makes sense.
  12. emmny

    gotdam they're on fire
  13. i was expecting a 40 song setlist wtf is this
  14. emmny

    lets goo
  15. chariots and shit shifter can suck my ass he needs to go back to where he belongs....UNSRAW!!!
  16. lmao im not a tbs expert but i see the venues they play at and live house pics and they sell a lot better than 1 row of girls, so 0-6 people? wrong band.
  17. the band isn't nearly proficient enough for deathcore, which is comforting knowing they'll probably stick to their og sound forever
  18. emmny

    i wanna drink with u and fight over vk <3
  19. this satsuki album is f*cking shocking !

    1. emmny


      there's disco too don't forget it

    2. CAT5


      dammnit, emmny. I was hoping to just ignore this album >.>

    3. emmny


      cattyboy its mostly worth ignoring in all honesty LOL

    4. Show next comments  267 more
  20. emmny

    this single is gonna slay i CANT WAIT
  21. the only issue with the comparison is that grieva actually have talent ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  22. emmny

    are u ever just horny to get ur heart broken...like not sex....but heart break...cuz SAME
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