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Everything posted by emmny

  1. emmny

  2. they've already basically done porn and now im expecting some next level gore/horror
  3. emmny

    anything where he can slow down and do his little frils and fills and tricks and just be the #qween that he's meant to be. im a broken record but he completely obliterates most ballads, ware yami tote is especially gorgeous.
  4. "NEW SINGLE『詩踏み』2016.7.27 RELEASE! 表題曲「詩踏み」(読み:ウタフミ)は孤独、怒り、そして根源に<痛み>が内包された、疾走感を感じさせる楽曲となっています。 The title song ‘utafumi’ includes the theme of loneliness and anger, and also ‘pain’ as a foundation; it will be a new song that will let you feel the speed." http://kyotakumrau.tumblr.com/post/143209751717/new-single詩踏み2016727-release
  5. new plastic tree single july!!!!

    1. Seimeisen


      The preview vid sounds awesome! Wish we didn't have to wait 'til the end of July.

    2. emmny


      reminds me of mirai iro (i wonder why!!) but im excited more for the b-sides (hopefully its not a onecoin). otherwise, its good 'ol pura.

    3. plastic_rainbow


      i'm always excited for new pura! sounds like pura indeed~

  6. emmny

    ur welcome, have fun! undying sounded amazing live, the ballad-y energy comes across much better live--be sure to watch kai, he drums up a storm in the song! edit: also, the toronto show sold surprisingly well. they performed at a (respectable) venue larger than where diru played (~1500) and it looks like they sold about 70-80% of the tickets--not to mention that there was a much much larger V.I.P. presence than expected. i thought since it didn't sell out like diru V.I.P. would flop but thats because there was likely a large/non-existent cap on V.I.P., it looked like there were 75-100 vip (the lineup seemed massive but a bitch can't count). tl;dr gazette didnt flop and i wouldn't be surprised if they came back--the tour seems like a success.
  7. emmny

    rev make it if you can, it's a GREAT live show!!
  8. emmny

    the toronto setlist was surprisingly dogma heavy, i dont really remember everything but im sure someone will post it; i'll edit when they do. also, if they're stopping by you for the world tour--go and see 'em, even if you don't care a lot for the gazette. they're a phenomenal live band and the songs translate incredibly well live. not only do they add a fair bit of atmosphere with the se intros before some songs, but the electronics sound surprisingly awesome and spacy--especially on the dogma songs. its funny how it never came across on record, but there really is a bit more that's obtained from the "dogma" experience at the lives. kinda hard to explain, and kind of gimmicky but there's another level to dogma thats heard live.
  9. emmny

    not to be creepy but i've seen a lot of ur old posts on here and u have awesome taste! welcome.
  10. makoto and rena are actually BEAUTIFUL fucc
  11. emmny

    ur the reason for the tear drops on my guitar
  12. emmny

    ion give a fuck about their wishes; they can police their japanese audience all they want, it won't work to the same extent here.
  13. emmny

    fuck gabriel on the gallows cockroach and chizuru--AWESOME EVERYONE HOPING FOR THAT SURPRISE TAION KEEP PRAYING LETS HOPE THEY PLAY IT TOMORROW NIGHT but if the setlist loops, toronto's gonna get brazil's shitty setlist also, anyone got a link to the setlist request poll results?
  14. emmny

    basically everything i wanted to say. i want one sexy photo of uruha so keep ur dumb rules to yoself BUT don't be in front of me trying to record the whole show at 3rd row while im trying to fuck shit up
  15. this is surprisingly fucking weird LOL
  16. emmny

    through silver in blood turned 20 two days ago it blows my mind with every listen
  17. emmny

    no let me beg for 1/2 ballads and spermargarita stuff
  18. emmny

    if they have the chops to change up the setlist so much why don't they play a longer setlist...urgh
  19. emmny

    himesama u can't leave :(((
  20. emmny

    come on kotekote revival!!!
  21. tokyo dome? whats with kiryu and trying to play massive venues lmao
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