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Everything posted by shinobu.

  1. shinobu.

    Homework :/ and be on here lol
  2. shinobu.

    When I'm bored, I.... Read. Watch Netflix. Come here and post a lot. Transcribe and romanize Japanese lyrics. Translate if I feel confident enough.
  3. shinobu.

    Safari. Just cuz it's the default browser. lol
  4. It's bad... I'm a night owl... I've been wanting to get back into being a morning bird. I would be good at it when I was running. Maybe I should get back into running..
  5. shinobu.

    PM'd you about Rivet
  6. shinobu.

    The music is good, but the singer does sound a bit bored in his singing lol He can definitely sing, so it'll be interesting to see how the rest of mini album turns out.
  7. shinobu.

    Yes, friends are important. I've always had a small group of friends my whole life, with whom I was/am really close....whether that be with friends I know in person or online. I've had friends who ended up being shitty or they just hadn't grown up at all and were still living like they were in high school, etc.
  8. No, I've never had sex with an ex of my best friend or an ex's ex or anything. I don't think I could do it lol it would just make things awkward.
  9. shinobu.

    A lot to do today... A lot to do today... At least my boyfriend will be here with me ♡
  10. shinobu.

    I don't know. I haven't really connected with any vk fanbases since I got back into the scene. When I was into it in 2006 or so, I thought the more indie bands' fanbases were chill.
  11. shinobu.

    Just ordered these :D Now... to not spend money on visual kei music for a month (>_<) lol. &... wonder if these will ship before The♡Valentine. CDs (>_<) still waiting on those to ship!! π乙。(Paiotsu) SADNESS ADVANCE ああ卒業
  12. shinobu.

    Cool~ New single by these guys!!
  13. shinobu.

    Oh, cool~ The guy with purple hair looks cool lol
  14. Ya, that's cool, but why are there two different versions?? :/
  15. Pretty good from the samples... Hopefully they release a nationwide single or something.
  16. Oh, wow, that's a bummer. I bet it's so financially difficult to start a visual ke band, and when you're not wise about it, it probably just all falls apart.
  17. shinobu.

    Seems like they're losing members :/ hmm..
  18. shinobu.

    It's okay about your age. I'm older here too than I feel like may be the average lol So you're not alone. Enjoy your time here!
  19. Never listened to them till now. Pretty good :D
  20. Oh my! This is awesome! Definitely my type of visual kei lol They need to release something soon!! :D
  21. shinobu.

    Never thought i'd say this... I like this band. To be honest this type of music has never been my cup of tea at all, but this is really good. May have to buy this lol Thanks for sharing this!
  22. shinobu.

    Like them~ Hopefully they release something I can get
  23. Oh, cool~ Good to know! Thanks
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