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Status Replies posted by shinobu.

  1. Isn't it just sad when you realize that no other Visual Kei band will ever reach a cult-status again? There will be no new Dir en grey, no new GazettE, no new LUNA SEA or X Japan. It's just not happening.

    1. shinobu.


      Ya... You never know, though. Visual kei could rise again... may just take 5-10 years for someone to come along.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  2. Will never hear ????ゃ??り??彼女.

    1. shinobu.


      Yes. I just ordered it today, so it may take a bit to ship and all, but once I receive it I'll share if it hasn't been shared yet.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Will never hear ????ゃ??り??彼女.

  4. I don't need new CDs, I don't need new CDs, I ... I ... I need new CDs (;_;)

    1. shinobu.


      ya...that's what I've been telling myself too...haha

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Does anyone know where I can get Gotcharocka's Emotion? TT____TT It's probably sold out, and neither me nor my dad can make heads or tails of CDJapan...

    1. shinobu.


      It's weird cdjapan.co.jp is showing up in Japanese for you. Site should be in English :/ Sorry about that! Hope you can figure it out as well as your cosplay stuff!

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  6. Does anyone know where I can get Gotcharocka's Emotion? TT____TT It's probably sold out, and neither me nor my dad can make heads or tails of CDJapan...

  7. Does anyone know where I can get Gotcharocka's Emotion? TT____TT It's probably sold out, and neither me nor my dad can make heads or tails of CDJapan...

  8. Wow...Neverland is pretty good.....

  9. Oneness, LUCHe. and now REALies

    1. shinobu.


      "darker" VK is more popular right now? I guess it makes sense with these poppier bands disbanding.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  10. High Hopes for the band DIZ 1st album

    1. shinobu.


      I agree! I'm gonna preorder it! They're really good!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Is it bad that I miss the days when I used to upload?

    1. shinobu.


      Ya, I felt the same way and started uploading again. Feel like after a few more releases, I'll stop for a while.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Thanks again everyone who showed up for our first RarezHut stream! You guys are beautiful and amazing and I love you guys. Now I'm gonna go eat some pizza and die until tomorrow's stream <3

  13. Thanks again everyone who showed up for our first RarezHut stream! You guys are beautiful and amazing and I love you guys. Now I'm gonna go eat some pizza and die until tomorrow's stream <3

  14. dammit, books, stop making my wallet lighter... ;w;

    1. shinobu.


      That's how I feel with visual kei music lately... Probably should buy books instead; they'll make me smarter lol

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. I ordered lot of stuff from Japan... So many lycaon CD...like 1st press Eros, Mayaku, Rose, Akujo no hohoemi and Gossip...and chekis...Oh can't wait.. >^< And I pre-ordered the Gypsy too...now pocket is so emtpy ehh ^^" XD

    1. shinobu.


      That's awesome! I feel the same way... empty pockets this month :/ but it's worth it!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. do you ever remember how overly apologetic your 16 year old self was of their shitty music taste and want to die

    1. shinobu.


      I too say very little of the music my 16-year-old self was bad. Most of it is what I still listen to now.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. Something crazy is gonna have to happen to push DADAROMA off #1 mini album release this year. Eyes on Far East Dizain.

    1. shinobu.


      Still need to check out that mini album... Have heard good things about it!

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