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Status Replies posted by togz

  1. Man, I got so sidetracked drawing that I drew through my whole chance to sleep. >:'[ I did post part of the drawing though because I guess I don't post enough. =___=

  2. Every year Dir en grey doesn't tour in the USA makes me feel weird. It's already been about a year since I've seen them the last time....

  3. Officially fucking hate two story houses and officially want to move the fuck out of here.

  4. you're still my hero, I'm just too stubborn to admit it....

  5. Sorry I missed the plug session today. Was it good?

  6. This insomnia is all too familiar...

  7. Not to self: Never order a 14 year old single.

  8. That awkward moment when there's a job near my city for nintendo and the only qualification that I don't have is 100% fluency in Japanese. Goodbye world.

  9. That awkward moment when there's a job near my city for nintendo and the only qualification that I don't have is 100% fluency in Japanese. Goodbye world.

  10. That awkward moment when there's a job near my city for nintendo and the only qualification that I don't have is 100% fluency in Japanese. Goodbye world.

  11. Someone staying at my house has shown me some t.v. shows; Breaking Bad, How to Get Away With Murder and Orange is the New Black. Hmmm....

  12. Need mbhi .___.

  13. Hmm.. I just found some selfies that Luzmelt (Yuhma & nov) took with Kiwamu

  14. dude... mbhi's new release is in like... a day. I wish i had that thing you can trade for items and stuff... what was it called.... MONEY YEAH THAT THING.

  15. when tumblr claims that everyone who doesn't think beyonce is the best artist ever is automatically an awful human being: http://38.media.tumblr.com/6b7cbd86419893beee7457a7196d3f6f/tumblr_mrl1es6aS71qlwkdio8_250.gif

  16. http://www.the90sbutton.com/ all day every day. We need to do a retro plug some times for maximum cheese.
  17. I have too much shit.

  18. why does it always take me million years to find a good avatar x___x

  19. bfn's mini feels just O.K. but maybe a second listen will change mind...

  20. bfn's mini feels just O.K. but maybe a second listen will change mind...

  21. Alcohol is a terrible terrible thing.

  22. Alcohol is a terrible terrible thing.

  23. Alcohol is a terrible terrible thing.

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