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Posts posted by sentarou

  1. Kinda expected something in this style after seeing their new artist photos. I don't mind it, but I hope that they'll still somewhat stick to their original sound, and not change entirely. Looking forward to release, as always!



    Am I the only one that misses Eros's voice back in first period XodiacK era? It just sounds better to me. 


    I do, a little bit. I love his voice in general though, so it doesn't matter too much, haha.

  2. Bought these spray on skinny pants by Topman (in size 28). Finally, I loose some weight, and it's perfectly fit xDD And it was only around 9,5 £ / 13 € *w





    Daaamn, those look really tight! Awesome boots btw, been wanting to get those for myself for a while now, but I don't really need new boots yet. xD






    My latest purchase - Samsung Galaxy A5. Finally a new phone, huhuuu

  3. Pretty good list. A mix of a lot of good bands, indeed! JUDGEMENT by lynch. stands out the most for me.

    1. Your Demise - These Lights
    2. Disturbed - Parasite
    3. Lycaon - 『     』
    4. C-CLAYS - 墨染めの蝶
    5. ワンネス - 刹那炸裂少年
    6. The Devil Wears Prada - Escape
    7. Dir en grey - raison detre
    8. Evil Activities ft. Neophyte - Rocking With The Best
    9. LOCUS - 色堕ち
    10. ViViD - FAKE

    Kewl that a gabber song popped up, it doesn't fit in with the rest at all.

  4. Actually had sex to the GazettE once. This girl asked me to put on some music before we got it on, so I started my audio player on my PC, pressed the play button and it just so happened that the last thing I listened to was the GazettE.


    That's the only time I've had music playing during sex, that I can think of at least.

  5. Nice review. I don't mind that there are a lot of previously released songs on there, as long as the new ones are at least as good or even better, which they hopefully are. I do think they could've skipped TASTE OF LIFE and ゴールデンキネマ劇場 though, since they were released before the first album and they didn't even make any changes to them.


    I do enjoy their lighter, cheerful tunes, so I hope I'll enjoy this album.

  6. Hello! Nice pic (and I love your avatar). Welcome on MH ! :angely:


    Thank you! It's yo-ka from DIAURA, if you didn't notice^^.


    Hi Sen-San :D Nice see you here.


    Oi! Hope you're doing well~



    I am very happy to see a newcomer introducing themself after so long, and someone who has now taken the time to join after a bit. :'3 You already win for that fashion, wow. I'm going to have to take some tipis, aha. And your favourites are awesome! Particularly BabyDollSymphony I don't hear much about from anyone. Lovely indeed. Thank you for telling us, and for the photo. 'A really drunk me!' x'D I really hope you enjoy your time here and can remain active! Also, I'm adding you on Last.fm so thank you for that link too. Dat 'SUPER' musical compatibility. : 3

    See you around~


    Thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate it! <3

    BDS are a bit underrated if you ask me, more people should listen to them!! It's nice to see another fan^^.


    Welcome to the forum! Hope you like it here. If you have any questions/concerns, don't hesitate to ask!



    Your musical compatibility with Futanarino is HIGH

    Music you have in common includes the GazettE, Lycaon, 黒百合と影, DIR EN GREY and Div.


    Thank you, will do!


    Nice compatibility ;D

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