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Everything posted by Kiryu999

  1. Kiryu999

    Ah yeah they signed with PS COMPANY in 2003 that's why I thought they went major at this time. I guess it was when they signed with Sony? Around 2010 or something
  2. Kiryu999

    the GazettE grew up pretty fast too. Formed in 2002, first release "Wakaremichi", the 1000 copies sold very fast and 2nd press was released 2 months after Major debut in 2003 2004, oneman live at Shibuya AX sold out (1500 tickets) 2006, tour final at Nippon Budokan They also did Tokyo Dome which is a pretty big deal for a vk band but apparently it kinda flopped so..
  3. 時限式:uadjet are fucking phenomenal, they need to become a permanent band or bring llll-Ligro- back, asap!

    1. Zeus


      they pretty much are ligro to me so i'd look forward to formal activities too!

    2. Zeus


      they need permanent members i think right?

    3. Kiryu999


      Yeah only Hinata and Kazari from Ligro are the permanent members for now 

  4. Kiryu999

    Great! Lookinf forward to it
  5. Kiryu999

    The title song sounds great, second track is cool as well but the third one didn't really catch my attention. Overproduced as usual but we can say it's their signature sound now I guess ?
  6. Don't forget that those super indie bands don't have the same budget as R指定 for their music videos
  7. BUK BUK have released a new live-limited single called "透明になった〇〇。"at 2017.07.11, it contains 3 tracks and cost 1200yen. Tracklist: 01. 『透明』 02. 安藤くん。 03. 『僕らの歌』 http://ameblo.jp/bukbuk-offical/entry-12290864246.html?timestamp=1499516651
  8. Fun song, but nothing very memorable. They did way better
  9. I don't even like this band but I would buy these just for the covers lol they are very pretty, the ones for their new album are beautiful as well
  10. Kiryu999

    This song is really good
  11. Some parts of the song are too disconnected from eachother, not liking to full thing afterall
  12. It sounds so empty and badly recorded, and these vocals.. cute for trying to be Karma but at least he sounded good in studio
  13. Kiryu999

    Dio were very popular overseas but not in Japan unfortunately, I think that's why they disbanded, part of it at least. Kei also retired after their breakup but he seems to be back since he was there at the reunion and doing support for GLAMS. It would be so cool if Dio return for real, the new song they did for the tour is phenomenal and Mikaru loves Dio, it seems that he never really moved on. We can only hope now
  14. Kiryu999

    That orange wig lmao, fun look tho
  15. Kiryu999

    The 3rd track sounds cool, i'm not liking the rest
  16. Meh, Classic R指定, hope the full song will be more interesting
  17. Kiryu999

    They weren't that good afterall, I just hope to see Suica in a new band soon
  18. Kiryu999

    Sounds pretty cool, very MALISEND-like indeed
  19. Kiryu999

    Chiodo will release their live-limited single "SULLIVAN" at 2017.07.06 (1 track, 500yen). Tracklist: 1. SULLIVAN
  20. Kiryu999

    Lol that was very entertaining! And musically pretty nice too, I will keep an eye on them
  21. Back to their roots with this new look, but I'm scared, I can smell the disbandement coming soon for them..
  22. ex-Cardia and VIVALET that's cool!
  23. Love 泡沫 on La'veil MizeriA's new mini, so much old school vibes! 


    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Edit: nvm, it's up there too :staru: 



    2. Takadanobabaalien


      best track on the mini for sure. also yay for non-romanised tracklisting on spotify. 

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      As much as Kiwi sucks, his bands rarely have their track names romanized. (For better or for worse: if a band name is in katakana, you can't find it unless you put their name in katakana into search like SchwarzKain) 

    4. Show next comments  114 more
  24. Kiryu999

    Love this list! I will personally pick Jack Caper and Kizu (And 0.1gの誤算, they're fun) . As you said it's funny that Jack Caper and Gosan are pretty "big" in Japan but nobody care about them here. Shellmy are great too I'm looking forward for their new album! But where's DIMLIM tho ??!
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