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Everything posted by leighla

  1. Pisarro (ピサロ) new single "ゲシュタルトの彩生" (Gestalt no Saisei) will be released 2017.06.28. Tracklist: 1.ゲシュタルト 2.salon 3.Blossom
  2. leighla

    I got GOTCHAROCKA's autographs at their in-store event last week. Otherwise, just signed stuff that came with releases.
  3. leighla

    Feel free to elaborate on this. But Shia has been fired for what appears to be fraud. There are no further details behind this. The members plan to continue activities in the future. http://lineblog.me/chanty/archives/1062419028.html
  4. leighla

    YAY! This is GREAT news. So glad they're coming out with new material.
  5. Sum 41 just came out with a new music video called "Goddamn I'm Dead Again". Seriously don't understand why people think breaking guitars is so cool. That's just a waste....

    1. nekkichi


      seeing how their vocalist is a waste of perfectly good meth (lots of), that guitar barely counts in comparison

    2. leighla


      Doesn't really account for the fact that several other bands do that too...

  6. leighla

  7. leighla

    i.Rias new single "SWIMMY" will be released 2017.09.06 (2 TYPES). TYPE A will include 2 tracks and PV. TYPE B will include 3 tracks.
  8. leighla

    REIGN will release their new single "COBALT" on 2017.06.07. Track List: 1.VENOM 2.Death marY 3.MOON CHILD 《DVD》 「VENOM」MUSIC CLIP+OFF SHOT
  9. leighla

    They have released their third digital single "白影" in 03/2017.
  10. https://twitter.com/chanty_akuta/status/844173351404752896 New look. Tweet won't show.
  11. leighla

  12. leighla

    They have big feet.
  13. leighla

    I'm really curious about this change, but content is blocked. Is anyone able to upload the preview somewhere, please?
  14. SCREAMY is set for 2017/05/10. A Limited: 【CD】 1. The Screamers 2. JUSTICE 3. Good morning Tokyo! 4. 懺劇 5. Mission 6. 遺書 7. レインフォール 8. DramaQueeN 9. 赤いマフラーを巻いた女の子 10. Marry me,cause I hate U 11. asymMETRY 12. Ash 13. Brilliant days 【DVD】 1. 懺劇 2. 懺劇(Music Video Making) B limited: 【CD】 1. The Screamers 2. JUSTICE 3. Good morning Tokyo! 4. 懺劇 5. Mission 6. 遺書 7. レインフォール 8. DramaQueeN 9. 赤いマフラーを巻いた女の子 10. Marry me,cause I hate U 11. アカネとアイ 12. Ash 13. Brilliant days 【DVD】 1. Brilliant days 2. Brilliant days(Music Video Making)
  15. Kay... I see Mirumo, Lime and Hime. Dunno the other two.
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