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Everything posted by leighla

  1. Another great preview by Arlequin.
  2. Oh thank goodness! I was growing concerned because they haven't announced anything new in a while. After that whole ordeal with Hirobacky, I just feel so worried for thr band. Btw, has anyone found a PV for "manatsu no summer tiger" or "seraphim" yet? That last look was so epic.
  3. Friend told me that she spoke to one of the members (Ryuka/ りゅか) on LINE and that he said they were just a temporary band. Apparently they plan to come back with one member change in the line up. Guess we'll find out for certain though.
  4. I can't believe how much this band has gone through. That image they have is completely outdated too. Mirumo replaced his twin broth Miru back in September and they both have health problems. Now the drummer has left and is getting replaced. I feel so much sympathy for them. :/
  5. Moat full albums come CD+DVD for 3800 yen (no tax added yet) with a movie clip and about 10 tracks. They're at 6 tracks and a PV so it's not completely unbelievable. Especially since most singles come with two tracks and a PV for 1800. The math is wonky but it does make sense.
  6. It comes with a DVD. Most mini albums do not.
  7. ギルド「LOVEマシーン」FULL PV:
  8. leighla

    ALSDEAD -『STARLESS』 FULL PV: http://youtu.be/yM5XvyTp2ro
  9. leighla

    royz-yade posted a translation of Koudai's blog on Tumblr. It appears the news is supposed to be positive and Koudai is reassuring us that they don't intend to break any bad news to their fans.
  10. That'd be cool to see live. Hopefully D will come back from their hiatus after that point, though. I hope ASAGI is recovering well.
  11. leighla

    Album Artwork The band has also released a couple song samples on their OHP: http://badeggbox.jp/gigamous/mp3/nonfiction_sample.mp3 http://badeggbox.jp/gigamous/mp3/ticktuck_sample.mp3 Still haven't found a way to pre-order the album though. Not on CD Japan or BadeggBox store.
  12. leighla

    Yeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssss!!!!!!!! Waited too long for this moment.
  13. This is great. I really liked their full album. It was full of so many catchy songs and it was very upbeat!
  14. Is anyone able to translate the titles?
  15. This is exciting. I have high expectations for this next single.
  16. I don't see anyone who's put the title in romaji yet, but it's translated on CD Japan as "Kimi no Sodachi... Boku no Sodachi... Hora, Soko ni Ochiterumono wa Kimi Ika Demo Nai, Boku Ika Demo Nai. Totemo Tanoshiiyo Tottemo. - Kubetsu Sabetsu no Nai Koko Kara Toku e -" Long title.
  17. leighla


    Thanks for the welcome and the FYI. This site has been incredibly helpful with Vk updates. Since it's down, I had a slight panic attack and figured I should probably make an account. I know the popular bands out there, but I'm a bit of an oddball. Favorite band is GOTCHAROCKA. I also really like Shounenki, Misaruka, Kiryu, Royz, Lycaon and DOG in the PWO. Of course there are more, but those are the ones I tend to listen to the most. Not sure if I should have responded elsewhere...
  18. leighla


    A nice mod set me up with an account since the site is down and told me to introduce myself. Hi.
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