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Everything posted by eiheartx

  1. that's weird DDDD: what did they say when you said that you didn't have a Paypal account ?
  2. Not that, this point: "Your bank account has already been to much in use in other paypal account."
  3. Wow I understand better now ! But why did you try to open a new paypal account when you had already one opened (if I understand well)?
  4. What's your problem? Maybe we can help? Have you contacted Paypal to explain your issue ?
  5. When I posted my reply, I had completely forgotten about your payment issue (stupid me!). It's sad you couldn't make it with paypal (it's so useful and operational on multiples online shops!). +, in case of selling items, it the most fast and safe way.
  6. Well, there was only 1 person interested tho.. you're exaggerating a little. XD I can understand his motivations. But maybe that if you (= ishiki) would sell physical cds/dvds/stuff later (because yea, selling 3 flyers doesn't seem to be a good deal), you could keep these to add in your packages (like a gift). If shipping fees are, idk 8$, so be it.
  7. eiheartx

    None of them, seriously. 13's Reborn and Reason of Crying was the shit tbh. The next was just meh to me, these albums are painful and boring. I'll be glad if they follow the 'Gravitation' path in the future. My interest will follow too.
  8. eiheartx

    Welcome here, have fun with us !
  9. I can't wait to be a gold member and be able to change my title. <3

    1. PsychoΔelica


      *stuck being kiwamu's bitch forever* :P

    2. eiheartx


      XD I feel you :')

    3. PsychoΔelica


      I'll graduate from that sometime next month lol

  10. eiheartx

    ^Currently living in Arizona (must be hot!)
  11. eiheartx

  12. eiheartx

    Oh shiit, the album covers are stunning, reminds me gazetto's arts. I approve.
  13. My FJ order is queued for packing. I hope the Charge 2 will be not too expensive (I just don't know their prices >.<). Does anyone here want to share its own experience?

    1. eiheartx


      Ah ok, this is why I thought I couldn't order from France (I tried once to do it by using my regular account)!. Did you pay customs fees when you'd ordered stuff ? For JP, you said you choose unspecified, do they choose the cheaper shipping in that case ?

    2. eiheartx


      @stylelover oh :// I should try to simulate an order when I'll know the charge 2.

    3. kyoselflove


      When you choose unspecified they list the prices for all services and you pick which one you want. Amazon's shipping is usually 1800 yen for a DVD to me. I don't have to pay customs fees cause I'm in USA.

    4. Show next comments  210 more
  14. eiheartx

    "unpopularity" what ? I don't see the connection xD
  15. eiheartx

    I would love to know ! I read on the internet that you need to buy a card on some obscure -or not- websites etc but I never did, I'm a little scared. So I'm totally up for this.
  16. I have a question tho: W H Y there are some fucking different bonus between the stores ?? Just why ? Who's deciding this shit ? Are we supposed to buy our stuff a dozen times ? they need to stop this crap srsly. But it's Japan so... it's not for tomorrow then.
  17. eiheartx

    Wow they not even debuted that everyone is leaving already DDD: btw this look is stunning.
  18. why should we compare both exactly? it's a question; I'm not arguing against anyone, I just wanna know. KAMIJO and HIZAKI are now in bad terms ?
  19. Just saw the review by curiosity and omg, it was the best thing ever lmfao xDD
  20. eiheartx

    Oh, that's suck Mihi :/ Hope you'll take pictures of the booklet (if there's one lmao).
  21. eiheartx

    This is what I call a good job Cherushii !
  22. eiheartx

    After hours of hesitations, I've placed my first order on FJ : メガマソ 旧約偽典MEGAMASSO~渋谷鐘楼永続~ DVD Can't wait to have it. (I've first asked Brand-x the price + shipping for this item, they said 8,082Y - I've paid 4,909Y on FJ lmao). Hope all will go well.
  23. eiheartx

    Nice. Ruki is stunning.
  24. eiheartx

    Bonne idée ce topic. Je me débrouille un peu en anglais (bien que je fais parfois des fautes grossières et j'ai honte XD) mais ça reste pas évident d'exprimer un profond ressenti par rapport à sa langue maternelle (mise à part si on fait du google trad mais alors ça prends des plombes et c'est pas toujours très juste mdr). Je pense notamment aux topics reviews, je suis incapable de sortir un long pavé qui traite le cd de long en large en travers. Niveau communauté, j'ai tendance à fuir nautiljon comme la peste XD je me sens bien mieux ici du coup.
  25. eiheartx

    I'm tagging my dl threads with the name of the band in both kanji and romanji (I thought it was that) I'm doing it wrong since day one ToT
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