Ah Ubisoft...as a WiiU owner, I feel very upset about this shitty company. Their declarations are disrespectful to us, I just can't. They said we don't buy their games? Maybe they should start releasing them complete and not with a delay of 6 month just to add a fucking map on the gamepad (hello Watch_Dogs). They need to start asking themselves the good questions. No mature games anymore for the WiiU? Oh wait a minute, we still need big N, we need to sell our crap Just Dance !
I wanted at first to buy Unity for PC but after their declarations and their disdain for the 'non-gamers' (ahah stop, just stop), I'll boycott it. Not even AC Rogue for the U.... Fuck you, Ubisoft you lazy fuckers (I call them Ubichiottes XD chiottes : crapper in french).