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Everything posted by eiheartx

  1. eiheartx

    I'm not a movie person (+, theaters are 1h away from my home and the ticket is expensive; it's not worth it). So the latest movie that I've saw at home last month was Inception. 3rd time watching, this is what I needed to finally understand this shit lmao.
  2. eiheartx

    This is so cheap lmao XD But A Wish it's an old song no? Reminds me something (I used to listen to SANA back in 2007-08 ).
  3. eiheartx

    kurismass XD This one was released on december; I don't know the meaning of the lyrics tho:
  4. eiheartx

    Oh :'//// take care of you panda ! See you later.
  5. eiheartx

    +30€ of tax ToT 4,909Y (37.37€) + 2,072Y (15.20€) + 30€ = DEAD ToT
  6. eiheartx

    Thanks to M-H banner, I've checked this band with this PV, was pleased with what I've heard, so I downloaded DIStopping. I think they're very interesting.
  7. I should receive my megamasso's DVD today BUT as written : "Tax to be collected on delivery" NAAA STAAP FFS ToT

  8. eiheartx

  9. eiheartx

    Ah Ubisoft...as a WiiU owner, I feel very upset about this shitty company. Their declarations are disrespectful to us, I just can't. They said we don't buy their games? Maybe they should start releasing them complete and not with a delay of 6 month just to add a fucking map on the gamepad (hello Watch_Dogs). They need to start asking themselves the good questions. No mature games anymore for the WiiU? Oh wait a minute, we still need big N, we need to sell our crap Just Dance ! I wanted at first to buy Unity for PC but after their declarations and their disdain for the 'non-gamers' (ahah stop, just stop), I'll boycott it. Not even AC Rogue for the U.... Fuck you, Ubisoft you lazy fuckers (I call them Ubichiottes XD chiottes : crapper in french).
  10. eiheartx

  11. eiheartx

    Your cartoons are adorable !
  12. eiheartx

    France, southwest, near the Atlantic ocean. It's shitty and full of tourist on summer (= rent's prices are insanely high all the year but especially on summer. some don't hesitate to rent only to September-June at a ""low"" price and then you fuck off elsewhere with your stuff because the location of July-August will increase, like 1500€/week). You need to drive 1h to go on the big city (Bordeaux). No one rarely come here to give music concerts (it's always Paris or Lyon).
  13. eiheartx

    Great. I propose you a few stuff (maybe not at all what you're looking for XDD). I'm starting with one of my fav band, kHz: L'AME IMMORTELLE knows how to make good intro too: Astarte : Saturnus (if you love violin, you should like this one) : Enter Shikari with 'Stand Your Ground' : Virgin Black - Weep for me : If you want a sweet atmosphere with piano, violin etc, you should check Dark Sanctuary's songs.
  14. eiheartx

    Might you be interested by some kind of interludes or instrumentals experimental ?
  15. eiheartx

    The wait is over *-*
  16. eiheartx

    The Qemist
  17. Ooooh why so much instrumentals, I HATE instrumentals >.< i'm good with an intro/outro but instrumentals, nope.
  18. It's not a problem of tone; but these two have a powerful voice which suits their own music. LG's vocalist sounds so soft, this is what bothers me. They have a heavy sound with a powerless vocalist. :/ I was enjoying the music and when the voice arrived, I was disappointed. But it's my own feeling, I didn't say he was shit. I just don't feel it.
  19. Welcome here, have fun with all the lovely members of M-H
  20. The music is really good but I have a real problem with the vocalist. His voice is just so...soft. It doesn't suit the music imo. The PV has good effects.
  21. dafuq ! Hope it'll be good songs, and not songs that are there for filling.
  22. this quote totally sums up what I wanted to add here xDD I don't believe it in any way but still I read it (why? I just don't know). But I do believe that our sign characterize our personality and sometimes it appears that it's the truth (for example, it has been said that the Libra cannot choose; I am Libra, I am the same, and this can take so many proportions, that's horrifying. XD)
  23. brace yourself, Majora's Mask is coming! That's a great news, when you see the insane price of the N64 game today (I've never been able to play to it because of that).

    1. Biopanda


      Kind of a bummer that they're rereleasing one of the worst zelda games but w/e :<

    2. eiheartx


      @panda a worst? really ? :/ Some say it's the best Z ever created (my preference still goes to OOT tho)

    3. Biopanda


      Probably OOT or ALTTP for me. I tried playing MM recently with my waifu, but we both got bored and quit after a while. It just didn't seem to have the same "spark" that some of the other zelda games had.

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  24. eiheartx

    dat thread. I bring you megamasso : Gou: INZARGI: Ryohei: He has surely a bit a makeup on this one, but I bring you this photo, which is very different than usual :
  25. KAMIJO is only 39. If you want to add him, you should add ASAGI too.
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