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Everything posted by eiheartx

  1. eiheartx

    -50% on Amazon France yesterday on every platform, and only this day, I couldn't resist!!
  2. eiheartx

    Heeey mais j'ai été modo là-bas, sur Natsuki, et sur cette période (enfin peut-etre pas 2005 mais jusqu'à 2009 c'est sûr)!!! C'était quoi ton pseudo? Moi c'était Reddish!
  3. eiheartx

    Salut à toi !! T'inquiète on fait plus ou moins des fautes nous les frenchy mais on est pardonné xD +1 pour les JV, fais péter ton gamertag xDD Have fun!! We're good people xD
  4. I'm sadly not in Japan so I couldn't be of any help, but I just wanted to say that I kinda admire your devotion and how you're ready to throw a lot in this release. I think some of us here can relate to this. I sincerely hope you'll be able to find someone who will purchase it for you. Or at last, it will eventually show up on closetchilld or puresound and you'll be ready to import it via FJ or whatever the shopping service you'll choose to do it. Good luck!
  5. What an awful shot xD The background is good but damn, Koichi is not :/
  6. eiheartx

    SuG - I was a fan, I bought every releases, even their first live DVD super limited or something (I can't quite remember today xD) and then I got bored, it went downhill, I sold everything. XD I continue to enjoy songs like Vi-vi-vi (so fun) and butterflY BoY but they are basically out of the map for me today. I even tried BLACK because everyone here was super hyped, and it did nothing to me (I should have post this in 'explain the hype' thread tbh). I did enjoy uwakimono's EP tho, it was solid. I really don't know what to expect from them and I don't want to bother. Serial NUMBER - I gave up after I got my 01 teach album. They were one of my favourites, and this album and what come next was a huge disappointment. Plus, Kazune left and he was my favourite member ;-; and then everyone left yolo. I know they've kinda refined their sound on their two latest EP but still, it's not as appealing as before for me. Maybe their next album will fulfill my expectations? Otherwise, I'll just stick with my old stuff. ゾロ (Zoro) - I was an fan, a late fan so I missed some limited releases but whatever, I managed to get everything until Core (included). Core was already so-so, and what come next was a giant wtf. I dropped Zoro. I still have an immense pleasure to listen to APOLLO, or COSMO. I still hate Tatsuhi, that will never change xD I can't stand this guy xD 彩冷える (ayabie) - the struggle, like Vidoll (after Deathmate -included-). When you love the vocalist but can't bear the songs he's singing because it's shit for you, you know what I mean? this. Oh it's not only VK? Well, Paramore, Within Temptation, Dover - they're S.H.I.T today.
  7. eiheartx

    So tempted to get the type B, its cover is so pretty....emotions is in there, good news! I guess I'll make my decision when the samples will be out. edit: dang, the RIP preview is amazing! so addictive! edit 2: yolo, I bought it xD
  8. eiheartx

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY @pinkmakona
  9. eiheartx

    SO HAPPY!!
  10. holy crap! I guess all types are on my wishlist xD
  11. The photo is super cool. But I hope these black & blue parkas are only for the photoshoot xD
  12. eiheartx

    ^The EP bloom!
  13. eiheartx

    I can personally totally relate to this. <3 You all know how much I love Ryohei, he's my favourite musician, and with him on ayabie, well, they were more VK, they were...different. I can't complain for its departure tho, since he created megamasso and I am thankful for that. But dammit, these old time, that was something! Songs like daikei, da-gi-e ... are probably their best heavy/VK songs. That said, I'm exactly like you, @Seimeisen. I was expecting something better from 彩冷える, and the beginning was promising (I own a few things from this period). I started to gave up entirely with the TheME single (I can't even remember its name), it was for me the breaking point. Which saddened me because, I love Aoi's voice, and even more today, because years after years of practice, he's better. But his solo career was not what I expected too ;-; This is why I was so excited to heard that Aoi was collaborating with Ryohei once again. The main composer and the vocalist together again for a new ride, it was a dream come true, and the remakes of ayabie's old songs are stunning. I wouldn't be against a full remake album.
  14. eiheartx

    whut? what is this random poll xD I'm personally old ayabie all the way but, I really don't understand why did you choose these two bands? You put zero indications of your choice. Because they have nothing in common. Like, nothing. So, if you see similarities, please explain, I'm all ears.
  15. eiheartx

  16. eiheartx

    that's amaziiing!! what a great job, I knew you could do it , and it's been a success!! Do you take orders? I WANT A RYOHEI ;-; x'D More seriously, you shoud do more bandomen!! Let's keep the good work! I'm so admirative with people who can do something with their ten fingers, I'm incapable of doing shit u-u
  17. eiheartx

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY @colorfuljinsei
  18. eiheartx

    ^it's beautiful Dan!! Are you only drawing fruits btw?
  19. eiheartx

    Finally got TIMELESS with a sticker.
  20. eiheartx

    I was sure they would finish their setlist by playing OMINOUS is UNDYING a ballad too? hm. Anw, great news (but it's not a surprise tho, it's in their habits! This is something that I love with this band: whey they release a live DVD right after the album release, you can be sure it will their cover the album in its entirely. So no frustration.
  21. eiheartx

    Once again Royz deliver with an addictive song. These headbangs tho, what is this x'DD Is this song will be on S.I.V.A?
  22. eiheartx

    Finally here 1 month after my order, so efficient!
  23. eiheartx

    Got my package today finally. Feedback: 100% complete lack of communication, I wasn't a priority apparently since you took ages to send a single package for which I paid for on january 28th. You didn't kept me posted at all, you don't answer to DMs, and when you decide to bother write something, you take me for an idiot. I will not buy from you again and I will not recommend your inexistant service to anyone. Or maybe it was only with me? Don't answer to this btw, don't bother, I wouldn't derange you. Bye.
  24. eiheartx

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