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Everything posted by eiheartx

  1. eiheartx

    I need this. 100% excited. jdc of what everyone says, I love W_D.
  2. Do we need to be there to sign a receipt paper or it will be left on the mailbox? It's not easy when you are at work. I've got nothing yet, I can't wait tho. We've got no tracking for this shipment?
  3. eiheartx

    I'm here for this, instant-buy. It's about time. Please be as great as KINGDOM, don't fuck up ;-; btw, excellent new look, they're finally back. I was so done with their past outfits xD 3 types as always hum? Type C for me xDD
  4. eiheartx

    I succumbed too. CD/DVD version (I wanted Vakaren). Hard to get by now it seems, it was out of stock on Amazon.fr (and now it's available within 1 to 3 weeks, it might be sold out soon). On a side note; I own a lot of cds, I've seen a lot of album arts, but this artwork is probably the most beautiful one that I've seen in my entire life (I know Katatonia's artworks are always beautiful but this one omg). I also spent a lot of money on "old" albums lately (on amazon.co.uk), especially because 1) now they are cheap af, it's time for good bargains 2) I kinda enjoy more the music when the hype has faded (30STM for example, I couldn't stand them when TIW and LLF+D were out, all the fanatics everywhere and around them seriously put me off). No pictures because uh lazy, but there's a list with some blabla: What I've got for now: Architects : The Here and Now (shoutout to @Seimeisen did you listen to AOGHAU btw?) Architects : LF // LT Asking Alexandria : From Death to Destiny (should arrive today so let's say I got it already) BMTH : Sempiternal [deluxe edition] Guano Apes : Offline finally got these kickass albums! I've waited long enough for Offline (just in case they would drop a gold edition like they did with Bel Air) but they didn't, and since they're back in studio to record the next one -they are in a 3-years cycle between each albums-, it's the moment to buy it. fyi, I'm not a AA fan but this album is really good. I really love Danny's raspy voice. Tonight Alive : What Are You So Scared Of ? [deluxe edition] Tonight Alive : The Other Side Tonight Alive : Limitless I love punk pop TA but I must say, Limitless is brilliant. Good compositions and vocals on point. I wouldn't mind if they continue this way. What I'm waiting for (in transit for now): 30STM : This Is War 30STM : Love Lust Faith + Dreams My head is clear today, I'm in a good mood to discover these releases (minus Hurricane that I know and love already). I doubt they'll surpass the self-titled tho, this release is still one of my favourite and surely their best album. BMTH : That's The Spirit I really enjoyed this album, but maybe because I don't feel the betrayal like the majority does. Good songs and chorus which got me hooked. Weird because when Happy Song was out I hated it.. xD
  5. eiheartx

  6. Val, according to the tracking, the package hasn't been picked up yet by rarezhub? It's on hold since 05/24, what's happening? I hope the package will not going back from where it's from. "Tue, 24.05.2016 10:29 a.m./p.m. Germany, The shipment will be handed over to the customs office responsible for the recipient. The recipient can collect the shipment from there once he has received notification from customs."
  7. eiheartx

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY @melandollic
  8. eiheartx

    NOOOOOO HOW XDDDD This album is my favourite ;-; but I still need time to define if AOGHAU surpass it or no. You should listen to it and tell me what you think xD I doubt you'll like it but eeh, who knows.
  9. eiheartx

    Today is the day!! NB: these marks on the cd case, that's not a scratch it's weird (but I do have a scratch on the back tho, high five to the transporter -_-"). Also waiting for Guano Apes' Bel Air album, the special edition CD/DVD (it was cheap so why not, I need to complete my Apes collection asap). I really need to buy Architects' discography too.
  10. that's my man <333 Can't wait, I hope we will be able to hear something (and maybe an official release like mst).
  11. eiheartx

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Ito and @Aion
  12. eiheartx

    Finally got my stuff today, that was super fast!! In excellent condition, with obis, well wrapped, and with candies, yay! Thank you, and don't worry at all for the delay!! Would totally buy from you again!
  13. eiheartx

    Finally got The Solitude Songs and the Vidoll's old school compilation <3
  14. Finally got my stuff, that was fast and well wrapped. Sadly I cut the flyers a bit when I've opened the package xD Thanks for the DVD comment and the photo! Unfortunately, the cd cases are broken, thanks to the transport :/ It's not really a problem tho as long as the discs are intact, but it's too bad. Anw, good communication via email, with 2 shipping propositions (registered or normal). I would totally buy from you again, it was nice!
  15. eiheartx

    Royz album collection is now complete, thanks to nasugya ! aaaaand the best news of the day: I've placed my order for migimimi sleep tight 'The Lovers' EP on CDJ
  16. eiheartx

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY @anakuro
  17. eiheartx

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY @paradoxal
  18. The least important: bass. The most important: depends the music style. Guitar mostly, or synths/orchestrations. it could add a real value to the song.
  19. eiheartx

    You think they'll disband only for one song? xD You're hilarious.
  20. Care to explain your thoughts? Why do you say that? According to peko's twitter, they are currently filming an MV. I hope the album will be on sale on cdjapan, I really want it (it's so cheap tho, 7 songs for 1944yen!).
  21. A release, for real? An official one? I neeeed this!
  22. eiheartx

    eths. - ankaa [limited edition box set] I know, I said on a thread earlier I gave up on this band. But this album gives me hope and totally blow my expectations. Their best effort since Tératologie (ofc this album is still their best, it's hard already to beat that but ankaa is definitely close). I'll just intentionally forgot they've released the bland III earlier. Ofc it still has some flaws (I know them since the beginning so I can see/hear these things), but they are back on the right track (and thank god THANK GOD, no more clean vocals everywhere, they're using it again with parcimony and to actually add a value to the song; not like III where it's everywhere yolo jdc, it makes me just want to puke, it's just not them). Comes with a nice packaging, a digipack with an amazing booklet, a live DVD, and stuff. It was worth the price (28€ fyi) xD Really sorry for the wall of text. If you don't know them yet and you're curious about this -french, yay!- band, check this song and absorb the ambiance , or this one (they are more ambiance in this song than the entire album III xDDD).
  23. eiheartx

  24. eiheartx

    I bet it's more SANA, ex-MASK.
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