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Posts posted by eiheartx

  1. 43 minutes ago, Komorebi said:

    Ahh I had that problem too when I joined and I'm pretty sure I had to enable a configuration on my profile. Take a look at your settings, that might be it.


    Edit: You go on your profile, click "edit profile" and there's a button that says "enable status update" ;)


    You were right, it was disabled! Thank you komo' <3 

  2. iPod Classic. 

    I can't deal with the fact that they're dead now. It was the only portable player with such a big native capacity storage. I first owned a 120GB and when it died several years ago I bought a 160GB without hesitation (well, I had some problems in the end, but I bought another one anw, it was the best offer). When this one will die too, I just have no idea what I'm gonna take next, today they're nothing with heavy native storage for a reasonable price.

    When I look at Amazon, all that I see is brands that I don't know shit about (AGPTEK?) and when it's Sony it's overpriced (100€ for 4GB storage and 150€ for 16GB? b y e).

  3. We know for ages that they would go the pop route; they want to fulfill arenas now, and spread their message to a massive audience, so it's not really a surprise (what's surprise me the most are the comments about it, it's like people never heard warm smiles or others softer songs they made in the past, and that they were "that" heavy all the time from start to finish. bruh).
    I received my copy one day early and it's on repeat ever since, it's a banger. When Live Outside came out I hated it but damn, i wanna live outsiiideeee wouldn't leave me alone and I ended up singing all day the song. Now I love it xD Rou's been through hell and you can hear that.
    On serious thought, why is everyong hating on Revolt of The Atoms? Damn, am I the only one to love this song? Just, the lyrics, at first listen I thought he said "my long cock" (for the record, it's alarm clock), and I was like, why is he talking about his long cock wtf bro xDDD
    No need to talk about Rabble Rouser music video, it's shit and they should be ashamed to have released it to the public in the first place.

  4. Horizon Zero Dawn: holy cow. I'm so hooked by the story I just want to know what happened (I'm near the end tho :/). I do admit, I cried a lot xDD #myemotions

    Ghost Recon: so much fun, I love the game, except the "stop the car mission", so annoying when you start running to the mission point when actually the car is taking the opposite way xD I do have so minor bugs tho, for example I can't open the drone or the glasses (or I can't remove it, so I'm stuck with it until it runs out of battery -_-).

    BoTW: would love to start at last, but I'm waiting for a wii u pro controller (I can't play with the gamepad; usually I'm not that difficult but I can't reach the inventory and the Sheikah tablet so easily with my hand xDD I have to watch while doing it and it could be critical depends the moment). Still pissed they didn't use the gamepad for inventory tho (+ the game doesn't accept no name controller and I'm pissed (I've bought one in my local store who looks exactly like the Dualshock, and it's not working with the game and the local store refuse to refund me because it's an internet order but retrieve in store. And in my account it is said "no past orders". lol).

    :/ So, I'm still in the prelude stage. xD

    And soon...PERSONAAAAA. It will be my first Persona (unless you count Persona Q, great 3DS game).

  5. Oooh this is so cute! I personally like the colours, the green grass on the sides really add up, I love the blue pale too. And I love these eyes too, it's a nice change.

    Sorry I suck to give feebacks. I love your work anyway :D

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