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Posts posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. 2 hours ago, Atreides said:


    When you like music as a whole from all across the world but it's 'Japanese music', 'Korean music' 'Swedish music' etc. to your friends. Why bother trying?

    I meant to say that "anime" is not a genre. It's Japanese for "animation" :P But westerners made it into a genre.

  2. 7 minutes ago, sume7 said:

    eh, I'm indifferent about his model work. I've never kept up with modeling besides the occasional season of "America's Next Top Model" and I only watch that for entertainment.  lol But yeah I'd love to see him in another band and I'm not even against it being a pop band as long as it's not as generic as the crap he was playing in "REDMAN."

    I can so imagine him in a Japanese BigBang version. lol

  3. I heard this song while cooking with Youtube playing in the background, and I remembered this thread. Embarrased to say I totally forgot whose the composer of the original music and its name. This is pretty much a rap version of it, which I think is pretty hilarious and cool, song and video. The artist is Kreva (had done a collab with Miyavi).


  4. I think I finally met a guy who I want a serious relationship with, and appears to be willing to make it work. Even despite some language difficulties we have, and the distance. But I find it more exciting that way. 


    Let's see if that won't become a breaking factor...

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