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Everything posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. PsychoΔelica

    Nice depth of field! And the video quality on your cameras is awesome! I really like that second ski shot. Where is that from? Lovely rollerblading skills you got btw lol
  2. PsychoΔelica

    Your avatar seems to be too.
  3. PsychoΔelica

    I think BugLug's Masaumi is hot, although he seems to be the band's fashion victim I like him like this though. Also Ryo from Hollowgram/9GBO is really good looking.
  4. PsychoΔelica

    I'm not, but I expect someone who would actually consider a relationship with you might be.
  5. PsychoΔelica

    Sorry but I don't think you're very polite. I think that there are better ways to be outspoken without being offensive. You just sound immature.
  6. PsychoΔelica

    Banned because you haven't changed your avatar for as long as I remember.
  7. Anybody up for Cali Gari condoms?
  8. PsychoΔelica

  9. PsychoΔelica

    Would be curious to meet Hora without all his layers of makeup and bizzare outfits just casually walking down the street... lol
  10. PsychoΔelica

    A Change Would Do You Good - Sheryl Crow What's your favorite Hora song/track?
  11. PsychoΔelica

    So who is this guy and why is everybody friends with him?
  12. PsychoΔelica

    D'espairsRay – Kogoeru Yoru Ni Saita Hana
  13. PsychoΔelica

    I believe in the paradoxal
  14. PsychoΔelica

    I will mark this day only when he evolves into some other animal Btw are you all playing power rangers or something?
  15. PsychoΔelica

  16. PsychoΔelica

    Cute You need dat hairstyle.
  17. PsychoΔelica

    I think it's a good thing if we can laugh at past fashion trends, because then at least it would be amusing and could compensate for lack of musical talent or general appeal, as well as make you stand out (unlike some bands of today)
  18. PsychoΔelica

    So what if it will look ridiculous in twenty years time? Fashions are changing, but certain trends tend to come back every time. Even so I don't think the 80's were an example of good taste in general. Thus I'll reserve my right to joke at its expense.
  19. PsychoΔelica

    Sometimes, looking at 80s artists (such as The Rolling Stones for exmple) I wonder if those people were deliberately wearing clothes that were two sizes bigger than them and hanging loose like some trashbag. I'm seriously having a hard time not to laugh watching Mick Jagger swaying his ass in those godawful outfits. I doubt I'll ever understand the 80's fashion sense... lol I think I just got an idea for a new thread.
  20. PsychoΔelica

    For me their most memorable songs will always remain hakuchuumu and hakana hana. Although I do love some of the later music as well. But nothing quite compares to that feel for me. And I just adore that kind of jazzy stuff, which really compliments Yoshihiko's voice and they do so well.
  21. PsychoΔelica

    Agitated screams of maggots — Dir En Grey How's life?
  22. PsychoΔelica

    Never mind, luckily I found the pic elsewhere. Thanks guys.
  23. PsychoΔelica

    DarkWater, on 30 Apr 2015 - 4:57 PM, said: FIREFOX: right mouseclick > pageinfo =>media and look for the image. FIREFOX/CHROME: right mouseclick> page source=> Check for non official blogs: http://stat.blogskin.ameba.jp/blogskin_imagesOfficial blogs http://stat100.ameba.jp/p_skin/w_officialskin/ I still can't take it out. The layout probably uses css that brings the header image from another website or something. The links don't open either - says forbidden.
  24. PsychoΔelica

    I know, but that gives pretty shitty quality. I was wondering if there's another way to do it.
  25. PsychoΔelica

    Does anyone know if there's a way to save header images from ameba blogs? Or is it blocked in some way? I was trying to find the image url in the code but didn't see it anywhere. But I'd really like to use that pic for a drawing ref so I'd be happy for some help.
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