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Everything posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. PsychoΔelica

    No wonder if you don't add the name into the database
  2. PsychoΔelica

    Banned because I will always spot Divine Suzaku~
  3. PsychoΔelica

  4. PsychoΔelica

    Gay porn?
  5. PsychoΔelica

    Merry Happy Life
  6. PsychoΔelica

    I just can't draw anything, holy fucking shit. Must've caught this from someone
  7. PsychoΔelica

    Now I know who you remind me of!
  8. PsychoΔelica

    There aren't a lot of vk bands I still listen to, but out of those I miss 12012 - I haven't been following them too closely but some of their songs (opposed to the ones that are downright silly) are the perfect comfort food for me. They're one of these bands I wish I could see live. Siva - They had a way too short lifespan and made too little music, half of which was singles and mini albums with the same songs ~_~ And I miss seing Cell play bass, though I have a feeling we'll see him again (I hope so). Viored - same as above, way too short lifespan. Metronome - Even though I like the members' solo project I would die to see Sharaku and Fukusuke in the same band again :/ And of course Sugar and EllDorado.
  9. PsychoΔelica

    Fuck you.
  10. PsychoΔelica

    Why does kpop always get the best fanarts? Maybe I should start doing them too.
  11. PsychoΔelica

    Who's that crazy jap?
  12. PsychoΔelica

    NoGod IV-Tasha Philosophia
  13. PsychoΔelica

    Chihiro Onitsuka sounds a little grannyish here but it's a nice cover overall. There's no YT video but you can hear it here Original:
  14. PsychoΔelica

    What's the point?
  15. PsychoΔelica

    For vk covers of non-Japanese stuff you can check out this thread. http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/index.php/topic/30722-japanese-covers-for-non-japanese-songs/page-1
  16. PsychoΔelica

    RENTRER EN SOI MUCC Dir en grey Onmyo-za 12012 Polter Geist Vivalet Koan deadman Schiller
  17. PsychoΔelica

    I just thought, maybe that's why there aren't a lot of VK girlbands, haha.
  18. PsychoΔelica

    Banned because you keep complaining.
  19. PsychoΔelica

    Best thing to sleep naked Better ask why do they always keep their makeup on. Who in their right mind does?
  20. PsychoΔelica

    Too bad. I thought it was nice.
  21. PsychoΔelica

    Yo. Is Batsu still alive? Last time I checked it was kinda quiet in there.
  22. PsychoΔelica

    Banned for coming here~
  23. Happy birthday, FryPan :)

  24. PsychoΔelica

    I once was offered to shoot one and I refused. Is there life after death?
  25. PsychoΔelica

    I find you annoying.
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