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Everything posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. PsychoΔelica

    Why does Youtube always put in video playlist (upcoming) things I did not ask for when I gave it a specific band? This is so annoying. I wish there was some way to filter this.
  2. PsychoΔelica

    And don't forget to dye yourself black.
  3. PsychoΔelica

    Looks like there's gonna be a sandstorm. It's impossible to breathe already.
  4. PsychoΔelica

    I hardly listen to any Japanese music anymore. Let alone any of those new wave vk bands.
  5. PsychoΔelica

    I just don't understand you - Röyksopp Why are you so happy to see me?
  6. PsychoΔelica

    My pen tablet seems to have a mind of its own. I guess computers taking over the world is not such a fiction after all.
  7. PsychoΔelica

    After hours of angsting she saw that moping was not going to help her cause, so she decided to take an active approach. Until the next episode. Blablabla
  8. PsychoΔelica

    Duck Sick
  9. PsychoΔelica

    Not team sports. But I work out and do gym classes. Do you have any online friend you wish you could hang out offline with?
  10. PsychoΔelica

    ElDorado – 腐海
  11. PsychoΔelica

    No, I'd rather get paid for throwing them away. Do you think you're intelligent?
  12. PsychoΔelica

    Thank you @sairensu Though I must admit I still don't understand what does it mean
  13. PsychoΔelica

  14. PsychoΔelica

    Kinda. Would you follow me on Instagram or Flickr?
  15. PsychoΔelica

    Stupid Boy - Keith Urban Would you like to live forever?
  16. PsychoΔelica

    cali≠gari – -踏-
  17. PsychoΔelica

    Finally watched Perdo Almodovar's Talk to Her. I remember seeing movie posters back when it was out in the cinemas here, but I suppose back then I thought it was bullshit and it didn't interest me. But now I see it in a totally different light. Overall tt's a really touching movie, and a bit weird in places, but I really enjoyed it, even though I did cry at certain moments. This is also my first Almodovar movie, and now I feel like watching some more of his work.
  18. PsychoΔelica

    Testing wip fullscreen.
  19. PsychoΔelica

  20. PsychoΔelica

    *raises a brow*
  21. PsychoΔelica

    None of them. What song would you play to your potentional lover?
  22. PsychoΔelica

    Tokami :<
  23. PsychoΔelica

    So, did Marco find his mommy?
  24. PsychoΔelica

    I agree that it feels different. But CDs seem like such a redundant media nowadays. On the other hand buying digitally allows you to support the artist in some way (though one can always just download). As for booklets, for me they have no great value at the end of the day. Sure it's nice to have an art to look at, but when I can't at least read what it says I eventually lose interest and the box just ends up collecting dust somewhere. So idk, lol.
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