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    clear1985 reacted to niwlun in What are your favorite manga?   
    jojo's bizarre adventure is the greatest manga of all time for me. dragon ball, monster, and one piece are A+ as well!
  2. Like
    clear1985 reacted to nick in What are your favorite manga?   
    GANTZ has been my #1 top favorite manga so far. Still nothing can surpass it.
    I'm not quite a big fan of anime/manga though.
  3. Like
    clear1985 reacted to Original Saku in What are your favorite manga?   
    Lol Naw air gear Manga is amazing, 10x better than the anime with that awful anime only ending that doesn't have anything to do with what happens in the Manga. Plus Ito "OH GREAT" Ogure is an amazing mangaka, can't wait for him start a new project since air gear is over.

    Plus air gear has anime Obama! I'm not shitting you, I'm for real.... Some of the most hilarious panels I've seen in a Manga
  4. Like
    clear1985 reacted to Gaz in What are your favorite manga?   
    air gear manga is so awful D; almost that awful as kenichi. though, AG anime was pretty cool. 
  5. Like
    clear1985 reacted to Muma in What are your favorite manga?   
    I tried Air Gear but just couldn't get into it i'm afraid > < I know someone else who has had a similar experience
    And I'd forgotten about Ajin!! Definitely need to start that one up again
  6. Like
    clear1985 reacted to Original Saku in What are your favorite manga?   
    How about Air Gear? anyone?
  7. Like
    clear1985 reacted to Kaye in What are your favorite manga?   
    There's lots of great ones but I guess some of my faves should be

    Death Note
    Nabari no Ou
    Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna
    Dogs Bullets Carnage
    Considering this one is still ongoing, I'll keep it away from my main list but I've come to really love Tokyo Ghoul. Started Deadman Wonderland and Ajin recently and they seem really promising too.
  8. Like
    clear1985 reacted to Nyasagi in I will miss her so much...   
    Really? I wasn't sure about that, but I had some bad experience with people and I had to work on myself. If you have an addictive personality, you should enjoy spending your time alone, do what makes you happy, without other people. Once you stop needing anyone to feel good, it should help. I do get attached myself, so I know that it's good to keep some distance, in case something bad happens.
    You seemed very disappointed she rejected you, and kept asking if the whole nation acts like that. To me, it looked like having expectations, that she should have said yes, then blaming her for being Chinese when she said no. That's why I mentioned the "expectations" part. It's not about asking someone out, but rather about dealing with the rejection. When someone says "no", you may feel bad about it, but it's better to get over these feelings. Like I said before, every person has their own right to decide, so unless they're obviously mistreating you (in general, not in this specific situation, because rejecting a person isn't any kind of abuse), you can't blame them for anything and you have to deal with your feelings alone (so it's better to not be bitter about anything, it doesn't help you to be happy).
    Even if you loved to talk with her, there are many great people around you, for sure. Just enjoy their company . Not dating anyone isn't bad, you have lots of freedom.
  9. Like
    clear1985 reacted to Nyasagi in I will miss her so much...   
    That's because this thread is full of drama .
    I agree with Tetora. Meet some new people and move on. I'll also add: Next time don't get attached too much to anyone, because people will always disappoint you when you do (and hurt your feelings again). Don't have any expectations towards anyone either, it's frustrating to the other person (I know this is difficult, but others have their own will, so you have to set them free to treat them well).
  10. Like
    clear1985 reacted to Tetora in I will miss her so much...   
    So many other people out there esp. if you are anywhere near Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, etc...
    Time to get some digits, meet some new people and move on.
    Good luck brah.
    (Side-note, ppl love this thread, every-time I drop in there are so many ppl viewing it).
  11. Like
    clear1985 reacted to Tokage in What are your favorite manga?   
    20th Century Boys
    Junji Ito's stuff
    Gantz (like Gaz, minus the final arc. FUCK that shit)
    Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
    Suehiro Maruo's stuff
    Kamen Rider Spirits
    Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
    The Drifting Classroom
    Some of Shintaro Kago's things are great as well, some of it is a bit too extreme for my tastes
  12. Like
    clear1985 reacted to Gaz in What are your favorite manga?   
    One Outs
    Neon Genesis Evangelion
    Elfen Lied
    Gantz (besides that last arc, ugh)
    Buraiden Gai
    Death Note
    Gambling Empreror Legend Zero
    Liar Game
    Hajime no Ippo
    Gintama (have yet to read from the very beginning but already know that it'll be one of my favorite manga ever)
  13. Like
    clear1985 reacted to Jigsaw9 in What are your favorite manga?   
    I'm very picky with anime and manga, so not a whole lot:
    Ghost in the Shell by Masamune Shirow
    Uzumaki by Junji Ito
    20th Century Boys by Naoki Urasawa
    Suehiro Maruo's stuff
  14. Like
    clear1985 reacted to togz in What are your favorite manga?   
    I guess right now would be the deadman wonderland manga
  15. Like
    clear1985 reacted to Flame-X in What are your favorite manga?   
    I'm gonna break this up into 2 categories choosing my top 10 in no particular order.
    Akame ga Kill
    Ubel Blatt
    Itoshi no Karin
    Komomo Confiserie
    The Legend of Maian (3+ years no update x_x)
    To-Love-Ru Darkness
    Futari Ecchi
    Minamoto-kun Monogatari
    Hayate The Combat Butler
    Absolute Boyfriend
    Chibi Vampire
    Velvet Kiss
    Love on the Job
    Maid Sama!
    How to Go Steady with a Nurse
    The Flowers of Evil
  16. Like
    clear1985 reacted to stylelover in What are your favorite manga?   
    Theres so many good mangas, so thats kinda difficult for me. Also i dont really like comparing entirely different genres.
    The first thing that came to my mind is Holyland, though. Reread it quite some times.
  17. Like
    clear1985 reacted to Original Saku in What are your favorite manga?   
    One piece! duh.
  18. Like
    clear1985 reacted to Tetora in What are your favorite manga?   
    Badass manga:
    Gantz, Dogs Bullets Carnage, Fist of the North Star, Jojo, The World is Mine, Loveless, 青のExcorcist, Reborn, GTO, MPD Psycho (character has same name as me, yesss, but a different kanji), Gundam Ecole du Ciel, Macross TRASH, Devilman, Astroboy, etc...
  19. Like
    clear1985 reacted to Muma in What are your favorite manga?   
    Is there any particular type of manga you like reading?
    More on the horror side, I guess some things by Junji Ito especially Gyo, and by others there's Gantz, Hideout and Terra Formers (although i've not caught up and it's not finished, I appreciate the amount of research gone into it). And there's also works by Kago Shintaro
    Don't know how to describe these, but of things like Oyasumi Punpun and Eden: It's an Endless World. Kind of have melancholic themes runnign through an average persons head. Eden is slightly less 'normal' due to the post-apocalyptic theme.
    Don't know if I described these right but yeah > < i'll elaborate if you want when i'm less tired and more eloquent
    Then there's the shonen-ai section with Let Dai.
    Made me cry so much you have no idea, I had to leave it a month before I could finish the last three volumes 
    I guess bigger ones could include One Piece, Fairy Tail, Claymore and of course, the new star, Toukyou Kushu xD
  20. Like
    clear1985 reacted to Nyasagi in I will miss her so much...   
    Quoting sucks here, so I'll just number the replies to the paragraphs I quoted.
    1. Maybe she doesn't want to date? Not all people are interested in it (temporarily or permanently).
    2. Lol, when I'm really not interested, I'm really not interested. Don't assume things. In some situations women may change their minds, but it isn't always the case. When someone is totally not my type, I won't change my mind, no matter what. It depends on the person, don't push anyone into anything just because you think they may do what you want, eventually. This is wrong.
    3. If I was your boss and I noticed you manipulate me, I'd calm down, smile, thank for the compliment and give you more work.
    4. That's creepy. Don't talk to girls like that, dude... unless you're dating someone for a long time and you're very close. Marriage and shit? I'd run away if someone did that to me, unless I was really attracted to the guy, but she obviously isn't attracted to you, so you probably scared her away by that.
    No offense, I may be wrong (because it's just the internet), but you sound a bit clingy in your posts and assume you can solve everything by complimenting people. While compliments are nice, they're worth anything only if you're honest, not when you're using these as a method to get what you want. That's not what compliments are for, really. Sometimes you just can't get something. Sad, but true. Everyone has the right to decide for themselves and you shouldn't get bitter about it. That's not about their nationality, but about the right to make their own choices.
  21. Like
    clear1985 reacted to Rize in I will miss her so much...   
    Well, from my view, I think you need to know each other better before asking her out like that.
    When she says no, it stays no. No good to ask her again when she clearly says she doesn't want.
    I think she likes to be good friends first, so 1# build a well friendly relationship up before doing anything else.
    Once you took the time and make her comfortable around you, I think asking that would be easier but idk. ^^
    Also, I don't think it has something to do with being chinese or something...
    But well, every girl is different and has their own view in life.
  22. Like
    clear1985 reacted to CAT5 in I will miss her so much...   
    I know this is the internet and everyone has a license to be an asshole, but let's try to behave with a little decency and respect here? Thanks
  23. Like
    clear1985 reacted to Tetora in I will miss her so much...   
    Okay, that is important info that you left out.
    Yes, it is a sensitive issue, there are big issues there concerning family, society etc..
    But in any case, this is not something you should be thinking too hard into, you cant worry about what her family thinks if you never even went out with her, move on.
    In the meantime, I suggest changing your approach up...
    You seem to be going at this from a 'getting her to go out with you' perspective. I advise changing it to this:
    Approach girls with the intention of making friends and getting to know someone. If you find out enough to have an interest, and you give that person enough to have genuine interest in you, then instead of trying to set up a date, get their number to hang out, or go grab a bite to eat and get to know each other better.
    Then go meet up, get to know each other, and if there is something there, then you will see the opening and it will turn into a date, if not, then you are either just going to be friends, or go your seperate ways on a good note.
    If she turns it down completely, then move on, plenty of other interesting people to meet.
    Dont try and turn a good friendship into something else, dont ask girls out on dates without developing interest before hand, and dont keep asking, it just makes people uncomfortable and wont go in your favor.
    Hanging out first and seeing if it is something you both want to pursue is a better way of avoiding any culture barriers.
    Good luck brah.
  24. Like
    clear1985 reacted to TrentReznor in I will miss her so much...   
    well seing the full picture it could be really a "chinese" girl thing...in China is not easy for a chinese girl have a japanese boyfriend...so that may be also a strong reason...even if she likes u, once she starts thinking about what family and friends are gonna say...
  25. Like
    clear1985 reacted to nullmoon in I will miss her so much...   
    It isn't a Chinese thing. Simply put, if a girl is nice to you it doesn't always mean they like you in that way. She probably just wanted to be friends and felt annoyed because you didn't see it this way.
    She's most likely not talking to you because you'll get the wrong idea and ask her out again
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