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Ada Suilen

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    Ada Suilen got a reaction from Tetora in ViViD will disband   
    This wasn't needed...
    Even if they could seem pop-ish i think that this is really bad...
  2. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to akiko in ViViD will disband   
    I knew about them since they released Take-off, and their disband is very sad news. They were incredible in visual kei era, but for me their music changed since BLUE, and from that time they're not the same band anymore. Latest releases were ok, but nothing special.
  3. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Rosebetz in the GazettE 2 DVDs release   
    Ruki looks STUNNING.
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    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in PENICILLIN cover album "Memories~Japanese Masterpieces~" release   
    PENICILLIN cover album "Memories~Japanese Masterpieces~" will be released at 2015/03/18 (2 TYPE)
    limited edition (4,104yen) will include CD+DVD, and regular edition (3,240yen) will include CD only
    [CD track list]
    01.天城越え(amagigoe) -PENICILLIN ver.- (石川さゆり/ishikawa sayuri)
    02.北ウィング(kita wing) -PENICILLIN ver.- (中森明菜/nakamori akina)
    03.桃色吐息(momoirotoiki) -PENICILLIN ver.- (高橋真梨子/takahashi mariko)
    04.異邦人(ihoujin) -PENICILLIN ver.- (久保田早紀/kubota saki)
    05.夢の途中~セーラー服と機関銃~(yume no tochuu~sailor fuku to kikanjuu~) -PENICILLIN ver.- (来生たかお/kisugi takao)/(薬師丸ひろ子/yakushimaru hiroko)
    06.飾りじゃないのよ涙は(kazari janai no yo namida wa) -PENICILLIN ver.- (中森明菜/nakamori akina)
    07.シルエットロマンス(silhouette romance) -PENICILLIN ver.- (大橋純子/oohashi junko)
    08.1/2の神話(1/2 no shinwa) -PENICILLIN ver.- (中森明菜/nakamori akina)
    09.プレイバックPart2(playback Part2) -PENICILLIN ver.- (山口百恵/yamaguchi momoe)
    10.なごり雪(nagoriyuki) -PENICILLIN ver.- (イルカ/iruka)
    11.愛のメモリー(ai no memory) -PENICILLIN ver.- (松崎しげる/matsuzaki shigeru) (included in regular edition)
    [limited edition DVD track list]
    01.天城越え(amagigoe) (PV)
    02.SOL (PV)
  6. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in NoGoD best album "VOYAGE~10TH ANNIVERSARY BEST ALBUM" release   
    their best album will include 2CDs (including new song and re-recording ver. of previous songs), and first press will be in special package and enclose subscription ticket for their 10th anniversary campaign
    [DISC 1 track list]
    03.最高の世界(saikou no sekai)(Re-recording)
    04.万国深層大サァカス(bankoku shinsou dai-circus)(Re-recording)
    06.Raise a Flag
    08.STAND UP!
    10.THE POWER
    [DISC 2 track list]
    04.浮世ROCKS(ukiyo ROCKS)
    05.絶望、バイバイ。(zetsubou bye bye)
    07.downer's high!
    09.啓発フラストレス(keihatsu frustress)
    13.この世界に見放されても(kono sekai ni mihanasaretemo)
  7. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in 凛(lin) new maxi single "Memento-Mori" release   
    it is announced at 凛(lin) one-man live "Genesis of Empathize FINAL-追想録(tsuisouroku)-" at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/01/25 that their new maxi single "Memento-Mori" will be released at 2015/04/15 (1,944yen), for which special LIVE+comment DVD will be enclosed if purchasing through their official web-shop (30 minutes)
    [track list]
    02.Cross Pageant
    04.Memento-Mori~Scene of curtain fall...~
    btw they will hold their free one-man live "Memento-Mori~Embrace of Utopia~" at Shinjuku ReNY at 2015/05/31
  8. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to pawzord in GREMLINS new album "MAD THEATER" release   
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    Ada Suilen reacted to Seraphinne in ADAMS new album "SEXPLOSION" release   
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    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in 摩天楼オペラ(matenrou opera) new maxi single "ether" release   
    [track list]
    02.Round & Round
    03.蟻の行進(ari no koushin)
  14. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in VAASTU new maxi single "I REMEMBER" release   
    VAASTU new maxi single "I REMEMBER" will be released at 2015/03/01 (2,160yen), which will include CD (3 songs) only
  15. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to BrenGun in Tokami - Luminescence   
    Another Starwave Records Release.
    I follow Tokami since they joined Starwave Records, but I felt in love with them at 2012/07/13 after seeing them live.
    This is their first release with guitarist and composer Kazuha and because of him they have improved their music even more.
    CD tracklist
    01. Addicted Lover
    02. Sayonara no Hate ni Ame ha furite
    03. Luminescence
    For me it aren't songs to headbang on but more to dance very wild. However the first song also let me think a bit of dieS album "VICTIM".
    All 3 songs are wild and fast. Heavy rock feeling but totally no headbang feeling for myself (which will be different for many I guess )
    All 3 songs have a similar way of melody they really fit each other to play this single over and over again. \Agato's voice has truly improved if you compare it with their last mini-album.
    It also let me think a bit of "CELL"  mix of dieS and CELL.
    I don't really know what to write more about this single. I really like this single. I will buy this single on a CD soon enough. because its worth the money.

    If it was maybe a bit more Heavy I would have given it 5 stars
    Well check it out HERE
  16. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in 慟哭~doukoku~ new album "慟哭世界(doukokusekai)" release   
    慟哭~doukoku~ new album "慟哭世界(doukokusekai)" will be released at their presents live "慟哭世界(doukokusekai)" at Meguro LIVE STATION at 2015/03/13 (3,240yen)
  17. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in BORN 3 live-limited singles release   
    BORN live-limited single "GOD COLLAPSE" (TYPE A) will be released at their live at Nagoya ell.FITS ALL at 2015/03/28, their live-limited single "GOD COLLAPSE" (TYPE B ) will be released at their live at OSAKA MUSE at 2015/04/09, and their live-limited single "AWAKENING OF PERSONALITY" will be released at their live at Shinjuku BLAZE at 2015/04/26 (1,600yen each)
    "GOD COLLAPSE" TYPE A [track list]
    03.the fragrance noise
    "GOD COLLAPSE" TYPE B [track list]
    03.MAD whistle
  18. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to sebbivism in sukekiyo new mini album "vitium" release   
    VITIUM will be released in Europe, however release date and other details has not been revealed/decided yet. Release company is Okami Records.
  19. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in Nimo(ex-A(エース)) new solo cover album "RHAPSODIA~Dolce Vita~" release   
    [track list]
    碧い瞳のエリス(aoi hitomi no eris) (安全地帯(anzenchitai))
    強く儚い者たち(tsuyoku hakanai monotachi) (Cocco)
    この夜を止めてよ(kono yoru wo tomete yo) (JUJU)
    au revoir (MALICE MIZER)
    君をのせて(kimi wo nosete) (「天空の城ラピュタ」(tenkuu no shiro laputa))
    部屋とYシャツと私(heya to Y-shirt to watashi) (平松愛理(hiramatsu eri))
    and more
  20. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in BIOSPHIA best album "BIOSPHIA-BEST SELECTION-" release   
    BIOSPHIA best album "BIOSPHIA-BEST SELECTION-" will be released at 2015/02/25 (3,780yen)
    [track list]
    05.Silent sorrow
    07.deep grief
    09.Desperate End
    10.Lost ideal
    11.TRUE CRY
    15.暴レ狂ウ詩(abarekuruu uta)
    16.Suicidal Diva
  21. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in aki+TAG live-limited split EP "SPLIT EP EARLY 2015" release   
    aki+TAG live-limited split EP "SPLIT EP EARLY 2015" will be released at their live at Ebisu club aim at 2015/02/06 and at Nagoya CLUB ZION at 2015/02/11 (2,160yen)
    [track list]
    01.aki - SIGNAL-Desert Town- Rise-up Re-Mix
    02.aki - TONIGHT Wake-up Re-Mix
    03.TAG - Cruelty
    04.TAG - B.a.G
    instrumental tracks
    05.SIGNAL-Desert Town- Rise-up Re-Mix
    06.TONIGHT Wake-up Re-Mix

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    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in アルルカン(arlequin) new maxi single "ジレンマ(dilemma)" release   
    it is announced at アルルカン(arlequin) one-man live "カルぺ・ディエム(carpe diem)" at LIQUIDROOM ebisu at 2015/01/18 that their new maxi single "ジレンマ(dilemma)" will be released at 2015/02/25 (2 TYPE)
    TYPE A (1,944yen) will include CD+DVD (including "ジレンマ(dilemma)" PV), and TYPE B (1,620yen) will include CD only
    [CD track list]
    03.白い鬱(shiroi utsu) (included in TYPE B )

    btw they will hold their one-man live tour "アンチヒーロー(anti-hero)" since Kanazawa AZ at 2015/06/06 and up to tour final at Shibuya Koukaidou at 2015/08/09

  24. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Jigsaw9 in VELVET EDEN new mini album "Blanc et Noir" release   
    VELVET EDEN will release their new mini album "Blanc et Noir" on 2015/03/25. It's limited to 1000 copies, price is 2500Y and it comes with a 12-page booklet.

    Design/bandpic: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10353180_814157821964536_5237085692475337796_n.jpg?oh=14b249d151a070f854a954391c964cef&oe=553752A0&__gda__=1429347625_a30fc1ec79fc2e16053171db32c6812a
    yayyyy can't waittt~
  25. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Trombe in ex-DELUHI members new band "Far East Dizain" new single "DIZAINIZE-EP" release   
    ex-DELUHI members new band "Far East Dizain" new single "DIZAINIZE-EP" will be released at 2015/04/08 (2 songs, 1,080yen)
    "Far East Dizain" members:
    Vo.Keita (ex-CodeRebirth-->KISSBULLET(support))
    Gt.Leda (ex-Amulet*-->Galneryus-->DELUHI-->UNDIVIDE)
    Ba.Яyu (ex-TweiT)
    Dr.Sujk (ex-DELUHI-->UNDIVIDE)
    they will hold their first presents live "Far East Gathering" at Shinjuku ReNY at 2015/04/18 and Jupiter & Far East Dizain 2-man live "Rhapsodia Concertante" at OSAKA MUSE at 2015/07/03, at Nagoya ell.FITS ALL at 2015/07/05 and at Shinjuku BLAZE at 2015/07/11

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