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Posts posted by Shir0

  1. Why u didnt came?! ;W; 

    I just stalked u.. LIKE I WOULD LOVE TO GET A PIC WITH U XDDDDD <3

    They are my babys ;e; Sorry D: 

    -And probably way to big for you XD- 

    but thanks for the compliment °^° :3



    Too far awaaay D;

    lmao yeah I noticed it XD and awwh YEEES let's take a picture together (when I might be able to come) next year! <3 :DD


    awh D: yeah that might be true XD love them tho *~* and you're welcome ;D

  2. 11391229_437984349696615_887294600834733


    Since Rin {How do I tag him ?oWo]

    Asked if it's hard to match ma clothes ~

    Yesterday was da Japanday in Duesseldorf nd thats ma outfit huehue~ 

    The HighHeels are 20cm high if anybody wonders 8D 


    OMG you wore this on the Japanday *__* ??? damn it I should have come too then just to see it myself lol so fabulous! pleeease give me your high heels D;

  3. ummm who cares, they barely released anything and like honestly i won't even mind not hearing from them until a first full LP drops, w/e


    as you can see some people do, me included. Yeah they might have not released very much so far but the songs we already heared from them are great imo and I want to hear a lot more especially after MIMIC I'm curious to see how things will develope from here


    I hope TenTen fully recovers soon and MBHI will be back asap

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