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Posts posted by Shir0

  1. This makes me smile & almost cry in so many ways hah

    The post is sad but also very touching how he writes about his close friend, wishing Tohma & D.I.D all the very best



    We’ll do our best
    So to those who’re coming on the 22nd,
    Let’s go wild like never before!
    If there’s any problem with the livehouse because you guys are too wild,
    I’ll go down on my knees and apologize to the owner for you
    So don’t worry about anything.
    Because the members and the fans altogether are D.I.D.
    call our names from the pit of your stomach until your voice breaks!


    God I love you Akane

    may they rock this last live I wish I could attend it's sounds like it's gonna be SICK

  2. Why is it that you always come up with the things you wanted to say when it is already over like it hit you so hard at that moment & there's just so much on you mind so you end up changing the topic & a few hours later you're like "oh I could have.....nvm don't wanna bring this up again"


    With [APOCALYPSE], Satsuki will show us a new side of his personality, new approaches on his way of using his technical vocal skills. He worked for the first time with European producers (ENOS IS BACK) in order to give a new vibe to his songs and that particular « progressive metal » touch. This opus can be considered as a new era for Satsuki, the « future ».


    omg now I'm hella excited for this

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