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Everything posted by Shir0

  1. Agreed! this is exactly what I appreciate about Kageboushi it feels like it's been a while since I last looked forward to an Arlequin release, both songs are great!
  2. Oh yeeeees awesome look + Issei!! I'll definitely check them out
  3. Shir0

    seeing PITTY without his pigtails feels strange lol
  4. Shir0

    sounds and looks very cool I'll definitely keep an eye on them!
  5. Shir0

    Yaay! new DIAURA stuff is always welcome
  6. Shir0

    tbh I liked genki's voice.. but I can't complain their new vocalist sounds okay so I'm fine with it although that MV spot was mediocre "2. despair's ray" an homage to Despa?*rising expections*
  7. Shir0

    Samee I miss them </3 & No he didn't only Kaede did
  8. Tenten should become an adidas Ambassador I LOOOVE how he modified his red track suit lol most badass VK baseball team u'll ever seee
  9. not sure if it's because I didn't listen to them for months but this sounds unexpectedly nice. It's been a while since I was looking forward to an Arlequin release
  10. @sume7you almost gave me a heartattack with this topic title!!! XD already thought it might be about disbanding or going on hiatus lol well I hope he (who ever got sick) gets well soon!
  11. sounds interesting 2 singles on one day I'm looking forward to it!
  12. Shir0

    Looking good <3 I always love KYTK shoots
  13. YES they're playing in Munich awesomeee
  14. uugh get well soon Haru I do not dislike this idea [2]
  15. Shir0

    looks like he saw it coming too
  16. Shir0

    haah I'm actually excited for this!
  17. Shir0

    Daamn what a line up D: can we make this real? edit: nvm I thoughts it says Yuuki on Vocal ugh
  18. Ugghh that sucks I hope he gets well soon D:
  19. Shir0

    Not a fan of this filter either but I like the song instrumental wise, his voice is okay too so all in all it's not bad IMO
  20. Shir0

    nooo again? D:
  21. Shir0

    It's not that bad tbh sounds like they're worth a try!
  22. ^ I'm pretty sure they mean in literally lol Heeeellyeeees can't wait for previews!
  23. Happy Birthday @Elazmus!

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