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Everything posted by Aferni

  1. Aferni

    LOL I'm immensely butthurt right now so i'm gonna vent. Angsty piss fit You who does wrong with no guilt and no remorse, deserves death. Please disappear so I can have back the shred of the life you made me waste on you, You who smiles within your wrongdoings and your lies, please swallow your own tongue and choke. Asphyxiate yourself, smash your skull open, play in traffic. Please locate a freeway, then proceed to jump onto the concrete below head first and splatter. Please place within your reach a razor, please proceed to slice the sensitive spots. Hit a vein. Please do your best to bleed out. Blow your brains out. Gouge your eyes out, Suffer slowly, please burn. Incinerate. Boil. Dissolve. Die.
  2. Aferni

    Thank You, I'll say goodbye soon. Though it's the end of the world don't blame yourself..now And if it's true, I won't surround you, and I won't give life to the world, That was our own.
  3. Live Limited.....okay. Just....ok..... WHY IS EVERYTHING BECOMING LIVE LIMITED.....
  4. MEJIBRAY Members: Vo. Tsuzuku (綴) (ex-ruru → DIS → VanessA (as Genki)) Gt. MiA (ex-Valcuria → フルリレロ → トゥーン工場) Ba. Koichi (恋一) (ex-maifure → mimikku → VanessA) Dr. METO (メト) Tracklist: 1.) パラダイム・パラドックス 2.) VICTIM(ism) 3.) Negator NEGATOR RATING FOR THIS SHIT: ★★★★★ out of ★★★★★ ⚠WOAH, "TRIGGER" WARNING!!!!!111⚠ I Often use risque and vulgar language and tend to be immature, if you don't enjoy that then please turn around and exit, you have been warned! Basically what I'm saying is, if you are gonna start hooting and hollering n shit then go on and turn around bby, OTHER THAN THAT ENJOY THIS REVIEW! Ебена мать am i right? No ok. BUT YEAH, this release is just right. Like not having work on a friday and getting stoned at 7:00 am outside in the morning mist. It's just right ok? ok. Although I really wish Tsuzuku's clean vocals would go back to how they sounded when Mejibray was better I really love this release and his voice in this release. パラダイム・パラドックス, the title track didn't really appeal to me at first, but as I gave it a few more listens....the shit bangs. Crazy right....I actually love this single.....what is wrong with me? NOTHING LOL BOI WTF U THOUGHT MEJIBRAY PUT THEIR THINKING CAPS ON WHEN THEY MADE THIS LITTLE NUMBER. I actually like the harsh vocals in the beginning, it's pretty amp, along with the low singing and the growling. The fucking chorus is nice, like I said and will continue to say....I miss his old vocals yeah but hey he can hit some nice ass keys. One thing I don't like though is MiA's solo's...they all seem to sound the same these days...we get it MIA you can fucking shred like a spin dash across grass but listening to you shred all the damn time like you snorted a unemployment line of coke is kinda boring....and the fact that he's always wearing the same outfit. Meto is on point like always tho cause meto is bae. Koichi's bass lines are coherent and thick as always. The track ends abruptly though so it's kinda weird at the end. Onto Victim(Ism)...oh god this is so delicious...its so fucking cute and fun it actually made me want to dance. It's mellow tones and it's progression is to be admired....this song feels very nostalgic and old school Mejibray-ish. An instant classic, I actually want more tracks like these, no crazy failed vibrato, no unfitting pig rape squealing, no cocaine shredding. Just something that sounds like it should be in a video game or something. NEGATOR TIME LMAO...(This is gonna be in all caps so yeah, forgive me while i fucking gush over this) THIS TRACK IS JUST MNGHHHHHH, THE WAY IT STARTED OFF FUCKING BLEW ME AWAY I WAS HEADBANGING ALL OVER MY ROOM (small as it may be..). It's so aggressive, it's so guttural sounding, its heavy, and I like it. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want more tracks like this and Victim(ISM). Over all I believe this and VENOMS.app are Mejibray comebacks...they are placing out solid material. I really didn't care for Eiki but Nepenthes, パラダイム・パラドックス, and VENOMS...especially VENOMS are diamonds. I'm hyped for SECRET NO.3, so yeah *buys a ticket and boards the Meji-Train* bye bye now <3 xoxoxoxxo If you ain't heard this yet go check this shit out, like right here: http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php/topic/37692-mejibray-paradigm-paradox-20151007/?hl=mejibray And support the band, buy the releases, buy merch and go to the lives. Enjoy yourself but not before you enjoy them, oh no oh no oh no.
  5. Aferni

    omg forgive my half sleeping fingers xD LOADING WEEBENING TYPE:TBS Weebening progress bar at 80% █████ 80% [S]TRIPPER [S]TRIPPER [S]TRIPPER [S]TRIPPER [S]TRIPPER [S]TRIPPER
  6. Aferni

    may I w e e b aswell o' paradokkusu sama? lul
  7. Aferni

    emmy is master race.
  8. Aferni

    mfw live limited tbs album
  9. BRUH.....THAT SPOT MOVIE can already tell that the pv is gonna be fucking turnt AM LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS RELEASE. PARADIGM WAS PRETTY NOT SHITTY(even tho the title track got repetitive at some parts along with MIA always shredding like hes on heroin or some shit) but yea LETS GO SECRET NO.3
  10. PART 1: The Band’s Formation 儿-JIN-:“I thought that, if I could, I wanted to make a band where I could express myself even more than in my previous band, so I began looking for members. ” ――When did your band form? 儿-JIN-:We formed the first of this month and officially began activity in June, so it’s been about four months since we started. ――Please tell us about how your band formed in more detail 儿-JIN-:After my previous band decided to disband, I thought that, if I could, I wanted to make a band where I could express myself even more than in my previous band, so I began looking for members. There wasn’t really anyone that fit, but then Rena, who was a junior at my previous company, came and told me that he wanted to be in a band together, and then from there we started branching out. Then when my previous band broke up, we started looking around Tokyo, and met a considerable amount of people up until now. RENA:It really was a long time, huh? (Laughs) 儿-JIN-: First we decided on Len as our drummer. When we saw him doing sessions and lives, the way he drummed was really cool, and when we talked to him, he told us that his group was disbanding, and from there it was a smooth decision. It wasn’t exactly an act of fate or anything (laughs). 煉-LEN-:Nope, just a normal meeting and I just decided to do it (laughs). RENA:Jin was like, ‘So, he a was a good drummerー!’ And me,‘Okay, okayyy, I got it!’ We kind of decided like that. 儿-JIN-:At that time, we had already decided on one guitarist, but we wanted to have twin guitars so we began looking for another. But, we were having a hard time deciding, and while we were looking around, the guitarist we had already decided on got invited to another band, and temporarily we were stuck almost being a blank sheet again. That was during the summer of last year, but since the beginning of this year we decided on two guitarists we liked. ――How did things turn out that way? 儿-JIN-:I was introduced to Makoto through a mutual acquaintance, but our plans didn’t really match up and it took a long time before we were able to get to the studio to get our sounds to fit. RENA:I was also made aware of Makoto’s existence, but all I knew was that he was good-looking (laughs). 儿-JIN-:It’s not like I was choosing members just because they were hot or anything. I thought that it would be good someone who had cool stage presence, and when I met Makoto for the first time, I felt like he had a good aura because he had a good appearance and presence about him, so from that I wanted to be in a band with him. At that time, Makoto hadn’t even seen a picture of the band, and he was taking the stance of trying to do a live first before he decided anything, so he had only half made up his mind then. Itsuki was also introduced to me through an acquaintance, but my friend said, ‘It looks like he’s already made a commitment to another band, so it might not work out.”I was feeling like, “Are you serious right now…”when, without even consulting Rena, I went drinking at my kohai’s bar. I admit I got pretty drunk, but I found his blog and without even having met Itsuki or knowing his contact details, I sent him a message saying “I’d like to talk to you once if that’s okay.” RENA:Looking at his pictures you can tell he’s a hottie (laughs). I guess that’s where we go from 儿-JIN-:Well, after I had done that, I got a reply back from him really quickly. I’ll let him explain the rest (laughs) 樹-ITSUKI-: When I opened the message, I noticed that ‘UNDERCODE_JIN’ was written in the address, and I was like, “This is Jin from NEGA!! Why is he writing me?” (laughs). At the time I had already decided on another band, but I was like, “I wanna try being in a band with Jin!” So I replied right away, and I guess that’s how it all happened (laughs) ――You didn’t know from the start that your mutual acquaintance was introducing you to Jin? 樹-ITSUKI-:I had no idea. 儿-JIN-:Seriously?! It’s my first time to hear this ――So when you got the message it was like, “Why is Jin from Nega messaging me?!” (laughs) 樹-ITSUKI-:Yes (laughs) 儿-JIN-:That’s surprising. I thought you knew. ――So, if you hadn’t sent him that message when you were drunk, you wouldn’t have what you do now. 儿-JIN-:There’s that, and there’s also the fact that my blog got deleted on January 6th, so if he had written back even one week later we wouldn’t be in a band together. (laughs). It was a really significant, fateful meeting. And then, when we were on our way back from the studio, he said, “I’ll do it!” For me it was only a temporary decision, so I was like, “Huh?!” (laughs) RENA:When we met face-to-face for the first time, he was really nervous and jerked around a lot, so at first I thought “Wow, this guy is really serious.” But really he wasn’t serious at all (laughs) 樹-ITSUKI-:I was so nervous when we met face-to-face for the first time. I think everyone remembers it, but I couldn’t get anything down besides drinks. RENA:When we asked him, “You don’t eat anything when you drink?” he was like, “I don’t….” But now he eats normally (laughs) 儿-JIN-:Now I can say this because things are different now, but the first time we went to the studio, the way he played guitar wasn’t very cool …. ….. (laughs) 樹-ITSUKI-:You pretty much said the way I held my guitar was “fundamentally unsophisticated” (laughs). 儿-JIN-:But since I had invited him, and because he had said “I’ll do it!”, it seemed like, “Well, if he has that much motivation, may as well.” So with that feeling, we did a secret live jokingly named, “Session Band TBS ※ The Vocalist’s Final Decision.”Before, I didn’t like doing session bands, but it seemed like doing a session band would be kind of fun if we could do our own original, catchy songs. But, even during rehearsal the day before the show, Itsuki’s performance still wasn’t very good … … . RENA:The two of us were talking about it like, “Uhm, is he gonna be okay as a member?” (laughs). 儿-JIN-: So, that day at the studio we talked to him. We told him in a way that was comparatively strict, “Tomorrow is the real deal, so you don’t have to be so conscious of every little detail, but do try to think of things a little more from a fundamental standpoint.”I think if it was any normal person, if they had been given such harsh criticism, they would have been really put down, or maybe even angry, one of the two. But he really handled it so maturely. 樹-ITSUKI-:After Jin told me, it was the day before the live, but right up until the day of the live itself I studied at home, watching videos on Youtube, and whenever I thought “Oh, this is good!” I was determined to try to imitate it, and spent the whole time doing stuff like that (laughs). 儿-JIN-:I had no idea he was practicing so much, so when were doing the show, and I caught a glance at him, I thought, “Huh? He’s getting cooler” (laughs). I’ve been doing bands for a long time, but I had never seen someone who changed so much in a single day. 樹-ITSUKI-: Well, I was like, this isn’t good. I was happy Jin invited me, but I was like, he doesn’t get what I’m capable of yet (laughs) 儿-JIN: For me, I had been blank for about a year, and had developed a strange confidence from somewhere, so I thought that so long as I had this blankness I could keep going. But if I tried to take the lid off, I thought “Huh? I can’t work as much as I thought, there’s no way I can do this.” But then, here was this guy who could improve so much in one day, so he really motivated me by trying so hard, and it made me as happy as if it had been myself who had done it. Actually, I think it’s safe to say that If Itsuki hadn’t joined, I don’t think Makoto would have agreed to, either. ――At that point, Makoto hadn’t joined yet, right? 誠-MAKOTO-:For the time being, I wanted to wait until we had done a live once, but I didn’t particularly want to join. I didn’t know what kind of staging everyone wanted, and I had my own set conditions regarding that ….. ….. . But, once we started recording, and I heard Itsuki play, I thought “Ah, this kid is good! If he agrees to join I want to, too!” 樹-ITSUKI-:This is the first time I’ve heard that (laughs) 誠-MAKOTO-: So when I heard him say, “I’m gonna join!” I was like, “oh, really” (laughs). credit for translating go to : http://tbs-tws.tumblr.com/
  11. A LIVE DIST ALBUM WOULD BE completely horrible HORRIBLE on another note im gonna need previews
  15. 儿:ๅ༼ THE BLACK SẄAN༗ ‏@TBS_JINOfficial Sep 26View translation Drum RECへ。 色んな意味で難易度の高い曲だけど、曲に魂を吹き込むドラムを期待しています。 頑張れ猫パパ。
  16. Aferni

    Looking back on 2012..LMAO GOOD GOD I WAS FUCKING WEIRD
  17. Aferni

    Isnt he the same Gaku that was in Halienju?
  18. Demo Ep Release! 10.31.15~! "独我論の死 Vol.1" [track list] 01. 溺れる魚 02. サバト 03. 深海ゾーン
  19. Aferni

    very...generic....generic look too..
  20. Aferni

    Maybe Kisaki's Blood.
  21. Aferni

    I'm quivering with excitement....I cant wait for this. this is gonna be a ten star album I already know it..
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