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    hitsuji-hime reacted to Flash-Fab-Supernova in ViViD will disband   
    Next Related Topic: "Ex-ViViD and Ex-THE KIDDIE members new band.
  2. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to Trombe in ex-クリシュナ(crishuna) & ex-Crucifixion members new band "FerrisWheeL" has formed   
    new band "FerrisWheeL" has formed in 2015/01
    "FerrisWheeL" members:
    Vo.セイラ(seira) (ex-AVYSS-->Mally doll-->R.E.D-->LOVELESS-->Lily de reves-->MISSA-->Lily project-->Existence-->クリシュナ(crishuna))
    Gt.クジャ(kuja) (ex-Shellde:vice-->ロザリー(rosary)-->DeathMania-->BLOODY VALENTINE-->MISSA-->Crucifixion)
    Gt.オリ(ori) (カストリ(kastori), romelya(オリコシ/orikoshi))
    support Ba.楼(rou) (ex.-sai--->Crucifixion)
    support Dr.ユスラ(yusura) (ex-GRiST-->MaRiLL(support)-->クリシュナ(crishuna))
    Ba.楼(rou) has opened his new twitter
  3. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to Trombe in Ray(ex-NEGA) new band "Dead Children" will form   
    they have finished shooting of their PV and artist look

  4. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to inartistic in Call Me members new band "ペンタゴン(pentagon)" new album release   
    Exactly, GOEMON ain't stupid. That shit's sure to sell out, and you can tell that GOEMON is planning on it since this is called "first press CD only edition"
    Edit: although I will say, they show an interesting mix of ARLEQUIN/AvelCain/osa pop aesthetic in their PV. I think it's a pretty successful mashup
  5. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in 凛(lin) new maxi single "Memento-Mori" release   
    They're also not on PLUG RECORDS' sublabel anymore or something.
  6. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to nekkichi in ViViD will disband   
    oh like come on, their recent music was bland as hell.
    most of them will be back before the end of this year with a bunch of new stuff.
  7. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in ViViD will disband   
    This was clearly predicted in the Da ViViD Code.
  8. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to ricchubunny in ViViD will disband   
    Seems like IV will retire from music, this makes me so more sad. Damn. 
  9. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to ricchubunny in ViViD will disband   
    ViViD announced they'll disband on 04/29 after their concert at Yokohama Pacifico Hall
  10. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to Trombe in new band "Sherella" has formed   
    they will commence their formal activities at their presents live "Fiction impossible Mad ingranaggi~廻る歯車はまるで唄うかの様に(mawaru haguruma wa maru de utau ka no you ni)~" at Abeno ROCKTOWN at 2015/04/17, at which their live-distributed single "空の時間(kara no jikan)" will be released
  11. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to Seimeisen in Merry - NOnsenSe MARkeT   
    [header]MERRY - NOnsenSe MARkeT[/header]

    [header]Rating: | Who (or what) is MERRY? ... THIS is MERRY:[/header]

    01. iNtO the mARkeT 08. Zombie Paradise ~地獄の舞踏曲~
    02. NOnsenSe MARkeT 09. Carnival
    03. 東京 10. Station 07
    04. 自意識過剰型木偶人間 11. 千代田線デモクラシー
    05. ZERO -ゼロ- 12. 梟
    06. 暗闇にピンク 13. Unreachable Voice
    07. Hide-and-seek 14. 群青

    If anyone asked me about MERRY, I would show them “NOnsenSe MARkeT.” This is the definitive MERRY album! Not only is this album representative of MERRY as a whole, it pulls off quite a few things that don’t commonly work in Visual Kei. From the very first tracks, “iNtO the MARkeT” and “NOnsenSe MARkeT,” we have: an introduction that segues beautifully into the second track, beautiful acoustic guitars that don’t sound too poppy and in fact, add to the atmosphere (You’ll hear more in “Unreachable Voice”), and we get some fine-tuning and maturing of their previous sound from (the less than stellar received) “Beautiful Freaks.”
    This album is full of throwbacks to their past styles, giving us some “現代ストイック” (Generation Stoic) vibes, a few “M.E.R.R.Y.” vibes, a little bit from “nuケミカルレトリック” (nu chemical rhetoric), and so on, while ultimately refining the sound of their previous effort. In Visual Kei, it’s not uncommon for a throwback or continuation to yield something stale, or perhaps “uninspired,” and perhaps that continued sound becomes another on the long list of (unwritten) definitions for that… “G” word (generic). But on this album, MERRY manages to show remnants of their past while keeping things fresh.
    In Visual Kei, it also seems uncommon for bands to modify a recent sound for the better. If you didn’t like “Beautiful Freaks,” do not turn away from this album. The songs on this album are much more interesting and engaging, and the overall “package” is more cohesive.
    One thing that contributes to the greatness of each song is the flow of the tracklist, and hearing each song in the midst of another. When I first heard “ZERO -ゼロ-” in late 2013, I completely dismissed it, despite instantly falling in love with the previous single “梟” (Owl), but hearing that song on this album made it a more enjoyable one. Although I will say, that pseudo-reggae break in the middle of the song had me cringing.
    Let’s talk about Hide-and-Seek for a bit. It’s got a ‘surf-meets-’60’s jazz club’ kind of vibe, with emphasis on the jazz club, all the way down to the way all the instruments were equalised in production (just for this song); it sounds a bit like a live recording that took place at a jazz club. The song is also a rare example of how you can create one song, that can remind the listener of another (SID’s “妄想日記”), without it sounding like a carbon copy or ripoff.
    Some more honourable mentions include the segment of the album from “暗闇にピンク” (Pink in the Dark) to “Carnival.” These are just damn fun songs, and overall give a similar kind of vibe. These songs are essentially the party of the album, especially “Zombie Paradise ~地獄の舞踏曲~” (Tango from Hell). After the party ends, you go to “Station 07” and take a train home… the rest of the album still has some energy, but it effectively winds down. And “千代田線デモクラシー” (Chiyoda Line Democracy) is just catchy as fuck, with the melody and that accordion.
    I am about to eat my words about one song…
    I thought that the album ending with “群青” (Aquamarine) was going to be bizarre, and leave the album unfinished. But when I read @*littlelamb’s comment about the song having a strong message to stay positive and hopeful, I kept an open mind. “群青” as an ending is not as bizarre as you may think. It does give you that sort of “to be continued…?” feeling, but it doesn’t feel wrong. It doesn’t leave you frustratingly thinking “where’s the last track??!!,” but instead, it leaves you anticipating MERRY’s next chapter. It’s saying, “this is where we’ll stop… for now. In the mean time, keep your head up!”
    Every time I listen to the album, it doesn’t feel all that “experimental,” but in hindsight after listening, there are quite a few things that I can think of that would count as “experimental.” So maybe this album does have those moments, such as the Halloween dance track “Zombie Paradise ~地獄の舞踏曲~,” and the vintage sounding “Station 07” - “千代田線デモクラシー,” but the album isn’t scattered, or disjointed. The album is very cohesive and the tracklist flows quite nicely.
    Honestly, I am highly impressed by this album, and am already considering it my favourite MERRY album. While I can’t say I’ve listened to a single album in their back catalogue as much as I have this one, I see this turning out to be their most memorable. If you want some material from a band that’s been around for awhile that can say “yeah, we still got it!,” listen to this album! If you’ve heard of MERRY, but haven’t really been engaged into their sound, listen to this album! If you’re new to Visual Kei, and wanna try out another cool band, listen to this album!

  12. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to Yukami in 凛(lin) new maxi single "Memento-Mori" release   
    Do not be surprised that Mana appear in a PV 'surprise'  
  13. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to inartistic in 凛(lin) new maxi single "Memento-Mori" release   
    There was no hiatus, that was mis-translation
  14. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in 凛(lin) new maxi single "Memento-Mori" release   
    They just stopped recording what they were working on because the person who was producing them died, but obviously they picked up where they left off a little later and finished up. Lin could still potentially not release anything new until they find a new sound producer, but I don't think they intended to halt all live activities for any extended amount of time.
  15. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to Trombe in 凛(lin) new maxi single "Memento-Mori" release   
    it is announced at 凛(lin) one-man live "Genesis of Empathize FINAL-追想録(tsuisouroku)-" at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/01/25 that their new maxi single "Memento-Mori" will be released at 2015/04/15 (1,944yen), for which special LIVE+comment DVD will be enclosed if purchasing through their official web-shop (30 minutes)
    [track list]
    02.Cross Pageant
    04.Memento-Mori~Scene of curtain fall...~
    btw they will hold their free one-man live "Memento-Mori~Embrace of Utopia~" at Shinjuku ReNY at 2015/05/31
  16. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to Trombe in the:Ø will disband   
    SET-LIST at 2015/01/23:
    SE.When I see the elephantman fly
    01.The PURGE
    04.Drama queen
    07.distance of...
    08.アメニウタエバ(ame ni utaeba)
    01.The PURGE-unplugged ver.-
    01.The PURGE

  17. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to Trombe in 凛(lin) re-recording mini album "Recollection of Phoenix" release   
    SUI session "PSYCHOSONIC SHAKE" SET-LIST at 2015/01/23:
    01.Shutting from the sky (L'Arc~en~Ciel)
    02.予感(yokan) (L'Arc~en~Ciel)
    03.DUNE (L'Arc~en~Ciel)
    04.As if in a dream (L'Arc~en~Ciel)
    05.flower (L'Arc~en~Ciel)
  18. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to Manic in Unkown / underrated / not so well-known VK bands~   
    I'd like to introduce the not so well-known visual kei bands. Usually these bands don't have contract with any label, and they put their songs on youtube, that people can listen. Some of the bands have some single, which are may available at some shop, but mostly their stuffs are hard to get buy, if you're overaseas fan (they are my guilty pleasures)
    I hope, you will listen them, and think: "oh yeah, they aren't bad, pretty listanebale" - well, then i'll be happy
    Kochou no yume
    Kochou no yume formed in 2011 April by ex-Rugia(g)Gram members. Interesting, they have 2 vocalist! I can't wait to hear them *o*
    Their sample could be listening on their official youtube channel. Sounds like a touhou-genre game, isn't ?
    Vo.: Reika
    Vo.: Nao
    Gu.: Ruri
    Gu.: Mel
    Ba.: Miu
    Official YouTube channel


    Levia formed in 2010, and released their first single (Fairly Scale) on 7th July 2010. Their 2nd single (wich was live distibuted only T_T) released on 28th September 2011, and their 3rd single will be released on 2011 Winter.
    Vo.: Kousei
    Gu.: YO-
    Dr.: TAMO
    Staff blog
    Official YouTube channel
    Their singles could be listening on their YT channel btw
    A song of their first single

    (hard riffs/solo - oshare eastethic vocal - me gusta)
    A song of their econd single

    nice song~ ^^

    They music style is similiar to Moi dix Mois/Lacroix Despheres/Sito Magus~ (deep vocal like Gackt/Juka, organ, synth, aristocracy look~). I don't have too many info about them, they formed in 2008, led by guitarist Mogu, and Vocalist Micaiah. They have so many mini album btw. I don't know how popular this band, but they are active now, so...
    Official YouTube channel


    Ranmal is a five-piece visual kei band, formed in 2010, they are led by vocalist Pu-ta (yes, she's a girl). They first demo was released on 4th June 2011, and their first single on 8th October 2011.
    Vo.: Puta
    Gu.: Rion
    Gu.: 蓮火
    Ba.: Kei
    Dr.: Tsubaki
    Official YouTube Channel


    Siva Lize is the new band of vocalist SEIK (ex-C'yga-St.LAY), formed in January 2011, and held their first gig at Nishikujou BRAND NEW at 2011/02/08.
    Their first single "GILTY/Semishigure" was released on August 30. 2011. Random fun fact: Look wich bands/singers do the members like (fortunately (?) their music doesn't sound like Eminem/Gaga)
    Vo.: SEIK
    Gu.: KENZO
    Gu.: NARAKAI
    Ba.: 斗-Hakaru-
    Dr.: CANTA
    Official YouTube channel


    ピーカーブゥ (peek a boo) is a visual kei band,, which formed on May 11th and had their first live on June 27th
    BTW members have a session band, called TATSUKI
    Vo.: Tetsuhito
    Gu.: Yuuna
    Gu.: Tatsuki
    Ba.: Tama (she's a girl)
    Official YouTube channel


    Vo.: Hayato
    Gu.: Fuyumi
    Ba.: Shou
    Dr.: Yuhi
    Members blog
    Official YouTube channel


    Shiva formed in 2010 (i think), and released 3rd mini~ They are pretty good, the vocalist has nice voice, just listen to their 3rd minis preview
    Vo.: Hashiki
    Gu.: Kaoru
    Ba.: Yuuki
    Dr.: Shige

  19. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to Crube in random thoughts thread   
  20. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to Crube in random thoughts thread   
  21. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to leighla in メルヴェル(melvel) Dr.かずや。(kazuya) will depart & Dr.ひょうが。(hyouga) will join   
    I can't believe how much this band has gone through. That image they have is completely outdated too. Mirumo replaced his twin broth Miru back in September and they both have health problems. Now the drummer has left and is getting replaced. I feel so much sympathy for them. :/
  22. Like
    hitsuji-hime got a reaction from Hoyahe in Current pictures of old vk guys   
    You've got it!

  23. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to Trombe in DADAROMA live-limited mini album "dadaism#1" release   
    it is announced at DADAROMA one-man live "DADAROMA" at Shinjuku RUIDO K4 at 2015/01/11 that their live-limited CD (type & title not yet finalized) will be released in 2015/02, although details have not yet been announced
    btw they will hold their free one-man live "PROPAGANDA OF DADAROMA" at Shinjuku BLAZE at 2015/07/13 and their 1st anniversary one-man live "HIERARCHY 5" at Shinjuku BLAZE at 2016/01/12
    SET-LIST at 2015/01/11:
    01.「溺れる魚」(oboreru sakana)
    07.モルヒネ#1(morphine #1)
    08.モルヒネ#2(morphine #2)
    09.モルヒネ#3(morphine #3)
    10.腐ったミカンの方程式(kusatta mikan no houteishiki)
    11.ベルカとストレルカ(belka to strelka)
    01.KIDS WAR
    02.腐ったミカンの方程式(kusatta mikan no houteishiki)

  24. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to Yuuze in D'SKO band name change to "ヴァニキル(Vanikill)" & Gt.Mel will join   
  25. Like
    hitsuji-hime reacted to Trombe in D'SKO band name change to "ヴァニキル(Vanikill)" & Gt.Mel will join   
    D'SKO will change their band name to ヴァニキル(Vanikill) after their presents live "D'SROCK Festival★今夜もグイッと狂いまShowTime!!" at Birth SHINJUKU at 2015/01/23, at which Gt.Mel(ex-PigmyGhoul-->DirmuNot-->Rugia(g)Gram-->MELISSA-->胡蝶乃夢(kochou no yume)-->Vice) will join the band and their live-distributed single "絶望メルト(zetsubou melt)" will be released
    their new CD (type & title not yet finalized) will be released in 2015 spring, although details have not yet been announced
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